To place a classified ad: Click the PLACE AN AD button, and complete our online form.
To place a CME ad, use the Events section in the Classified listings. Online listings are updated weekly.
If you have any questions, contact Tara Lyon:
Tel: 604 638-2815
Pricing and ad-length categories for online ads:
(There is a $25/month surcharge for an ad to appear in print as well as online)
Up to 350 characters (approximately 50 words)
– Member rate: $50 plus GST= $52.50 per month
– Non-member rate: $60 plus GST = $63.00 per month
Between 351 and 700 characters (approximately 51 to 100 words)
– Member rate: $75 plus GST= $78.75 per month
– Non-member rate: $90 plus GST= $94.50 per month - The monthly cost applies to an online ad.
- There is a $25/month surcharge for an ad to appear in print as well as online.
- Online listings are updated weekly.
- Payment is required online at the time you place the ad (via Visa or MasterCard).
- We do not accept cheques.
- Online: You may start your ad online as of this week (new ads are posted every Friday).
- Print: You may start your ad in print as of the May issue. The print deadline is the first of the month, 1 month prior to the issue in which you want to advertise (e.g., 1 April for the May issue).
- Online: You may cancel your online ad as of this week (cancelled ads are removed from the website every Friday).
- Print: You may cancel your print ad as of the May issue. The cancellation deadline for print is the first of the month, 1 month prior to the issue in which you are advertising (e.g., 1 April for the May issue).
- There are no refunds given for cancelled ads.