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Author List
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Barbara Cadario, BSc, BScPhm, MSc
Controversies in drug safety--Creative improvements won’t break the bank
Report adverse drug reactions to prevent adverse drug reactions
New resource: Falls among elderly
New appreciation of serious adverse drug reactions
Patricia Caddy, MD
A quick-reference guide for prescribing buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone) in the outpatient setting
The girl and the snake
The person first
The hidden cost of medicine
Heather E. Cadenhead, BKin
Sport-related ocular trauma in Vancouver, British Columbia: Not the usual suspects
Kathleen Cadenhead, MD
Out with the old, in with the “new” WHO growth charts
A primer on current nutritional issues—What our patients should know
The scoop on supplements for disease prevention
Approaches to weight management
The FODMAP diet for irritable bowel syndrome
Practical tips for nutritional counseling
Gluten elimination diets: Facts for patients on this food fad
Shifting the focus to health, not weight: First, do no harm
Nutrition counseling strategies and resources for overweight and obese 2- to 5-year-olds
BC’s new trans fat regulation
Does diet impact mental health?
The vitamin D debate
Coconut oil: The new super food? Not likely
Re: Gluten elimination diets: Drs Cadenhead and Sweeny respond
Healthy eating and nutrition: Patient education resources for BC physicians
Nutrition facts vs fiction: What are your patients asking?
Sonia Cader, MD, FRCSC
Current evaluation of breast health concerns and diagnosis of breast cancer
Current surgical management of breast cancer
Eric Cadesky, MDCM, CCFP, FCFP
Innovation is everywhere. Why isn’t it here?
BC at GC: Home sweet home
Proust questionnaire: Dr Eric Cadesky
In defence of walk-in clinics (kind of)
Silencing members is not the path for CMA to achieve diversity
Perfect formation
Populism and the death (and rebirth) of medical associations
Guest editorial: Digital health, Part 1: The promise and practice of telehealth in BC
Let’s be real, we need more failure
eFIT Technology Engagement Forum—Creating a physician community of innovation
Home and the holidays: On family, friends, and physicians
Come together, right now: Why diversity matters
Pseudoscience, anti-science, and woo: This time it’s personal
Doctors in a dangerous time (safety first)
The one thing is
BC at GC: Why care? (So long and thanks for the fish)
Members, mosaics, and master agreements: A year to remember
Guest editorial: Digital health, Part 2: The promise and practice of telehealth in BC
Are doctors territorial? When it comes to quality care, we better be
BC at the CMA General Council: Vive le débat libre
An endangered species: How to save ourselves
Re: Innovation is everywhere. Author replies
Nadia Caira
Dr Eugene Giuseppe Caira, 1918–2016
John A. Cairns, MD, FRCPC
Dean Cairns on the future of medicine
Jill Calder, MD, FRCPC
Dr Thomas Lachlan Calder, 1927–2017
R.J. Calder, MD
Kidney disease
Leah Caldwell,
Complete survey to win hotel stay
Piera Calissi, PharmD
Beta-lactam allergy: Benefits of de-labeling can be achieved safely
Russell Callaghan, PhD,
Trends in methamphetamine use in northern BC, 2001–2005
Donald B. Calne, OC, DM
Parkinson’s disease: Current medical, surgical, and psychiatric treatment (Guest editorial)—Part 2
Parkinson’s disease: A syndrome not a disease
Parkinson’s disease: Current science and research (Guest editorial)—Part 1
Susan M. Calne, RN
Depression, anxiety, and psychosis in Parkinson's disease
The management of medical and surgical problems in Parkinson's disease
Linda Calvert, BScPT
WorkSafeBC’s Hand Therapy Program
Eileen Cambon, MD,
Dr Jacoba (Julie) van Norden
Dr Hedwige E. Chodos (nee Habegger)
Audrey Cameron, BA
The provincial privileging process in British Columbia through a rural lens
Claire Cameron, MD
The drug review process in BC: A critique
Ian A. Cameron, MD,
Book review: Quarantined: Life and Death at William Head Station, 1872-1959
Pat G. Camp, MSc, PT,
A snapshot of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in British Columbia and Canada
Bruce Campana, MD, FACEP, FRCPC
Proust questionnaire: Bruce Campana, MD, FACEP, FRCPC
Andrew Campbell, MD, FRCPC
Surgical and interventional management of adult congenital heart disease
Amber R. Campbell, MSc
Meaningful community collaboration in research
Mackenzie A. Campbell, MD
The role of anti-Müllerian hormone testing for fertility prognosis
Nicholas Campbell, MD, FRACS,
PSA and beyond: Biomarkers in prostate cancer
Colin Campin, MB,
Re: Accurate measurement of blood pressure
Ruth Campling, MD
Mr Donald Gregory Dines, 1957–2017
Rielle Capler, MHA,
Re: Medical Marijuana
More on marijuana
Paddy Cardwell,
Dr David McDonald Cardwell 1933–2009
Ronald G. Carere, MD, FRCPC
Surgical and interventional management of adult congenital heart disease
Bruce C. Carleton, PharmD,
Drug safety: Side effects and mistakes or adverse reactions and deadly errors?
Guest editorial--Primum non nocere (First, do no harm): How do we improve patient safety?
Christopher Carlsten, MD, MPH
Sooty bark disease in BC: A cause of a rare form of hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Nadine Caron, MD,
Education on Aboriginal health care: A new opportunity
Fostering the growth of the Aboriginal physician population
Tracey Carpenter
Re: Congenital heart disease theme issue
Dana Carr, MsC,
Treatment and reporting of Lyme disease among physicians in British Columbia
Melissa Carr, DrTCM, BSc
Understanding herbal medicine and liver toxicity
Marcia Carr, RN, BN, MS, GNC(C),
Diagnosis and management of urinary incontinence in residential care
D. Barry Carruthers, MD, CCFP, CIME, FCBOM,
Mollie Carruthers, MD, FRCPC
Explaining the gender pay gap: Lessons from rheumatology
Robert Carruthers, MD,
Characterizing pediatric-onset neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder in British Columbia
Cedric J. Carter, MB, FRCPC,
Toward better utilization of laboratory resources: The impact of a mandatory 4Ts pretest clinical assessment form on the diagnosis of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
Diana Carter, MBBS
Psychiatric disorders in pregnancy
Depression and emotional aspects of the menopause
Elaine Carty, MSN,
Anna-Maria Carvalho, MD, FRCPC,
Social media to support physician practice and CPD: Opportunities, issues, and an emergency medicine case study
Oscar Casiro, MD, FRCPC,
Maldistribution of physicians in BC: What we are trying to do about it
JoAnna Cassie
Just-in-time assistance and outreach for managing WorkSafeBC patients
Fatima Catalan, MBA, SCMP
Expanding telehealth at WorkSafeBC
Lauren Caters, BSc (Hons)
Opioid overdose following surgery or pain treatment: A missed opportunity for intervention
Eric Cattoni, MD, CCFP
Prescription factors contributing to new long-term opioid use in British Columbia between 2013 and 2017
Alessandro Cau, BSc (Hons)
Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors: A new era of kidney care
Norman D. Causton, MD, FRCSC,
Laparoscopic colon resection: Experience from a community hospital
Bill Cavers, MD
The future of general practice
Collaboration: Changing the face of health care
Reflections on the holiday season
Physician leadership during a time of exciting innovation in technology
Specialists are due their own renaissance
Dr Cavers responds re: Who are the doctors of BC
Attachment: How “A GP for Me” will help improve BC’s primary care system
Silencing members is not the path for CMA to achieve diversity
Prescribing second-generation antipsychotic medications: Practice guidelines for general practitioners
Working toward changing our governance model
Dr Cavers replies
Medical students: Our doctors of tomorrow
Re: Physician-assisted suicide. Dr Cavers replies
Re: Doctors’ attitudes shifting on physician-assisted suicide. Reply from Dr Cavers
Doctors' attitudes shifting on physician-assisted suicide
Quality of patient care and professionalism are intertwined
Physicians as leaders at a time of change
Dr Alexander Letham Black, 1946–2021
GPSC builds on foundation of collaboration
Looking back on a rewarding year
Community-based mental health initiative: Patients and GPs to benefit
Apathy: Dr Cavers replies
Jessica Cavers
Give your colleagues the recognition they deserve: Doctors of BC’s 2022 awards
Give someone the recognition they deserve: Doctors of BC awards
Sandra Caze,
Vocational rehabilitation: A collaborative return-to-work process
Jane Chacko
Dr John Chacko 1934-2006
Daljeet Chahal, MSc, MD, FRCPC
Systemic racism and medicine: A commentary
Jeevyn K. Chahal, MD
Bizarre love triangle
Quest for Superdoc, Version 2.0
Virtual reality
Listen up, Doc
Quest for Superdoc
The A-Team
Stop, collaborate, and listen
Bean the change
Say my name
Scents and sensibility
Knock knock, it’s the doc
Can you spare some change?
Connecting and tree-ting with nature
Prabhjot Chahal, MD
Evaluating patient perceptions of quality of care through telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic
Brian Chai, MD, FRCPC
Improved patient care and cost savings after rapid access to endoscopy initiated at a community hospital
Santabhanu Chakrabarti, MD, FRCPC, FCCS
Pacemaker and defibrillator management in medical assistance in dying: Review for the primary care provider
Special considerations in the management of adult congenital heart disease
Ciara Chamberlain, MSc,
Med student journal launched
UBCMJ launch event
Erika Chamberlain, PhD
Emerg. departments: Considered a safe haven from prosecution for impaired drivers involved in fatal or personal injury crashes?
Canadian physicians support mandatory alcohol screening
Random breath testing: A needed and effective measure to prevent impaired driving fatalities
Keith Chambers, MD
Accounting for serious adverse events
Paul Champion, MBBS,
Re: Assisted suicide vs end-of-life care
Alex Chan, PhD, MD, FRCSC
Shared orthopaedic referral and triage in the East Kootenay
Angie Chan, MPA,
Upcoming GPSC billing education webinar series: Fall 2020
Transforming surgical recovery through collaboration
Albert W. Chan, MD, FRCPC,
Carotid artery stenting by a cardiovascular services department in Canada
Anthony Chan, MBBS,
Dr Nicholas Marinatos 1931–2008
Ben Chan, BSc,
Medical contributions to an impoverished community: A great idea realized
Edmond Chan, MD
BC Society of Allergy and Immunology statement on the climate crisis
Elaine Chan, MPH
The changing epidemiology of syphilis in BC
Justin M. Chan, MSc
Experiences of illicit opioid overdose survivors: From opioid epidemic to COVID-19 pandemic
Ka Hong (Casey) Chan, MD, FRCPC
Impact of COVID-19 on postgraduate medical education in British Columbia
Peter K.Y. Chan, MD, FRCPC,
Therapeutic approaches in the management of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in the elderly
Clarifying the confusion about confusion: Current practices in managing geriatric delirium
Peter K.Y. Chan, MD, FRCPC, ISAM
Protection of the vulnerable older adult: A review of the legislation, relevant case law, and common clinical practice
Successful succession: Evaluating financial capacity, testamentary capacity, and undue influence in BC
Samuel Chan, BSc
Opioid overdose following surgery or pain treatment: A missed opportunity for intervention
Tiffany Chan, MD, MHsc
A 5-year review of surgical outcomes for deceased-donor liver transplantation in British Columbia
T. Chan, MHsc, MD,
Wait times for general surgery in BC: Moving beyond measurement
Mann Chandavimol, MD, FRCPC
Pearls and perils of acute pericarditis
B-type natriuretic peptide: A new marker for congestive heart failure
River Chandler, MA
Measuring the societal impacts of the COVID-19 response in BC
Derek C. Chang, MD
Changing drug policies: What do we need to end this heartbreaking crisis?
Disaster preparedness in medical training needs to be a part of the new normal
Jacqueline Chang, MD, CCFP
Prevention and management of complications after bariatric surgery
Yin Chang, MSc
Pathogen genomics in the post-COVID-19 era
An optimal approach for diagnosing dyspepsia caused by helicobacter pylori
Botulism: A decade in review—1996 to 2007
Diagnostic testing for Legionnaires’ disease: Trends in BC
Pandemic influenza: Postpandemic laboratory analysis
Jack Chang, MD
Confidence and cosmetic surgery: Taking the taboo out of cosmetic surgery for men
Jean-Pierre Chanoine, MD,
Overcoming obesity and unhealthy weight in children and youth in BC
David B. Chapman, MBChB
My owie in Maui, or Denial is not a river in Egypt
Valuing time and care
The end of an era
Passport to post-pandemia
An Oedipus complex
My pandemic fears
A chill in the air
Too close to home
The lies we tell
Death: Natural or hastened
I wonder which committee thought that one up
Getting further away from retirement, and loving it!
How does one retire?
When will they ever learn?
Book review: Call Mama Doctor: Notes From Africa
Dr Michael McCann, 1958–2021
Lost and found
My pandemic fears, part 2
They grow up so fast
This is not the time to keep calm and carry on
Timing life
Lessons, priorities, mindfulness, challenges, and epiphanies
I am a GP, not a GPS
Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be
Holiday customs: Making light of our differences
Michael Chapman, MD, FRCPC
Delivery models, efficacy, safety, and cost reduction of outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy in British Columbia
D. Chapple, MD, FRCPC,
More than just a bruise: Recognizing child physical abuse
Jocelyn M. Chase, MD, FRCPC
Re: Delirium in older adults. Authors reply
Delirium in older adults: Diagnosis, prevention, and treatment
Safia Chatur, MD
John Hopps and the pacemaker: A history and detailed overview of devices, indications, and complications
Matthew Assad Joseph Chedrawe, MSc
Finding connectedness and promoting mental health during COVID-19: A video-sharing group
Joanna Cheek, MD, FRCPC
CBT Skills Spread Initiative: Building a program to support doctor and patient mental health
"Conversation" yields consensus
Effectiveness and accessibility of virtual Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Skills Group medical visits during COVID-19
Self-management training in cognitive-behavioral therapy skills: A project to address unmet mental health needs in Victoria, BC
Tyler Cheek, MD,
Re: Old Harrison's
G. Cheema, MBBS, CCFP,
iCON: Supporting Chinese and South Asian BC citizens for optimal self-management
Rona E. Cheifetz, MD, MEd, FRCSC, FACS
Guest editorial: Breast cancer, Part 1: Issues in diagnosis
Current surgical management of breast cancer
Current evaluation of breast health concerns and diagnosis of breast cancer
Practice patterns and appropriateness of rectal cancer management in British Columbia
Guest editorial: Breast cancer, Part 2: Issues in treatment
Hereditary breast cancer in British Columbia: Outcomes from BC Cancer’s High-Risk Clinic
Revisiting rectal cancer management in British Columbia
Jerry C. Chen, MD, FRCSC
Current therapy for primary varicose veins
Leo Chen, MSc
Using Gastrografin to manage adhesive small bowel obstruction: A nonrandomized controlled study with historical controls
Lu Kun Chen, MD
A case of eumycetoma in British Columbia
Shirley X. Chen, MPH
Risk of mortality among people with schizophrenia during the 2021 heat dome
Brooke Cheng
The other pandemic: COVID-19 as a catalyst for hate against Asian health care workers
Marshall Cheng, MD, FRCPC
Surgical Patient Optimization Collaborative: A community hospital quality improvement perspective
Todd Cherniak, LLB
Litigation MRI: Why lawyers are asking for it and why your patients need it
Holly Cherniwchan, BHSc
Bridging the 6-foot gap
A. Cherukupalli, MD, MHSc
NSAID-exacerbated respiratory disease: Clinical review and referral pathway in British Columbia
Abhiram Cherukupalli, MD, MHSc
Evaluating patient perceptions of quality of care through telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic
Ka Wai Cheung, MD, MPH, FRCPC
Physician burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic
Improving planetary health in BC: Taking small but important steps
Stephen Cheung, MD, FRCPC
Pearls and perils of acute pericarditis
Stephen Chia, MD,
Breast cancer screening recommendations for women who received mantle radiation for Hodgkin lymphoma
Anthony Chiam, RPh
Search engine to identify the most affordable drug, coverage availability, and special authority resources
Search engine to identify the most affordable drug, coverage availability, and special authority resources
Aaron Childs, MD
“One-for-all” recruiting approach attracts new doctors to Vancouver Island
Kate M. Chipperfield, MD, FRCPC,
Introduction of guidelines for the use of albumin and the effect on albumin prescribing practices in British Columbia
Guidelines for frozen plasma transfusion
Toward better utilization of laboratory resources: The impact of a mandatory 4Ts pretest clinical assessment form on the diagnosis of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
Guidelines for cryoprecipitate transfusion
Robert Chisholm, MD, FRCPC,
Atypical antipsychotics, schizophrenia, and cardiovascular risk: What family physicians need to know
Connie G. Chiu, MD, FRCSC
Current surgical management of breast cancer
Survivorship care: Understanding the sequelae of breast cancer treatment
Current evaluation of breast health concerns and diagnosis of breast cancer
Clayton Chmelik,
Referrals to the Visiting Specialist Clinic
Dana Chmelnitsky, MBA, BMR(PT)
FAQs about expedited surgeries and billing the expedited surgery premium
Expanding telehealth at WorkSafeBC
Tips for billing Initial Expedited Comprehensive Consultations (19911)
Kristy Cho, MD, FRCSC
The utilization and impact of core needle biopsy diagnosis on breast cancer outcomes in British Columbia
Fertility options for transgender and gender-diverse people
Alexandra Choi, MD, MHSc, CCFP
COVID-19: Responding to an emerging respiratory pathogen
BC needs to prioritize health beyond health care
Mei Chong, MSc
Regional variations in antibiotic consumption in BC
Vaccine timing and postimmunization serology of infants in British Columbia who received hepatitis B vaccine at less than 7 days
Re: BC physicians reduce unnecessary antibiotic use—and costs. Authors reply
BC physicians reduce unnecessary antibiotic use—and costs
Antibiotic use among children in British Columbia
Can we stop the emergence of antibiotic resistance?
Anthony W. Chow, MD, FACP, FRCPC
The subspecialty of adult infectious diseases in British Columbia: A personal perspective
Kenmau Chow, MD,
New coverage for work-related mental disorders
Matthew C. Chow, MD
Looking to 2021 with hope and optimism
We will prevail
Physician health and wellness is about to get a whole lot more robust
Mass disruption: A time of great pain and great hope
Greetings from my family to yours
Great leadership during uncertain times
Kindness matters
Respect. Honor. Dignity.
Keeping you informed during negotiations
On the nature of being a professional
Rudy Chow, MD, FRCPC
Pacemaker and defibrillator management in medical assistance in dying: Review for the primary care provider
Jim Christenson, MD
Province-wide implementation of the Vancouver Chest Pain Rule
BC Coroners Service: Emergency medicine recommendation
Re: Province-wide implementation of the Vancouver Chest Pain Rule. Authors reply
The BC Emergency Medicine Network: Evaluation approach and early findings
Launch of the BC Emergency Medicine Network
Devon Christie, MD,
Re: InspireHealth
Timothy K.S. Christie, PhD
The science of partner notification: A review of the available evidence
Marthinus Christo Wiggins, MD, FRCSC,
Laparoscopic colon resection: Experience from a community hospital
Astrid Christoffersen-Deb, MDCM, DPhil, FACOG, FRCPSC
Supporting the stillbirth journey at BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre
Jack Chritchley, MD, FRCPC,
Meeting the information needs of family physicians in the complex world of cancer control
Dr Terry Sparling, 1947–2015
Doson Chua, PharmD, BCPS(AQ),
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors: An ACE in the hole for everyone?
Vincent Chui, BSc
Eliminating the routine use of examination table paper in outpatient oncology clinics
Allison Chung, MD
Memories from my childhood
A. Maria Chung, MDCM
Culturally sensitive care and seniors
COVID-19 and long-term care
Elder care: We can do better
Dr Madeline Huang Chung, 1925–2021
Respecting a new right: What are physicians’ responsibilities?
End-stage dementia and palliative care
Henry V. Chung, MD, FRCPC,
Liver disease in the indigenous populations of the Arctic, sub-Arctic, and Pacific Northwest
Stephen Chung, MD, PhD, FRCSC
Liver transplantation: Current status in British Columbia
Herbal medicine and liver toxicity
Minimally invasive treatment of colorectal cancer metastases: Current status and new directions
A 5-year review of surgical outcomes for deceased-donor liver transplantation in British Columbia
Andrew Churg, MD, FRCPC
Vaping-associated lung injury causing organizing pneumonia: A case report
Nevio Cimolai, MD, FRCPC
My difficulty with C. difficile
Sweet success? Honey as a topical wound dressing
Re: BC physicians reduce unnecessary antibiotic use—and costs
Vaccine administration and placement
A medical practice audit: Do patients request antibiotic treatment for common respiratory infections?
Streptococcus pyogenes is alive and well
Community-acquired MRSA infection: An emerging trend
Provincial diagnostic standards for enteric pathogens
Herpes zoster eruption associated with vaccine-strain varicella-zoster virus: A case report
Veronic Clair, MD, PhD, CCFP, FRCPC
BC youth are in a mental health crisis—we must invest in prevention
The urgent need to address mental health and substance use structural stigma in BC
Brenda Clark, PhD
Stereotactic radiosurgery and radiation therapy in British Columbia
Geoffrey Clark, MSc,
Controlling H1N1 exposure in physicians’ offices
Lorne Clark, MDCM, FRCPC, FCCMG,
Primer on mitochondrial disease: Biochemistry, genetics, and epidemiology
Diagnosis and management of patients with mitochondrial disease
Andrew Clarke, MD
Navigating care as an MD-patient. The PHP replies
The physical and mental health status and health practices of physicians in British Columbia
Anne I. Clarke, MD
Baha cruising, BCMJ style
We can’t do that in the ER!
Book review: Surviving and Thriving in Stepfamily Relationships: What Works and What Doesn’t
Playing our part in medical education
Book review: The Research Guide: A primer for residents, other health care trainees and practitioners
Book reviews: AIDS at 30
CME: Making it real
Cut the new old doctor some slack!
The real stars of the show
Caring for colleagues
Keeping professionalism alive and well
Re: Speaking out for patients
Krista Clarke
Virtual physical therapy as a solution for our times
Margo S. Clarke, MD
Is lesion location random, and does it really matter?
Closure of the CPSBC medical library (4)
Teresa Clarke, MD
Treatment of fibromyalgia with acupuncture and counseling
Paul W. Clarkson, MBChB, FRACS,
Soft tissue sarcomas of the extremities: How to stay out of trouble
M. Graham Clay, MD,
Dr Thomas Henry Christopher Lewis
Dr Gordon Gatward (Bud) Lott
Carcinoid tumors in a family with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1
Screening for colorectal cancer in British Columbia
Cathy Clelland, MD
Dr Marianne Russell, 1963–2020
Proust questionnaire: Cathy Clelland, MD
Building the business case for allied health care professionals in family physician practices in British Columbia
Advance care planning
Catherine Clelland, MD
The history of the Family Practice Oncology Network and its digital future
D.B. Clement, MD
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy in the management of plantar fasciitis
Alleviation of pain with the use of Farabloc, an electromagnetic shield: A review
Krista Clement, BSc
Eliminating the routine use of examination table paper in outpatient oncology clinics
Maureen Clement, MD, CCFP
Challenges to managing type 2 diabetes in British Columbia: Discordant guidelines and limited treatment options
Gerrit Clements, JD
Protection of the vulnerable older adult: A review of the legislation, relevant case law, and common clinical practice
Linda Clendenning
Information @ point of care
Getting greener with Cites & Bytes
Mindfulness and the busy physician
Information for patients
Putting Google in its place
We're back!
Library launches simple search tool
Healthy offices, healthy patients
Learning on demand: online AV
PIER on PDA: Just another acronymic phrase?
Emily L. Clough, JD
Successful succession: Evaluating financial capacity, testamentary capacity, and undue influence in BC
Patricia Clugston, MD, FRCSC, FACS
What information about breast reconstruction is available to women facing mastectomy?
Edward Coates, MDCM
BC Society of Allergy and Immunology statement on the climate crisis
Lesley Coates
Tackling stigma directed toward people who use substances during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experience from a rural health authority in British Columbia
J.L. Cochlin, MD
Re: Please fix walk-in problem
D. Douglas Cochrane MD, FRCSC,
Thank you, Dr Benton:* Rationale for using a surgical checklist in British Columbia
Gordon J.D. Cochrane, Ed. D., R. Psych.
Physicians and their primary relationships: How to be successful in both personal and professional realms
Success in personal and professional realms. Author replies
Sarah Cockell, PhD, RPsych
Ensuring a successful transition and transfer from pediatric to adult care in patients with congenital heart disease
Lori Cockerill, MBA, BScOT, BScPsy
Traumatic brain injuries
Irwin M. Cohen, PhD,
Traumatic pasts in Canadian Aboriginal people: Further support for a complex trauma conceptualization?
Jake Colautti
Integrating palliative care into health professionals’ education
Margaret Colbourne, MD, FRCPC
Guest editorial: Child maltreatment, Part 2: An informed diagnosis—partners and tools
Guest editorial: Child maltreatment, Part 1: Recognizing child maltreatment and communicating concerns
Medical management of pediatric sexual abuse
Abusive head trauma: Evolution of a diagnosis
Child maltreatment, Part 2: Sexual exploitation and abuse
Abusive head trauma
Andrew J. Coldman, PhD
The influence of breast density on breast cancer diagnosis: A study of participants in the BC Cancer Breast Screening Program
Re: Discussing breast cancer screening with patients. The authors respond
Practice patterns and appropriateness of rectal cancer management in British Columbia
Cancer incidence in British Columbia expected to grow by 57% from 2012 to 2030
Computer simulation of the effect of different colorectal cancer screening strategies for British Columbia
Information for physicians discussing breast cancer screening with patients
Pathology audit of 1996 and 2000 reporting for rectal cancer in BC
Dana Cole, BScPharm,
Re: BC Health Authorities Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
Doug Coleman, MD,
Re: CAST replies
CAST concerns
Jesse Coleman, MSc,
M-health: Connecting patients to improve population and public health
Dina Collins
Dr Chava Eve Rotem, 1928–2020
Ron Collins, MD, FRCPC,
Goal-directed fluid therapy and opioid-sparing technique: Clinical guidance amid doubt and confusion
Transforming surgical recovery through collaboration
Rebecca Collins, BSc
Evaluation of treatment completion note used by the BC Cancer Agency Centre for the North
Stephen Comberbach,
Catastrophically injured patients and ICBC’s rehabilitation department
Vikram R. Comondore, MD,
The impact of sleep deprivation in resident physicians on physician and patient safety: Is it time for a wake-up call?
Lara-Lisa Condello, BSSc, MA,
Collaborative community-prison programs for incarcerated women in BC
Caroline Condon, MBChB,
Dr Edmond Augustine Condon
Mary Conley, MD
Dr Gail Verlaine Dickinson, 1944–2022
Celeste Connell,
Appropriate use of CT and MRI in British Columbia
J. Connell, BSc, MPH
Assessing the impact of a nursing model of care on rheumatology practice patterns and patient satisfaction in British Columbia
Mary Connolly, MBBCh, FRCPC,
Improving the management of epilepsy in children
Acute flaccid paralysis in a child infected with enterovirus D68: A case report
Approach to a child with a first afebrile seizure
Erin Connors
Protecting the families of Doctors of BC members
Parental leaves and implications for disability insurance
Recent health trust legislation changes and the impact on the Doctors of BC Health Benefits Trust Fund
A short history of Physicians’ Disability Insurance
Parental leaves and implications for disability insurance
Life insurance: Time for a beneficiary designation checkup
Parental leave and implications for disability insurance
Joseph Connors, MD,
Breast cancer screening recommendations for women who received mantle radiation for Hodgkin lymphoma
William J.A. Connors, MD, MPH, FRCPC
Detection of pre-extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis by molecular testing
Brian Conway, MD, FRCPC
Re: The subspecialty of adult infectious diseases
Michael Cook, MD,
Tuberculosis and TNF – α inhibitors — Dangerous liaisons?
Dr Annette Elisabeth Hacking 1958–2007
Victoria J. Cook, MD, FRCPC
Tuberculosis within aboriginal communities in BC
BCG adieu
British Columbia’s Tuberculosis Strategic Plan: Refreshed and focused on TB elimination
Provincial tuberculosis screening for incident dialysis patients in BC
The burden of tuberculosis in Aboriginal communities in BC
Blood tests for TB--ready for prime time?
Social network analysis methods to characterize tuberculosis transmission patterns
Latent tuberculosis infection: Update on provincial treatment guidelines
TB in foreign-born patients
Drug-resistant tuberculosis
Victoria E. Cook, MD
In situ simulation training for in-office anaphylaxis preparedness
BC Society of Allergy and Immunology statement on the climate crisis
H. Douglas Cooper, MD,
Book review: The Patient Will See You Now: The Future of Medicine Is in Your Hands
Medical record retention
Ken Cooper, CPHIC
Hantavirus infection in British Columbia: An atypical case history and epidemiological review
Rabies in BC: A prophylaxis guidelines update
Laurie Cooper,
Staff member joins front line of refugee crisis
Michael Cooper, MD, FRCPC
Re: Diagnosing and treating adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Penny Cooper, MALT, BScN, RN
Digital storytelling and dialogue to support culturally safe health care for Indigenous patients in British Columbia
Polly Cooper, MSW
Herbal medicine and liver toxicity
Susan E.P. Cooper, MD, FRCPC
Detection of chronic kidney disease in non-nephrology practices: An important focus for intervention
Ray Copes, MD, FRCPC
Reducing radon exposure in British Columbia
New materials on air pollution and health for physicians
Is living near power lines bad for our health?
Clandestine drug laboratories--public and environmental health aspects
Wood smoke, forest fires, and PM2.5 in British Columbia
Climate change and infectious disease in Canada and BC
Wireless technology: A risk to health?
Bottled vs tap water
Go green: 10 steps to an eco-friendly office
Health and environment: What are the links?
Mercury exposure in British Columbia: Do we have a problem?
Michael Copland, MD, FRCPC,
Chronic digoxin toxicity in elderly British Columbians
Max J. Coppes, MD, PhD, MBA,
Cancer incidence in British Columbia expected to grow by 57% from 2012 to 2030
Margaret Corbett, MD
Camp for sick kids
W. James Corbett, MD,
An icy birth and an incorrect bill: The backseat delivery of a Yukon pioneer
Dr George Edward Cragg
Trevor A. Corneil, MD, MHSc, FCFC, FRCPC
Prevention and control of infections in your practice: New tools
Impact of school closures on learning, and child and family well-being
Raymond Corrado, PhD,
Traumatic pasts in Canadian Aboriginal people: Further support for a complex trauma conceptualization?
Maria Corral, MD, FRCPC
Nonpharmacological treatments during pregnancy and the postpartum period
Rachel Correia, MPH
Mental health and well-being among pandemic-era youth in British Columbia: Risk and protective factors
Shauna Correia, MDCM, FRCPC
Sexual lubricants: Practice tips
When sex is always painful: Provoked vestibulodynia
Erin Corry,
Health authorities go smoke-free
Ingrid Cosio, MD, CCFP
Gender-affirming primary care
Greg Costello,
Student life in a distributed medical program
Anything but commonplace
Adam Cota, BSc,
Lecturer conflicts of interest in medical school education: Raising the bar in BC
Darren Cotterell, MBBCh, MSc, MRCPsych
Protection of the vulnerable older adult: A review of the legislation, relevant case law, and common clinical practice
Rosemary Coupe
Dr Robert Lachlan MacLeod Coupe, 1935–2021
Robert Coupland, MD, FRCPC,
Toward better utilization of laboratory resources: The impact of a mandatory 4Ts pretest clinical assessment form on the diagnosis of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
Douglas J. Courtemanche, MD, MS, FRCSC
Prescription factors contributing to new long-term opioid use in British Columbia between 2013 and 2017
Re: Dr Ken Turnbull (obituary)
Dr George Duncan McPherson, 1932–2020
Dr Robert John Cowan, 1917–2014
Planetary health versus travel
Opioid prescribing patterns in British Columbia from 2013 to 2017: A population-based study
Taking steps to improve care and planning for patients in British Columbia with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
Rebecca Courtemanche, MSc, CCRP
Prescription factors contributing to new long-term opioid use in British Columbia between 2013 and 2017
Taking steps to improve care and planning for patients in British Columbia with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
Opioid prescribing patterns in British Columbia from 2013 to 2017: A population-based study
Ian Courtice, MD,
Postcards from Cleveland: Ideas for BC specialists
BC specialists travel to Cleveland Clinic, one of the world’s foremost medical centres
Jane Cowan, PhD,
Dr Robert John Cowan, 1917–2014
Scott Cowie, MD, FRCSC
Early surgical management of acute cholecystitis: A quality improvement initiative
Chasing a moving train: The general surgery workforce versus population growth in British Columbia, 2012–2022
Darcy Cox, PsyD, RPsych, ABPP,
The role of neuropsychological testing in the care of older adults
Cognitive-behavioral therapy with older adults
Kelly Anne Cox, MD, MPH
It is time to improve access to first-line contraception for BC’s youth
Jennifer Coy
Dr Peter Coy, 1932–2020
Peter Coy, MB,
Preventing tobacco use: Still an issue
Alexis Crabtree, MD, MPH, PhD
Supporting BC youth at risk of drug poisoning from unregulated supply
Physician awareness of lyme disease in British Columbia
COVID-19: Responding to an emerging respiratory pathogen
BC needs to prioritize health beyond health care
Kenneth D. Craig, PhD
Diagnostic judgment: Chronic pain syndrome, pain disorder, and malingering
Lorrie Cramb, RD, MEd,
BC’s new trans fat regulation
Nancy Craven, MD, CCFP
Management of chronic kidney disease in the primary care setting
ACR has value
David Creighton, MSc,
Vitamin D: New D-fence against cardiovascular disease?
Genevieve Creighton, PhD,
Re: Rise in injury rates for older male motorcyclists: Authors reply
Rise in injury rates for older male motorcyclists: An emerging medical and public health concern
Céline Cressman, MSc,
Meeting the information needs of family physicians in the complex world of cancer control
Ronald Cridland, MD
Nice Journal
Re: Chronic-disease rates cut in half!
Arlene Cristall, MSc,
Book review: Overweight: What Kids Say.
Neil Crofton, MD
Incentive to immunize
Andrea Cross, CFP
Are you making these TFSA mistakes?
Nicole Cross, MHA
Cervical screening in BC—Change inspired by First Nations and Métis communities
Taylor Crown, MD
Navigating the nonarthritic hip: Labral tears and femoroacetabular impingement
Ray Croy, BSN, RN
Gender-affirming surgical care in British Columbia
David Cruikshank, MD
Total hip replacement: Relieving pain and restoring function
Darcye Cuff, PhD
Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes
Sandi Culo, BScOT, MD, FRCPC,
Risk assessment and intervention for vulnerable older adults
John R. Culter,
Re: Pharmacist prescribing
Emma Cumming, MSc
Calls to BC Poison Control on 4/20: A case-only analysis
Geoffrey W. Cundiff, MD,
Putting the FDA notifications in perspective
Kenneth F. Cunningham, MD, FRCPC
Web-based medical education: How to find it and use it
William Cunningham, MD, CCFP, CCFP (EM)
Students and residents: Let’s talk!
Breathing easier from home: Home health monitoring at Island Health
A year remembered
What’s in a name? “Doctors of BC” launches 3-year strategic plan
Beyond the EMR tipping point
Exploring professional relationships in medicine
The dividends of volunteering
The necessary discussion that’s often hard to have
Is it time for change?
Sinterklass, Christkindl, St. Nicholas, and Santa Claus: I’ve met them all
CMA General Council: Influencing the future of medicine
Terry Curran, MD, FRCP
How to choose the best financial adviser
The seven habits of financially unsuccessful doctors
Judith Cutler, MD
Dr Barry King Cutler, 1937–2019