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Michael Schwandt, MD, MPH, FRCPC
In November 2024, Australia passed a new law banning social media use by youth under 16 years of age. The Social Media Minimum Age bill will require social media companies to take “reasonable steps” to prevent the use... Read More
In the afternoon of Wednesday, 17 April 2024, a cyclist was struck and killed by a pickup truck in East Vancouver. This tragic event was the 14th death due to a road crash in Metro Vancouver this year, and the province-... Read More
I thank Drs Smith and Mallet for their correspondence. The toxic drug poisoning crisis is a complex issue, requiring action across a continuum including mental health, trauma prevention, addiction treatment, and harm... Read More
Drug poisoning is the leading cause of death among people aged 10 to 59 in BC and takes six lives per day in the province. BC’s Provincial Health Officer declared a public health emergency in relation to drug poisoning... Read More