Review type: Single-blind
Original research, review articles, clinical case reports, and clinical images articles are reviewed and must be accepted by the BCMJ Editorial Board and up to three external peer reviewers prior to publication.
Upon submission of these four manuscript types, the corresponding author must supply two to three recommended reviewers on the Author Form. The Editorial Board is provided with external reviews at the time of deliberation and makes their publication decision considering those reviews. Manuscripts may be rejected, revised and resubmitted, accepted with revisions, or accepted as submitted. Manuscripts with major revisions are re-reviewed as a new manuscript as described above, and manuscripts with minor revisions are reviewed by the editor-in-chief, who can either return the manuscript for further revision or accept. Supplementary materials are subject to peer review. External reviewers’ identities are unknown to authors, and only the consensus decision of the Editorial Board is conveyed to authors. Reviews are not posted on the journal website. When appropriate, authors have access to anonymous constructive feedback given by reviewers.