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Author List
- No value -
Carol-Ann Saari, MD
Safe prescribing (3)
Johanne Sabourin, RPT
Incontinence in older adults: The role of the geriatric multidisciplinary team
Sukhmeet Singh Sachal, MPH
Culturally effective care to improve racialized health inequities
Leslie A. Sadownik, MD, MEd, FRCSC,
What is the most appropriate age to start screening women for cervical cancer?
Provoked vestibulodynia: A qualitative exploration of women’s experiences
Ramesh Saeedi, MD, PhD,
Lipoprotein(a): Why is it important?
Lisa Saffarek, RN, BScN
Breathing easier from home: Home health monitoring at Island Health
Michael Sagar,
Hollow-bore needles and you
Todd Sakakibara, MD
Development of an interdisciplinary student-run health care clinic
Tala Salaheddin, BSc (Hons)
Professional interpretation service accessible to all community specialists in BC
Ernest Salcedo
WorkSafeBC billing tips
New agreement between Doctors of BC and WorkSafeBC
WorkSafeBC resources for community physicians
Tamara Salih, MD, FRCPC
Falling through the cracks: How service gaps leave children with neurodevelopmental disorders and mental health difficulties without the care they need
Davide Salina, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Pulmonary amyloidosis presenting as lung cavitation with bronchiectasis: A case report
Amy Salmon, PhD,
Collaborative community-prison programs for incarcerated women in BC
Ramona Salvarinova-Zivkovic, MD, FRCPC, FCCMG,
Mitochondrial disease clinical manifestations: An overview
Anthony J. Salvian, MD
Getting misty
Dr Salvian replies
Pig in a poke
Forced retirement
Passing the Liberal baton
Stepping into the fray
Social contract not honored
A world worth living in
Crime and punishment
Taking a proactive role on social issues
Role models
Role of the College
Curve balls
Grazia Salvo, MD
Has kratom come to BC?
Janette Sam, RTR
BC Cancer Lung Screening Program: Insights on a risk model–based approach for primary care providers
The influence of breast density on breast cancer diagnosis: A study of participants in the BC Cancer Breast Screening Program
Information for physicians discussing breast cancer screening with patients
Area-based disparities in breast cancer screening participation in British Columbia
Re: Discussing breast cancer screening with patients. The authors respond
Breast cancer screening in British Columbia: A guide to discussion with patients
Nadeesha Samarasinghe, MD
Chasing a moving train: The general surgery workforce versus population growth in British Columbia, 2012–2022
Hasina Samji, PhD, MSc
Last in line: Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health and well-being of young adults in BC
Mental health and well-being among pandemic-era youth in British Columbia: Risk and protective factors
Darryl P. Samoil, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP,
Re: BC Health Authorities Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
Sharadh Sampath, MD, FRCSC
General Surgeons of British Columbia launches province-wide peer mentorship program
Prevention and management of complications after bariatric surgery
The effect of intensive preconditioning and close follow-up on bariatric surgery outcomes: Does multidisciplinary care contribute to positive results whether a gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy is performed?
Weight bias—the last accepted form of discrimination
Guest editorial: A nonsurgeon’s guide to bariatric surgery
Olivia Sampson, MD, CCFP, MPH, FRCPC, ABPM
Diagnosing and treating contact dermatitis
WorkSafeBC and your patients with workplace injuries: Frequently asked questions
Just-in-time assistance and outreach for managing WorkSafeBC patients
WorkSafeBC resources for community physicians
Workplace exposure to rabies
Blood and body fluid exposures in the workplace: Scenarios you may encounter in your clinic
WorkSafeBC’s multimodal approach to chronic noncancer pain management: New hotline for physicians
Re: WorkSafeBC and your patients with workplace injuries. Authors reply
New methadone dosing: Overdose dangers
Gathering your feedback: Are you interested in joining our WorkSafeBC Medical Advisor Seminar Series?
Occupational diseases and taking an occupational history
Re: WorkSafeBC’s multimodal approach to chronic noncancer pain management. Authors reply
Cold stress and outdoor workers: Safety considerations for your patients
Recognizing, preventing, and managing workplace impairment
Performing a return-to-work consultation for patients with a workplace injury or illness
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)—changing epidemiology and workplace considerations
Shubhayan Sanatani, MD, FRCPC
The long QT syndrome: Half a century of electrophysiology
Postmortem genetic diagnosis of long QT syndrome in a case of sudden unexplained death of a young child: A case report and overview of regional guidelines for genetic testing
D. Sandberg, RRT,
Home oxygen therapy in British Columbia
David Sanders, MD
An unusual finding from fecal immunochemical testing: A case report
H.D. Sanders MD
Re: More reefer madness
Sandy Sanders, MD
Re: Rejuvenated image
Davinder K. Sandhu, MD
Dr Marcia E. Prest, 1952–2022
Manbir Sandhu, MD
BC Society of Allergy and Immunology statement on the climate crisis
Samantha R. Saravana-Bawan, MD, FRCP
Ultrasonographic findings and treatment in heterotopic cesarean scar pregnancy
Gayl Sarbit, MEd,
Tobacco reduction resources
Jason Sartor, MD
Dr James Hugh Goldie, 1937–2017
Gordon Saunders, MD,
Re: Focus on health, not weight
Shushila Saunders, MHA,
Provincial tuberculosis screening for incident dialysis patients in BC
Laura Sauvé, MD, MPH, FRCPC
The changing epidemiology of syphilis in BC
Reimagining congenital cytomegalovirus care in British Columbia
Impact of school closures on learning, and child and family well-being
Jacqueline Saw, MD, FRCPC
The use of intravenous gamma-globulin in acute dilated cardiomyopathy
Amber Sawkins, MSW, RSW
The WorkSafeBC Critical Incident Response Program: A resource for you and your patients
Channelle Sawyer
Common mistakes in insurance planning on your own
Protect your practice and family: When to review your insurance needs
Critical illness for spouses
Hind Sbihi, PhD,
Establishing a link between antibiotics and asthma in early life
Susan Scarrow, MD,
Atypical antipsychotics, schizophrenia, and cardiovascular risk: What family physicians need to know
Michael Schachter, MD,
BCPRA education course for GPs
David F. Schaeffer, MD, FRCPC
Updated guidelines on colonoscopy surveillance
Martin T. Schechter, MD, PhD
The health care and fiscal costs of the illicit drug use epidemic: The impact of conventional drug control strategies
Michelle Scheepers, MBCHB, FRCPC, MBA
Can we dance together? The dyadic leadership model in physician quality improvement
Anesthesia assistants in BC: Building the foundation first
David Scheifele, MD
Promoting the use of influenza vaccine for children at risk of complications
Glenn A. Scheske, MD, FRCPC
Dr Dennis Myron Karpiak, 1943–2019
Re: A snowy medical adventure
Frank X. Scheuermeyer, MD, MHSc
Re: Province-wide implementation of the Vancouver Chest Pain Rule. Authors reply
Province-wide implementation of the Vancouver Chest Pain Rule
Joseph J. Schlesinger, MD
Re: Delirium in older adults
Kristopher L. Schmidt, MSc,
Botulism: A decade in review—1996 to 2007
Nis Schmidt, MD
Dr Daniel Froese, 1926–2022
Dr Kenneth G. Atkinson, 1929–2017
Deb Schmitz
A road map to viral hepatitis elimination in BC by 2030
Ernst Schneider,
Re: Homeopathic vaccines
Roy C. Schofer, MD,
Air transport cover
Martina Scholtens, MD, MPH, FRCPC
Bibliotherapy: The review, organization, and dissemination of recommended reading for psychiatry patients
Mark Schonfeld, MD,
Dr David McNiell Bolton
Dr Donald B. Rix
William E. Schreiber, MD
Meaningless exams?
Harvey Schroyen,
An icy birth and an incorrect bill: The backseat delivery of a Yukon pioneer
K. Schuld, MSN
Social prescribing for the loneliness epidemic
Karen Schultz, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Dr Maxwell (Max) Schultz, 1923–2020
Kirk R. Schultz, MD
Precocious puberty: A red flag for malignancy in childhood
N. Schuurman, PhD,
Vulnerability to pedestrian trauma: Demographic, temporal, societal, geographic, and environmental factors
Michael Schwandt, MD, MPH, FRCPC
Youth social media use: Like and subscribe to healthy approaches
Re: BC has the tools to address the drug poisoning emergency. Author replies
Driving toward injury-free roadways
BC has the tools to address the drug poisoning emergency. Do we have the will to use them?
Robert Schwartz, MD,
Atypical antipsychotics, schizophrenia, and cardiovascular risk: What family physicians need to know
Ben Schwartzentruber, BA,
The heart of medicine: Money, education, and the values of practice
Richard Schwarz, MD, FRCSC,
Laparoscopic colon resection: Experience from a community hospital
Stephan K.W. Schwarz, MD, FRCPC, PhD,
Delirium after cardiac surgery: A retrospective case-control study of incidence and risk factors in a Canadian sample
Robert C. Schweigel, MD, FRCSC,
Partial knee replacement
Erin Schwenger, BSc(Pharm),
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors: An ACE in the hole for everyone?
A. Scott, RPT, PhD,
Treatment options for tennis elbow
Jenna Scott, MSc, CGC,
Evaluation of genetic counseling for hereditary cancer by videoconference in British Columbia
Matthew Scott, MSW, RSW
Protection of the vulnerable older adult: A review of the legislation, relevant case law, and common clinical practice
Vicky Scott, PHD,
New resource: Falls among elderly
Chris Scott-Kerr
Dr Michael Templeton Scott-Kerr, 1935–2023
Guy Screech, MD,
PM and AIDS conference
Charles H. Scudamore, MD, MSc, FRCSC
Herbal medicine and liver toxicity
Minimally invasive treatment of colorectal cancer metastases: Current status and new directions
Liver transplantation: Current status in British Columbia
A 5-year review of surgical outcomes for deceased-donor liver transplantation in British Columbia
Andrew Seal, MS, FRCSC,
In defence of the Class of 2011
Brooke Nicole Seal, PhD,
Provoked vestibulodynia: A qualitative exploration of women’s experiences
Allan Seckel, BA(Hon), LLB, LLM,
Adair named BCMA Communications executive director
Proust questionnaire: Allan Seckel, BA(Hon), LLB, LLM
Charles Secretan, MD, PhD, FRCSC
Total knee replacement: Understanding patient-related factors
C.J. Sedergreen, MBBS
Re: Autism spectrum disorders
Massage therapy—A review
Kali Sedgemore
Supporting BC youth at risk of drug poisoning from unregulated supply
George Sedore
Lack of universal oral thiamine coverage a missed opportunity for alcohol harm reduction in BC
Ken Seethram, MD, FRCSC, FACOG
Sharing perspectives leads to shared solutions
Group medical visits for endoscopy patients
Prenatal screening options in British Columbia
End-of-life discussions between doctors and patients are beneficial to both
Maja Segedi, MD, MPH, FRCSC
Herbal medicine and liver toxicity
A 5-year review of surgical outcomes for deceased-donor liver transplantation in British Columbia
Mark Seger, MD
ALS Part 4, we all need hope
ALS Part 2, what are my options?
ALS Part 3, what’s ahead
ALS Part 1, how it all started for me
Carolina Segura, MD,
The physical and mental health status and health practices of physicians in British Columbia
Benjamin Sehmer, MD
Toxic lead exposure via an unusual source: New BC reporting regulations may prevent similar cases
John Sehmer, MD
Re: Measuring the success of our rehab programs
The College and orphaned patients
Term limits for Doctors of BC committees
Re: Fragility fracture and osteoporosis investigation
Dubious mercury poisoning results
Re: Diabetes in BC
Re: Personal View
Laurie Sehn, MD,
Breast cancer screening recommendations for women who received mantle radiation for Hodgkin lymphoma
Dallas Seitz, MD, FRCPC,
Cholinesterase inhibitors
Inna Sekirov, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Mycobacterium heckeshornense tenosynovitis: Case report and literature review
TB diagnosis: Are we culturing enough biopsies?
Detection of pre-extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis by molecular testing
T. Peter Seland, MD,
Ethics conference '08
Roger Seldon, MBChB, MD
Re: Managing vulnerable patients
Shannon Selin, MA
Serum albumin: New thoughts on an old treatment
Introduction of guidelines for the use of albumin and the effect on albumin prescribing practices in British Columbia
Sandra Jarvis-Selinger, PhD
An assessment of British Columbia rural physicians’ continuing professional development needs
Meeting the information needs of family physicians in the complex world of cancer control
Supporting lifelong learning for physicians: Continuing professional development and knowledge translation
Videoconferencing for telehealth: Unexpected challenges and unprecedented opportunities
Robert Selles, R. Psych.
Call for participants: Youth with OCD
Robert Semeniuk, MD, FRCSC
Re: Where have all the family doctors gone?
Jane Senay, RPN, RN, BSN
Bridging with primary care: A shared-care mental health pilot project
Mehara Seneviratne
COVID-19 pandemic and adolescents’ vaping epidemic
E-cigarettes and youth health
Senges Family
Dr Harry Senges, 1940–2024
Sonny Senghera,
New booster seat regulations will improve safety for BC kids
Kate Senkow,
A new look for
New launching soon
George Sennewald, MD,
Re: Surgery before anesthesia
Lorna Sent, MD
Re: Cervical cancer screening
Solmaz Setayeshgar, PhD
Understanding chronic conditions in BC
Puneet Seth, MD
Part 2: Me to we: Introducing collaborative elements in the electronic record
Alberto Severini, MD
Lymphogranuloma venereum in British Columbia, 2011 to 2015: Epidemiology and risk factors
Adjuvant strategies for rectal cancer in BC
Recent developments in the chemotherapeutic management of colorectal cancer
Neal Shahidi,
Trends in incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease following introduction of the universal infant immunization program in BC
R. Jean Shapiro, MD,
Kidney, pancreas, and pancreatic islet transplantation
Mazen Sharaf, BSc Pharm, ACPR
Drug-induced psychosis and neurological effects following nitrous oxide misuse: A case report
Dorothy Shaw, MBChB,
Dr Gary Romalis, 1937–2014
E. Shaw, MSc, ART
Meningococcal disease in British Columbia
Nicola Shaw, FBCS, CITP,
A study of information technology use and implementation of electronic medical record systems in BC medical practices
Robert Shaw, MD
Experiences of illicit opioid overdose survivors: From opioid epidemic to COVID-19 pandemic
Tammy Shaw, MD,
Pharmacological interventions for traumatic brain injury
Atypical antipsychotics, schizophrenia, and cardiovascular risk: What family physicians need to know
Stephanie Shea, MPH
The Live 5-2-1-0 Toolkit for family physicians: Mixed methods evaluation of a resource to facilitate health promotion in a primary care setting
Anthony F. Shearer, MB
Re: Peer reviewers, editors, experts, and statisticians—do we need them?
Informed criticism
Dodging a bullet
Carl Shearer, MD,
Injuries in youth sport: An evidence-based injury prevention warm-up
Daniel Shearer, BSc
Preconception management of diabetes
Adnan Sheikh, MD, FASER, FCAR
Radiologists as clinicians: Radiological interventions for knee osteoarthritis
Hui Shen, PhD,
The physical and mental health status and health practices of physicians in British Columbia
Tamara Shenkier, MD, FRCPC
2020 BC Cancer core medical staff work engagement and burnout survey
David Sheps, MD, MSc, MBA, FRCSC,
Medical management of displaced mid-shaft clavicle fractures
Sam Sheps, MD
The relationship between physician visits and some quality of life indicators
G.A. Sheridan, Sch, MD, BCh, BAO, PgCert, PgDip, MCh, FRCS
In-office management of knee osteoarthritis
Michelle D. Sherwood, MD,
Acute flaccid paralysis in a child infected with enterovirus D68: A case report
Shilpa C. Shete, MBBS, FRCPC
Dr Pascualito Aquino Seminiano, 1947–2019
Swati Shetty, BSc
Opioid overdose following surgery or pain treatment: A missed opportunity for intervention
Daniel Shirvani, BSc
Osteoarthritis in Indigenous populations in rural British Columbia: Disparities in prevalence and access to care
Maureen Shobe,
Canadian, eh?
Arnold Shoichet, BSc, MD
Medicinal cannabis: Concern with College standard
Anna Shojania, MBA
Dr Nasser Gholi Shojania, 1930–2024
Kam Shojania, MD, FRCPC
Explaining the gender pay gap: Lessons from rheumatology
Dr Nasser Gholi Shojania, 1930–2024
Nima Shojania, MD, FRCPC
Dr Nasser Gholi Shojania, 1930–2024
Sharon Shore
Physicians in BC now available via virtual care
Seeking nominees for excellence in health promotion award
Refreshed BCMA logo
Stephen Shore, MD, CCFP
Safe prescribing (1)
Why I quit hospital medicine
Katherine Shoults, MD,
Thinking outside the (check) box
Case report: Neurological complications of nitrous oxide abuse
Grey Showler, RN, BA, BSN,
Patient attachment: Identifying methods for improvement in the Cowichan Valley
Dave Shu, MD, FRCPC
Challenges to managing type 2 diabetes in British Columbia: Discordant guidelines and limited treatment options
Rhonda Shuckett, MD, FRCPC, Diplomate ABIM,
Clinical features and pathogenetic mechanisms of osteoarthritis of the hip and knee
Megan Shurey
Ultrasound in undergraduate medical education
Constantin Shuster, MD
Unplanned hospital readmissions in British Columbia
Jennifer Sibley, BSc,
Bringing health education to rural Kenya
Muddassir Siddiqui, BDS, MPH
Cluster of respiratory illness in British Columbia linked to poor air quality at an indoor ice arena: A case report
A. Sidhu, MD
In-office management of knee osteoarthritis
Jesse Sidhu, MD
Dr Robert Alan Hewko, 1953–2023
Sue Sidhu, MD, FRCSC
Early surgical management of acute cholecystitis: A quality improvement initiative
Gunter P. Siegmund, PhD, PEng
The biomechanics of whiplash injury
John Siewert, MD
The role of Real-Time Virtual Support in improving rural health care delivery
Improving ambulance services for effective rural emergency care
Ali Silver, BSc
Ultrasound in undergraduate medical education
Kelly Silverthorn, MD
Callback carnage
Zena L. Simces, MA,
Diagnosis of hypertension and lifestyle modifications for its management
J.J. Simice, MD
Crisis in health care
Access to health care
Raymond Simkus, MD
Re: Innovation is everywhere. Why isn’t it here?
Mary-Claire Simmonds, MBBS, FANZCA
Prescription factors contributing to new long-term opioid use in British Columbia between 2013 and 2017
Christine E. Simmons, MD, MSc, FRCPC
The changing role of neoadjuvant therapy in breast cancer: Considering systemic treatment for patients with operable as well as inoperable disease
Chase Simms, MPH
Revised BC Guideline: Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) and Folate Deficiency
Revised BC Guideline: Infectious Diarrhea
R.K. Simons, MA, MB, BChir,
Vulnerability to pedestrian trauma: Demographic, temporal, societal, geographic, and environmental factors
Frances Simpson, MPP,
Heart failure supportive care
Yvonne Simpson, BSc
Tick-borne relapsing fever in British Columbia: A 10-year review (2006–2015)
Don D. Sin, MD, MPH, FRCPC,
Postoperative pulmonary complications: what every general practitioner ought to know
Guest editorial: Breathing new life into old thinking
Cardiac sarcoidosis
Guest editorial: COPD, Part 2: Emerging from the dark, dismal past into a bright, hopeful future
Pharmacological management of stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Yvonne Sin, MD
Fewer apologies, more focus on trying our best
Providing culturally competent care to Asian Canadians
Growing up in a pandemic
Finding kindness and resilience during a pandemic
Reflections on my first year of independent practice, so far
Book review: Your Heart Is the Size of Your Fist
Finding balance and being intentional to create happiness
Downstream effects of medical care abroad
Protecting reproductive rights and freedoms
The gender pay gap in medicine
Access to medical records
“I have to post this!”
Joanne Sinai, MD, MEd, FRCPC
Informed consent for gender-questioning youth seeking gender-affirmative care is a complex issue
Informed consent for gender-questioning youth seeking gender-affirmative care is a complex issue
The current gender-affirming care model in BC is unvalidated and outdated
Brian Sinclair, MD, FRCPC
Ensuring a successful transition and transfer from pediatric to adult care in patients with congenital heart disease
Graham Sinclair, PhD, FCCMG,
Diagnosis and management of patients with mitochondrial disease
Chad Kim Sing, MD
Is our health system ready for digital health today? Exploring the way forward
Mayank Singal, MD, MPH, CCFP, FRCPC
Avian influenza: A BC clinician’s guide to diagnosis and management
Management of tick bites and tick-borne diseases in British Columbia
Amaya Singh, PhD
Include your voice in the future of epilepsy research
Christine Singh, MD, CCFP
Medicinal cannabis: Concern with College standard
Pulkit Singh, MD, MBBS, FRCPC
Assessment by pit appointment as an alternative to full psychiatric consultation
Young adult patients with diabetes presenting to a university health clinic with depression and anxiety
R. Suneet Singh, MD, FRCPC
Detection of chronic kidney disease in non-nephrology practices: An important focus for intervention
Samir K. Sinha, MD, DPhil, FRCPC,
Canada’s coming of age: How demographic imperatives will force the redesign of acute care service delivery
Sandra Sirrs, MD, FRCPC,
Mitochondrial disease clinical manifestations: An overview
Primer on mitochondrial disease: Biochemistry, genetics, and epidemiology
Diagnosis and management of patients with mitochondrial disease
The origins of WorkSafeBC: What it means for you and your patients
Language skills of UBC medical students: Working toward cultural competency in health care
Sick note or fit note? A simple approach to restrictions and limitations
Kristin Sivertz, MD, FRCPC
UBC 2008 CaRMS results
The use of psychotropic medications in pregnancy and lactation
Expansion of postgraduate medical education
Danny Siwai Lee, BSc(Pharm), MD,
Communication tool to describe use of traditional herbal Chinese medicine to Western medicine physicians
Ann Skidmore, MBChB, FRCPC
Dr Angus Rae, 1929–2020
Danuta M. Skowronski, MD, FRCPC
Influenza: The elusive plague—Part 1 (Guest editorial)
Swine-origin influenza virus: What the clinician needs to know
Pandemic influenza—A primer for physicians
Why BC is moving from four to three doses of conjugate pneumococcal vaccine for infant immunization
Humans and bats: Risk, rabies, and the need for respect
Influenza A and institutional outbreak control—Changing standards of practice
The importance of influenza immunizations for health-care workers
The 1997–98 influenza A epidemic in British Columbia
BCCDC responds
Rabies in BC: A prophylaxis guidelines update
Dr Peter Edward Hoogewerf 1928–2006
Pandemic influenza
Influenza: The elusive plague—Part 2 (Guest editorial)
Chris Sladden, MD, FRCPC
Cutting it close: Five-year retrospective review of melanoma guideline adherence in Northern British Columbia
Re: Nonrecognized qualifications
Prednisone prescribing habits in the emergency room to treat rash
Jon Slater, MD, FRCPC, MBA,
Changes to medical staff privileging in British Columbia
Provincial Privileging Standards Project: Dr Slater and Ms Bloch-Hansen reply
Jay Slater, MD
Technology in seniors’ care
Using opioids to treat pain in older adults
Michael Slatnik, MD, MPH, CCFP
The impacts of flooding on health
Falls prevention: The lifelong battle against gravity
Ryan Sleik, MSc
Shared orthopaedic referral and triage in the East Kootenay
John Sloan, MSc, MD, FCFP
Dr Nigel Hubert Clark, 1927–2014
Primary care needs more access to doctors, not less
Dan Small, PhD, MPhil Cantab,
An anthropological examination of an exotic tribe: The Naicisyhp
Michal Smialowski, MD,
Special feature: A remote opportunity: The joys and challenges of rural practice
Sandra Smiley, MSc, MPH
Roe is out. BC must bring universal reproductive health care in
Youth and opioid agonist therapy: We need to collaborate with youth on short- and longer-term plans
Malcolm Smillie
There is no sport like boxing
Jonathan D. Smirl, PhD
Speaking to patients about concussions: Does our terminology impact recovery outcomes?
Anya Smith, PhD
Respiratory virus surveillance after the height of the COVID-19 pandemic
Brenda Smith, BSc, MLT
Implementation of human papillomavirus primary screening for cervical cancer in BC
David F. Smith, MD,
The senior driver in BC: Reaching the 80-year milestone
The Emergency Medical Services Committee: A historical perspective
Derryck H. Smith, MD, FRCPC
The drug review process in BC: A critique
Re: BC has the tools to address the drug poisoning emergency (1)
Chikungunya: A disease risk for Canadians traveling in the tropics
Re: Pharma interventions for TBI—Letter 2
Guest editorial--Mild traumatic brain injury, Part 2 Treatment and support
A hospital takes up the challenge of offering patients open access to their charts
Autistic disorders: What can a physician do?
Re: College Library closure
Silencing members is not the path for CMA to achieve diversity
Re: How our leaders want to die—A call to action
Swirski-type interviews: An ethical dilemma for physicians
Guest editorial--Mild traumatic brain injury, Part 1: Assessment and management
Point: Medical assistance in dying: Controlling the timing of one’s own death
Derek Smith, MD, FRCSC
Lower-extremity radiographs: Weight-bearing, please
Achilles tendon ruptures—a review for primary care
Proximal versus distal biceps tendon ruptures: When to refer
Vitamin C for complex regional pain syndrome prophylaxis
First-time traumatic anterior shoulder dislocations in young patients
Treating intra-articular distal radius fractures
Long head of the biceps tendon—the rotator cuff’s partner in crime
Eric Smith, MD
Re: The hospitalist program
Jeremy Smith,
Paperless to paper . . . and back again: An EMR case study
PITO responds
Choosing an EMR vendor
On the EMR adoption journey with GP physicians in solo and small practices
Re: PITO vendors
Experiences from the front line of FP EMR adoption
Correction: PITO
Special Feature: An EMR story that spans five decades
Physician Information Technology Office: Year in review
The unique EMR needs of various specialties and subspecialties
PITO replies
Maximizing the value of EMRs
Specialists and EMR adoption
EMR + physician + patient = benefits to both sides
Electronic medical records offer compelling reasons for switching from paper-based charts, but what about the human impact?
Profile of an EMR community of practice: Shuswap–Revelstoke
PITO replies
GP adoption of electronic medical records
Getting connected: Electronic delivery of lab, radiology, and hospital reports
Communities of Practice: Leadership in practice
PITO responds
PITO replies
Jennifer Smith, BFA
Patterns in poisoning hospitalizations and deaths in British Columbia, 2008 to 2013
Regional patterns in young driver and motorcyclist collision deaths in British Columbia, 2004 to 2012
Self-poisoning among British Columbian children and youth: Demographic and geographic characteristics
The economic burden of injuries in British Columbia: Applying evidence to practice
Kesh Smith, MD
A quick-reference guide for prescribing buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone) in the outpatient setting
Larina Reyes-Smith, MD,
Re: CAST replies
CAST concerns
Laurie Smith, BN, MPH
Cervical screening in BC—Change inspired by First Nations and Métis communities
Laurie W. Smith, MPH, BN RN(C)
Implementation of human papillomavirus primary screening for cervical cancer in BC
Megan Smith, BSc,
Guest editorial: The health of incarcerated women in BC
The scope of the problem: The health of incarcerated women in BC
Collaborative community-prison programs for incarcerated women in BC
M. Anne Smith, MSc,
Drug safety: Side effects and mistakes or adverse reactions and deadly errors?
Nick Smith, MPH
Establishing a link between antibiotics and asthma in early life
Simple ways to stay up-to-date on antibiotic prescribing guidelines
Beta-lactam allergy: Benefits of de-labeling can be achieved safely
Scott D. Smith, MD, CCFP, MSc
Re: Ah, the good ol’ days
Tim R. Smith, BSSc, MBA,
CMA: The national voice of medicine
Tyler W. Smith, MD, MHSc, FRCPC
Heritable thrombophilia testing in British Columbia: A report on practice patterns and prevalence
The clinical and diagnostic pathway for adults with acute leukemia in BC
Kate Smolina, DPhil, CHE
Understanding chronic conditions in BC
Use of disease dynamic modeling to inform the COVID-19 response in BC
Impact of school closures on learning, and child and family well-being
Epidemiology of COVID-19 in BC: The first 3 months
J. Smyth, MB
Income disparity
Margot Smythe, RN, BSN
Vaccine timing and postimmunization serology of infants in British Columbia who received hepatitis B vaccine at less than 7 days
Putting the “cold back into the chain”: Strengthening capacity in vaccine management through training of physicians
David Snadden, MBChB, MCISc, MD, FRCGP, FRCP (Edin)
Medicine—Beyond hope?
Maldistribution of physicians in BC: What we are trying to do about it
Judy So, MD
Moving beyond the hidden curriculum: Am I ableist?
Casimir Soare, BHSc,
Atypical antipsychotics, schizophrenia, and cardiovascular risk: What family physicians need to know
Paul Sobey, MD,
CAST concerns
Re: CAST replies
Isaac Sobol, MD,
Re: New HIV testing guidelines in BC
Ingrid Söchting, PhD,
Traumatic pasts in Canadian Aboriginal people: Further support for a complex trauma conceptualization?
Davedeep Sohi, MD, MSc
Health care providers’ perspectives on medical travel in northwestern British Columbia
Emily Sollows, BN, RNc, MN
The physician’s role in harm reduction
Kara Solmundson, MD, CCFP (SEM), Sport Med Dip, MSc
Is current medical training preparing physicians to prescribe exercise to their patients?
Robert Solomon, LLB, LLM
Random breath testing: A needed and effective measure to prevent impaired driving fatalities
Canadian physicians support mandatory alcohol screening
Emerg. departments: Considered a safe haven from prosecution for impaired drivers involved in fatal or personal injury crashes?
Kevin Solomons, MBChB, FRCPC
Early detection of depression in young and elderly people
Rahul Soma, BSc,
Academic and educational role of international medical graduate psychiatrists in British Columbia
John Somerville, ROH
Cold stress and outdoor workers: Safety considerations for your patients
Meridith Sones, MPH
Last in line: Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health and well-being of young adults in BC
Todd Sorokan, MD,
Pediatric immunization update
Ana Clara Sosa Cazales, MD
Abortion care in BC: Evolving practice and next steps
Julie Sou, MSc
Shared decision making and breastfeeding: Supporting families’ informed choices
Sheri Souch,
Re: Lyme disease in BC
Caroline Speers, BA
The utilization and impact of core needle biopsy diagnosis on breast cancer outcomes in British Columbia
Pathology audit of 1996 and 2000 reporting for rectal cancer in BC
Practice patterns and appropriateness of rectal cancer management in British Columbia
D. Spencer, RN
Recommended use of point-of-care HIV tests
Justine Spencer, MD
I wash my hands of this: A plea for emotional hygiene
Martha Spencer, MD, FRCPC
Incontinence in older adults: The role of the geriatric multidisciplinary team
Chris A. Speropoulos, BSc
Assistive technology assessments in a tertiary-care rehabilitation facility
Hilary Spicer
Dr Terry Meadows: The dreams and decisions that shaped a life
Audrey Spielmann, MD, FRCPC
Breast magnetic resonance imaging
John J. Spinelli, PhD,
Predicting interest in genetic counseling and testing for cancer susceptibility: The British Columbia Family Cancer Survey Pilot
Patricia M. Spittal, PhD
The health care and fiscal costs of the illicit drug use epidemic: The impact of conventional drug control strategies
Frederick Spohn, MD
Fear tactic advertising
Janene Spring, RN, BScN, MSCN,
Multiple sclerosis: Myths and realities
Sandra J. Squire, MRSc, BScPT
A 13-year review of elective orthopaedic surgery outcomes in patients with hemophilia A and B
Leila Srour, MD
Humans and bats: Risk, rabies, and the need for respect
The 1997–98 influenza A epidemic in British Columbia
Larry St. Germain, BEng,
The top issues patients mention when family physicians recommend screening mammography
Elizabeth Stacy, MA
An assessment of British Columbia rural physicians’ continuing professional development needs
Digital storytelling and dialogue to support culturally safe health care for Indigenous patients in British Columbia
Ellamae Stadnick MD, MSc, FRCPC,
Infective endocarditis prophylaxis: An update for clinical practice
Cardiac transplantation in British Columbia
Kelli Stajduhar, RN, PhD, FCAHS, FCAN
Integrating palliative care into health professionals’ education
Aileen Stalker, MA, BSR, OT,
Regulation disorders of sensory processing in infants and young children
Kit Standish, RN, MA
Strategies for supporting youth with eating disorders when intensive treatment is needed
Hilda Stanger, MBBS, FRCPC
Dr Asoke Kumar Dutt, 1928–2024
Michael Stanger, MD,
PROMs: The patient is the biggest variable. Author replies
A study to assess patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) and to investigate the practicality of using PROMs in a surgical office
John A. Staples, MD, MPH
Unplanned hospital readmissions in British Columbia
Joanne Stares, MHSc,
Administrative claim records inform community health status assessments
Larissa Steidle, MD
How can we improve competence in conducting pelvic exams?
Abigail Steinberg, MD
Vaping-associated lung illness in BC
Carolyn Steinberg, MD, FRCPC,
Feeding disorders of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers
Malcolm Steinberg, MBBCh,
Expanding provider-initiated HIV testing
Paul Ian Steinberg, MD, FRCPC,
The use of low-dose neuroleptics in the treatment of patients with severe personality disorder: An adjunct to psychotherapy
Urs P. Steinbrecher, MD, FRCPC,
Liver transplantation: Current status in British Columbia
Ted Steiner, MD
Revised BC Guideline: Infectious Diarrhea
Gary Steinhoff, MD, FRPSC
Surgical orchiectomy: Time to revisit
Säde Stenlund, MD
Are antibiotic courses for common infections simply too long?
Peter Stepaniuk, MD
BC Society of Allergy and Immunology statement on the climate crisis
Craig Stephen, DVM, PhD,
Why you should get to know your local veterinarian
W. Stephenson, BSc
Incidence of whiplash-associated disorder
Lawrence Sterns, MD, FRCPC, FCCS
Pacemaker and defibrillator management in medical assistance in dying: Review for the primary care provider
Lesley A. Stevens, MD, FRCPC
Detection of chronic kidney disease in non-nephrology practices: An important focus for intervention
Craig Stevenson
Seeking focus group participants for hearing health care study
Hearing loss: Primary care providers’ input sought
Help BC Hear Better: Petition
Breaking Barriers to hearing health care
Irwin Stewart, MD,
Dr Guy Barnes, 1918-2014
Jacqueline Stewart, MD, FRCPC
Explaining the gender pay gap: Lessons from rheumatology
J. Stewart
Respect in the maternity ward
John Stewart, MBBS,
Parkinson disease ad
Ken Stewart, MLA
Dr Asante's GG award
Quinn Stewart, MPH
Management of tick bites and tick-borne diseases in British Columbia
Carol Stewart Walker
Dr Ronald Walker, 1937–2017
Moira Stilwell, MD,
Breast cancer screening and diagnosis in British Columbia
Rochelle Stimpson, MD, CCFP
Syphilis: Overview for BC health care providers and online course
Blake Stitilis, MPH
Supporting BC youth at risk of drug poisoning from unregulated supply
HIV ARVs called “non-benefit drugs” on PharmaNet
Sylvia Stockler-Ipsiroglu, MD, PhD, MBA, FRCPC,
Introduction of the TIDE Protocol to screen children for treatable intellectual disability: First evaluation of protocol use by community pediatricians in British Columbia
A. Jon Stoessl, MD, FRCPC
Treatment of Parkinson’s disease
Joan R. Stogryn, MD
Russ Stogryn, MD
Dr James Wilson Grahame, 1939–2020
Krista Stoilen, RN
What to say and how to say it: Connecting with the eating disordered adolescent at the initial consultation
Stan Stordy, MDCM,
Dr Edward John Gray 1926–2008
Lynn Stothers, MD
Dr Zelick Perler, 1935–2017
Martina Strack, BCc, MHA
Proposal to improve rectal cancer outcomes in BC
Caron Strahlendorf, MB, FRCPC, FCP
Sometimes we need to think of zebras: An observational study on delays in the identification of bone tumors in children
Robert Strang MD, FRCPC
Future directions for the health of incarcerated women in BC
Influenza A and institutional outbreak control—Changing standards of practice
The importance of influenza immunizations for health-care workers
B. Strauss, RN, BScN, MSc
Does measles-mumps-rubella vaccination cause inflammatory bowel disease and autism?
Sylvia Struck, PhD
Access to safe drinking water in First Nations communities and beyond
Mark Strudwick, DC,
Chiropractors take exception to letter
Gavin Stuart, MD, Dean, UBC Faculty of Medicine,
Dean’s response
The Dean responds
Dr Bill Webber 1934-2006
Dean’s commentary
Guest editorial: Improving health: Expanded and distributed medical education in British Columbia
Jacob L. Stubbs, BKin
Harm reduction throughout the opioid crisis: A community responds
Hali Stus
Life insurance: How much do I really need?
Is it time for a life insurance beneficiary designation checkup?
Life insurance: How much do I really need?
Why do insurance policies have exclusions?
Critical illness insurance for spouses
Value of accidental death and dismemberment insurance
What is critical illness insurance?
Rebecca Sugar, MD
The red dot initiative: An analysis of postoperative visits to the emergency department
Raiya Suleman, BHSc
Intergenerational housing as a model for improving older-adult health
Selina Suleman, MPH
The Live 5-2-1-0 Toolkit for family physicians: Mixed methods evaluation of a resource to facilitate health promotion in a primary care setting
Barry J. Sullivan, MD, FRCSC
Practice patterns and appropriateness of rectal cancer management in British Columbia
Jessica Sullivan, BA, MBA
Breathing easier from home: Home health monitoring at Island Health
Lana Sullivan, MA
Supporting the stillbirth journey at BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre
Michael Sullivan, PhD,
Identifying and managing modifiable risk factors for chronic pain and disability
William J. Sullivan, BA, LLB, MCL
Autonomy and the terminally ill patient
Alex Summers
Reducing radon exposure in British Columbia
Jie (Jane) Sun, MHA
Eliminating the routine use of examination table paper in outpatient oncology clinics
Celeste Sundquist-Bendall
Dr Michael G. Bendall, 1946–2024
Kashmira Suraliwalla
BCMA Annual General Meeting report
2008 BCMA Annual Meeting: Hidey ho! To Prince George we go!
Doctors of BC Annual General Meeting 2017
Special feature: Jetha “will not shy away from what needs to be said and done”
BCMJ celebrates in style
News & notes from the BCMJ archive: Dr Wallace Wilson
Susan Papadionissiou
Team-based care in Northern BC: North Peace Division’s journey to an integrated model of care
Peer mentorship in opioid management: The Nanaimo E-Mentor Initiative
Ainsley M. Sutherland, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Opioid overdose following surgery or pain treatment: A missed opportunity for intervention
Jason M. Sutherland, PhD
Elective surgery without COVID-19 testing will lead to excess morbidity and mortality
Rory Sutherland, UBC MD Candidate, Class of 2019
SAVE BC: The Study to Avoid cardiovascular Events in British Columbia: A Longitudinal Study of Families with Very Premature Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease in British Columbia
F. Michelle Sutter, MD, FRCSC
Dr Morley Sutter, 1933–2021
Current surgical management of breast cancer
Radiation therapy in the management of breast cancer and the impact of BC Cancer Centre for the North on patient choice of treatment
Current evaluation of breast health concerns and diagnosis of breast cancer
Morley Sutter, MD, PhD
The ranking and reliability of evidence
Physician perceptions of health information from practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine: A survey of BC doctors
Learning and teaching medicine
Nicola Sutton,
Dr Roger A.L. Sutton, 1937–2014
Roger A.L. Sutton, DM, FRCPC, FRCP, FACP,
Osteoporosis in men: An underrecognized and undertreated problem
Wendy Sutton,
Dr Roger A.L. Sutton, 1937–2014
Shayda A. Swann, BSc
Meaningful community collaboration in research
Taylor Swanson, BSc,
Reducing stigma and improving access to mental health care for youth
Margo Sweeny, MD,
Approaches to weight management
Coconut oil: The new super food? Not likely
Re: Gluten elimination diets: Drs Cadenhead and Sweeny respond
Healthy eating and nutrition: Patient education resources for BC physicians
The FODMAP diet for irritable bowel syndrome
Practical tips for nutritional counseling
Gluten elimination diets: Facts for patients on this food fad
Shifting the focus to health, not weight: First, do no harm
David D. Sweet, MD, FRCPC
Emergency management of sepsis: The simple stuff saves lives
Provincial clinical practice guidelines for the management of major burn trauma
The era of untruth
Jean Swenerton, MD
Dr David Paul Wiseman, 1946–2021
Helena Swinkels, MD, MHSc, FCFP, FRCPC
Access to safe drinking water in First Nations communities and beyond
Dr Kerry Margaret Telford Morrissey
John Swiston, MD, FRCPC
Special considerations in the management of adult congenital heart disease
Anne R. Synnes, MDCM, FRCPC, MHSc,
Management of the newborn delivered at the threshold of viability
George Szasz, CM, MD
Run the human race
On Canada Day, a salute to a founding father and physician, Sir Charles Tupper, MD
Cruise ships, ahoy!
Engineer, inventor, award recipient, recognized for medical innovation
Mother’s Day: A history of appreciation
Is our history written in our hair?
Memories of our profession’s library
On Father’s Day: A look back at fathers in the birthing room
Origins of the Pap test
My historical Labour Day walking tour
Celebrating Canada Day 2020, with apologies to the beaver
Reading while recovering
Medical innovations for 2019
Changing times, changing addresses, and changing priorities
My trusty thesaurus
The cardiology of Valentine’s Day
Matrescence: A great adventure about to begin
Supporting sexual health and intimacy in care facilities
AI, algorithms, and the future of work
Medicine in Queen Victoria’s time
Performing C-sections on request
Success in personal and professional realms
Lobsters, pain, and the sounds of distress in cognitively impaired people
Aphasia and praise of Pierre Paul Broca (1824–1880)
Medical innovations for 2021
Money and motivations: The “85%” solution
Sexual intercourse: There’s more than ejaculation to this tango
The science of holding hands
Drs Cushing and Osler: Giants of medicine
Can Spookie the robocat provide pet therapy?
Cod, beavers, doctors, the Rubik’s cube, and BC Day
Patients’ genetic education
Book review: Gender and our brain
Families with two dads: Happy Fathers’ Day
Beyond the day-to-day practice of medicine
Medical innovations for 2020
My thoughts on the origins of intimacy and love
Why can’t humans fly?
100 years of remembrance
The right to intimacy at the end of life
Coping with the complicated feelings that come with loss
Stack up on smart toilet paper!
Memory lane: My experiences with sex-selective abortions
“Just culture” approach to lapses in professionalism
Dementia: Remembering on her birthday
Prostate cancer screening in primary care: A dilemma, a Hobson’s choice, or a Morton’s fork?
Epidemics, pandemics, syndemics, and intersectionality
Factors influencing patient adherence to hospital discharge instructions
Book review: Sex in Canada: The who, why, when and how of getting down up north
Basic health literacy: Canada is doing poorly
Cosmetic genital surgery and “good enough” sex
A requiem for Pixie the therapy dog
To sleep or not to sleep
Remembrance Day 2017—medical nurses
Book review: Dreamers, Skeptics, and Healers: The story of BC’s medical school
Queen Victoria’s birthday and the cholera pandemic of the mid-1800s
O Canada, I love you!
Telephone medicine: Tips for an improved experience
The many facets of loneliness
To see or to view: A dilemma in anatomy teaching
Paris 2024 Olympics, a brief history of fitness training, and a call to activity
Building blocks of our body
Thanksgiving: Being thankful for my countless supports in care
The art of medicine, and modern technology
Dr Alzheimer and my wish for a time machine
Mystery of our sexuality
A Mother’s Day toast for difficult times
On Mother’s Day, honoring Dr Catherine Hamlin
Developing relevant educational and health care programs for LGBTQIA2S+ people
A century of insulin, but hurdles remain
How to make a good doctor
Antibiotic awareness: How did we get here?
Blue was for girls and pink was for boys, until it wasn’t
Lifelong lung health
Happy 60th birthday BCMJ!
An update on seeking BC doctors’ literary works
Electrically charged children and other medical foibles
Prelude to the origin of publicly funded medical care in BC
A mental-health vaccine
My experience with the iron lung, the negative pressure ventilators of the past
The doctors of the opera
The immortal robot
Facts, evidence, opinions, and honest assessments during the pandemic
Quantum computing in health care
Mothers’ Day: The importance of support systems for new mothers
Access to safe abortion services: Remembering the life and work of Dr Gary (Garson) Romalis
Elder sports
Keep on blogging
Memories of my Valentine
Medical innovations for 2018
Personal protective equipment and plague doctors
A history of pandemics
On aging well: Purpose, responsibility, and intimacy
Moving toward a holistic view of physical activity
Email pals—my daily lifeline
The Index Medicus
The return of syphilis
Physician Father’s Day
Aiming for the toilet seat: Where do patients really pick up bacteria?
Pet therapy
BC physicians’ impact beyond the day-to-day practise of medicine
To sleep or not to sleep
Evolutionary medicine: Does our microbiome hold the answers?
During a pandemic, use your time wisely
A publication from World War II; a question for medical ethics today
Smallpox, Brock Chisholm, and the World Health Organization
Sex, gender, medical humanities, and the COVID-19 pandemic
Chicken soup’s enduring legacy
Sexual misconduct in medicine
Learning by mistakes
It’s time for chronomedicine
Father’s Day 2020: Keeping up with the wolves?
Hip, hip, hurrah, and praise for health teams
Trip to Mars: Unintended consequences
International Women’s Day
Dr James Naismith—moralist, doctor, teacher, inventor
Florence Nightingale: Why 2020 is the Year of the Nurse
Where do babies come from?
How do we inspire those who are “called” to medicine?
Motherhood and medicine
Happy physician Mother’s Day
Happy 60th birthday BCMJ!
The origin of pandemic-related words
Sexual habilitation of young people with chronic illnesses or disabilities
Marathon memories
Transition planning: From pediatricians to adult care
Non-adherence to public health recommendations: Call the psychotherapists
Your brain on drums
Now hear this: World Hearing Day, Friday, 3 March 2023
Down my medical-memories lane
Dediagnosing to make people feel less ill
National Physicians’ Day, Canada
Book review: The Reservoir
A run on rumors
BC Day bouquet
Transparency, reporting, rating in health care
The pandemic and solitary sex
Where are family physicians in the hospital care of their patients?
The unethical history behind anatomical atlases: Pernkopf was not alone
Making menstrual hygiene products safer
What medicine can learn from astronomy in the #MeToo Era
Elizabeth Blackwell, remembering a pioneering MD
Toilet seat/heart-failure monitor
Celebrating health holidays
The art of bathing
Smile, and the world will smile with you*
Bowels and brains
Dementia and assistance in dying: A catch-22
Remembering Canada’s first female soldier
Is there a Santa Claus?
Dr Ludwig Guttmann: Father of the Paralympic Games
Loneliness in the life of the isolated elderly
Do and do not do: Choosing Wisely
The behavioral, not physiological, immune system
Grace, love, and laughter
Dying with dignity
Angel or hero: The value of a nurse
Intimate relationships in the age of physical distancing
Anatomy: The first step to becoming a doctor
The informed consent paradox
A Thanksgiving toast to Dr Edward Jenner, vaccine pioneer
Book review: Essential Caregiving Guide: How to optimize the extended care your loved one needs
An ode to our skin
Wishing to hasten death
Sex doll brothels in Vancouver: No satisfaction
The hand that rocks the cradle
Sperm concerns: Now and then
Nobel Prize winners shift thinking on physiology and medicine
John Keats, doctor and poet
Social distancing: Origins and effects
In praise of modern fathers
Experiencing near death
Vaccine hesitancy: As old as vaccines
Senior sex and grieving
The father of medicine
“Old age” no longer a diagnosis as a cause of death
Cinderella surgery—part health care, part fairy tale
Book review: The Recorded History of the Liard Basin, 1790–1910
Winnie the Poo?
Is the toast burning?
Medicine and murder
Social distancing: Origins and effects
Dealing with the capricious, fickle, disloyal phallus
Resting place for historical documents
A future without history and physical exams
The art of aging sex
Body donation
My life and my primary relationship
Doctor, you are not alone
Remembering Margo
Phenomenologists explore the repercussions of COVID-19’s impacts on daily life
Shirley Sze, MD
Addressing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in BC: Practical approaches
Andrew Szeto, PhD
The urgent need to address mental health and substance use structural stigma in BC
Nick Szpakowicz, MD
Why become a medical inspector?