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Annemarie Kaan, MCN, RN
Impact of donor origin on survival after orthotopic heart transplantation
Janusz Kaczorowski, PhD,
Measurement of blood pressure: New developments and challenges
Blood pressure: Authors respond
Megan Kadzirange
Osteoarthritis in Indigenous populations in rural British Columbia: Disparities in prevalence and access to care
Dan Kalla
Dr Judy Kalla, 1934–2022
Al Kallas, MD
Dr Harold James (Jim) Rhodes, 1944–2023
Liza Kallstrom,
PSP End-of-Life module enables physicians to better support patients
Tips for using Mental Health module tools and resources
PSP developments for this autumn
GP learning session focuses on improving care for adolescent depression
Practice Support Program implementation the focus of mid-term review
Group medical visits: Enhancing chronic illness care
Practice support update from the General Practice Services Committee
New Practice Support Program module on child and youth mental health launches across BC
Vancouver psychiatrists incorporate group medical visits into patient care
Innovative group medical visits benefit both dementia patients and their caregivers
Supporting family physicians in British Columbia: The experience of the Practice Support Program
Practice Support Program module helps GPs support patient self-management
Chronic Disease Management Module supports GPs to deliver better care
N. Kamoosi,
Cardiac rehabilitation in BC: An approach based on Dr Hellerstein’s model
Lisa Kan, MSc
Area-based disparities in breast cancer screening participation in British Columbia
Re: Breast cancer screening and diagnosis - Authors respond
The top issues patients mention when family physicians recommend screening mammography
Breast cancer screening and diagnosis in British Columbia
Amin Kanani, MDCM
BC Society of Allergy and Immunology statement on the climate crisis
Barbara J. Kane, MD,
Re: The other dual diagnosis
Acute pediatric psychiatry
Kristopher T. Kang, MD
Re: Management of influenza with Tamiflu: Authors reply
Child abuse and neglect in the COVID-19 era: A primer for front-line physicians in British Columbia
Munsa Gill Kang
How to navigate health promotion in the digital age—Social media and harm reduction among young adults
Hussein Kanji, MD, MSc, MPH
British Columbia’s COVID-19 experience
Alison D. Kaplen, DMD
Work-related dental injuries: Considerations for replacing teeth with implant-retained restorations
Medications can affect oral health
Management of acute dental trauma
Derin Karacabeyli, MD
The Live 5-2-1-0 Toolkit for family physicians: Mixed methods evaluation of a resource to facilitate health promotion in a primary care setting
Edward P. Kardera, MD
Dr Douglas Graham 1942–2008
Thanks BCMA, MD Management
Zamil Karim, MD, FRCPC,
Informed consent and its documentation: Implications for medical malpractice liability
Ahmer A. Karimuddin, MD, FRCSC
Transforming surgical recovery through collaboration
Thank you for helping us be “better together; never alone”
Dividing the pie into smaller slices: A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the general surgery workforce in British Columbia, 1992–2012
Physicians need to read and understand the Health Professions and Occupations Act. Doctors of BC president replies
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
The creativity to do more with less in a constrained health care system
A lens of hope
Better, together
Physician wellness: Doctors taking care of doctors
A first-of-its-kind Canadian partnership for a stronger health care system
Wait times for general surgery in BC: Moving beyond measurement
“What we speak becomes the house we live in”
Timing of return to work after hernia repair: Recommendations based on a literature review
Increasing the influence of the physician voice
The pursuit of equity
A time to be bold
Better together; never alone
Delivering respectful, safe health care to Indigenous people in BC
Elective surgery without COVID-19 testing will lead to excess morbidity and mortality
Harry Karlinsky, MD, FRCPC
Videoconferencing for telehealth: Unexpected challenges and unprecedented opportunities
Just-in-time assistance and outreach for managing WorkSafeBC patients
Psychiatric services coverage for injured workers
Supporting injured workers with PTSD
Expanding telehealth at WorkSafeBC
Shazya Karmali, PhD
Physician knowledge gaps on concussion care
Gerry Karr, MD, FRCPC,
Demystifying chronic kidney disease: Clinical caveats for the family physician
Vishwathsen Karthikeyan, BHSc
Preparing for the future of medicine: Considering the need for data-literate physicians
Sonya Kashyap, MD,
Re: Biology vs career
Julia Kaufmann, BSc
Mental health and well-being among pandemic-era youth in British Columbia: Risk and protective factors
Jagbir Kaur, BSN
Eliminating the routine use of examination table paper in outpatient oncology clinics
Pitamber Kaushik
Green: The most suitable color for hospital textiles
Alex Kavanagh, MD, FRCSC
Gender-affirming surgical care in British Columbia
Doris Kavanagh-Gray, MD
Dr Kenneth Berry 1932-2006
Mandana Kaviani, MD
BC Society of Allergy and Immunology statement on the climate crisis
May Kazem, MD, FRCPC, MHA
Explaining the gender pay gap: Lessons from rheumatology
Momin Kazi, MBB, MPH,
Mobile health: An update on BC projects that use WelTel to enhance patient care
Marc Kazimirski, JD,
Re: Courts plugged with ICBC cases
Janny Ke,
The first cry
Liz Keay, MD, MHSc, FRCPC, PhD
Re: Restrictions on private health insurance
Martin Keeley,
Ms Claudette Reed Upton-Keeley
Shelly Keidar, MPH
The Live 5-2-1-0 Toolkit for family physicians: Mixed methods evaluation of a resource to facilitate health promotion in a primary care setting
Carol Kellman, BScN, RN
Digital storytelling and dialogue to support culturally safe health care for Indigenous patients in British Columbia
Albert Kelly, MD
Training physicians for rural and northern British Columbia
Karen Kelly, BScN, PhD
The relationship between physician visits and some quality of life indicators
Peter Kelly, MD
Outpatient treatment of alcohol use disorder
Perry Kendall, OBC, MBBS, MSc, FRCPC
Introduction to pandemic influenza
New birth body length and head circumference charts for the British Columbia population
New birth weight and gestational age charts for the British Columbia population
HIV now reportable
How you can help Syrian refugees
Risk of waterborne infection in BC
The Provincial Health Officer replies
Dr John Blatherwick—An appreciation
Pandemic influenza—A primer for physicians
Why BC is moving from four to three doses of conjugate pneumococcal vaccine for infant immunization
Healthy drinking water in British Columbia: A physician's update
The science of partner notification: A review of the available evidence
Immunize or mask: A choice to protect patients in BC
New HIV testing guidelines in BC
Physicians: Protect yourself
The case for a supervised drug consumption site trial in Victoria, British Columbia
David Kendler, MD
Concerns with the Therapeutics Initiative
G. Kenefick, MB
Re: Please fix walk-in problem
Tan Kennard, MD
Revised BC Guideline: Infectious Diarrhea
H.F. Kennecke, MD, MHA, FRCPC,
New guidelines for treatment of early hormone-positive breast cancer with tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors
Stephen Kennedy, MD,
Pharmacological treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip and knee
Debra A. Kent, PharmD, DABAT, FAACT
Chronic digoxin toxicity in elderly British Columbians
Out of Sight and Locked Up Tight: Pediatric pharmaceutical poisoning
A resource for BC physicians handling cases of exposure to toxic substances in the environment
The BC Drug and Poison Information Centre: An essential clinical resource and public health partner
Nancy Kent, MD
Dr Leanne Dahlgren, 1972–2020
Anthony Kenyon, MB
Re: Crisis facing family practice
Michael Kenyon, MD, FRCPC
General internal medicine: A core specialty in jeopardy
Charles Kerr, MD, FRCPC,
Atrial fibrillation: Advances in management
Thomas Kerr, PhD
The health care and fiscal costs of the illicit drug use epidemic: The impact of conventional drug control strategies
Susan Ketchen
Dr Michael Entwisle, 1927–2020
Mira Keyes, MD, FRCPC
2020 BC Cancer core medical staff work engagement and burnout survey
BC Cancer Agency prostate brachytherapy experience: Indications, procedure, and outcomes
Yvonne Keyzer, MD, FCFP, IOC Dip
Shared orthopaedic referral and triage in the East Kootenay
Tarek Khalil, MPH, MD, MCFP,
The patient-centred interview and international medical graduates: A preliminary view
Tej K. Khalsa, MD, MSc, FRCPC
Hope for change
K.M. Khan, MD, PhD
Fragility fracture and osteoporosis investigation
An analysis of running injuries at Vancouver Sun Run InTraining clinics
Treatment of patellar tendinopathy with extracorporeal shock wave therapy
Nadia A. Khan, MSc, MD
Two big hairy audacious goals for Canadian health care
Blood pressure targets for hypertension: What’s the evidence?
Rana S. A. Khan, MBBS,
Laparoscopic colon resection: Experience from a community hospital
The impact of a Concept Award grant program on the University of British Columbia Department of Surgery
S. Khan, BA,
iCON: Supporting Chinese and South Asian BC citizens for optimal self-management
Sidra Khan,
Risks of online self-diagnosing: Cyberchondriacs
Milan Khara, MBChB
Health effects of electronic cigarettes: A review
Karine Khatchadourian, MD, MSc
Precocious puberty: A red flag for malignancy in childhood
Afshin Khazei, MD
The BC Emergency Medicine Network: Evaluation approach and early findings
Raheem B. Kherani, MD, FRCPC, MPHE
Explaining the gender pay gap: Lessons from rheumatology
Sepehr Khorasani, MD, MSc, FRCSC
I, Robot
Pain in the butt
Omid Kiamanesh, MD
Impact of donor origin on survival after orthotopic heart transplantation
Nirvana Kiarostami, AuD, RAUD, Aud(C)
Work-related hearing loss
William J. Kierans, BA, MA
New birth weight and gestational age charts for the British Columbia population
New birth body length and head circumference charts for the British Columbia population
Marla Kiess, MD, FRCPC
Congenital heart disease: Complexities and considerations
History and evolution of the treatment of adult congenital heart disease
Alex Kilpatrick, MD, MPH, CCFP
Postpartum cardiovascular health: Why enhanced screening and longitudinal care are essential
Caroline Kim, BASc
Call for podcast participants: Medical students empowering and engaging caregivers in family-centred care
Haerin Kim, MD,
A quality improvement project to enhance the management of hyperkalemia in hospitalized patients
James Kim, MD, FRCPC
Opioid overdose following surgery or pain treatment: A missed opportunity for intervention
Liz S. Kim, BSc
Opioid overdose following surgery or pain treatment: A missed opportunity for intervention
Min Jung Kim, BHSc
Consulting Dr ChatGPT: The role of AI and machine learning in health care
The inequities of climate change—Intersections between environmental health and health disparities
Sandra Seo Young Kim, BSc
Development of an interdisciplinary student-run health care clinic
So Youn Rachel Kim, BSc,
The merit and agony of retrospective chart reviews: A medical student’s perspective
Seung Kim, MD
BC Society of Allergy and Immunology statement on the climate crisis
Charmaine Kim-Sing, MD, ChB, FRCPC
Breast cancer risk management for moderate-risk and high-risk women
Hormone therapy and breast cancer
Predicting interest in genetic counseling and testing for cancer susceptibility: The British Columbia Family Cancer Survey Pilot
BC Cancer Agency Hereditary Cancer Program
Gil Kimel, MSc
Re: Anal cancer
Heart failure supportive care
Anal cancer and human papillomavirus in HIV-positive men who have sex with men: A case report and review of the literature
Arlene King, MD
The 1997–98 influenza A epidemic in British Columbia
Diana June King,
Don Rix remembered
Wei-Shuen King, MD, FRCPC,
Introduction of guidelines for the use of albumin and the effect on albumin prescribing practices in British Columbia
Stephen J. Kiraly, MD, FRCPC,
Mental health promotion for seniors
Toby Kirshin,
Re: Building the business case for allied health care pros
Lauren Kitney, MD
Infantile botulism in British Columbia: A case report
Nicole A. Kitson, PhD,
Patient attachment: Identifying methods for improvement in the Cowichan Valley
N.A. Kitson, MD, PhD
Real-Time Virtual Support quick-reply pathways
David J. Klaassen, MD, FRCPC
Following up patients with colorectal cancer: Results and recommendations
Richard Klasa, MDCM
Re: A constitutional solution for an ailing health system?
Tammy Klassen-Ross, PhD
Evaluation of treatment completion note used by the BC Cancer Agency Centre for the North
Michael C. Klein, MD,
Provincial Privileging Standards Project
Ralph Klein, MLA, Premier of Alberta
Alberta’s risk-taking approach to medicare
Steven Kleinman, MD,
Revisited: Snake oil
Gordon Kliewer, RN
Pain and wasting on Main and Hastings: A perspective from the Vancouver Native Health Society Medical Clinic
Jan Klimas, MSc, PhD
Think twice: Evidence-based opioid sparing approaches to pain management
Jonathan L. Kline, MD
Dr Carl L. Kline 1915-2005
Rakel Kling, MD, MSc,
Diagnostic testing for Lyme disease: Beware of false positives
Brian Klinkenberg, PhD,
Prevalence of tick-borne pathogens in the South Okanagan, British Columbia: Active surveillance in ticks (Dermacentor andersoni) and deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus)
Alice Klinkhoff, MD
The drug review process in BC: A critique
George Kljajic, MD,
From Olympus to Whistler
Annika Klopp, BSc,
Art Days: Two medical students reflect on the value of cultural immersion and cultural safety
Kloshe Tillicum Research Team: Chee Mamuk BCCDC, Simon Fraser University
Kloshe Tillicum (good relations) move at the speed of trust
Stephanie Knaak, PhD
The urgent need to address mental health and substance use structural stigma in BC
Susan Knoll, MD
Re: Making family med attractive
Linda Knowles, BScN
The impact of HIV reporting on HIV pretest counseling
Mother, infant, and syphilis: increasing cause for concern in British Columbia
Gail Knudson, MD, MEd, FRCPC
Guest editorial: Gender-affirming care in British Columbia, Part 2
Guest editors reply to Drs Sinai, Regenstreif, and Leising
Guest editorial: Gender-affirming care in British Columbia, Part 1
Hin Hin Ko, MD
Factors influencing career choices made by medical students, residents, and practising physicians
Liver disease in the indigenous populations of the Arctic, sub-Arctic, and Pacific Northwest
Jenny Ko,
Legalization of euthanasia violates the principles of competence, autonomy, and beneficence
Robert Kobayashi, MD, BSc, CCFP, FCFP,
Physiotherapy and massage for injured workers: Who gets covered?
Beyond physiotherapy and massage: Intensive rehab for injured workers
William J. Koch, PhD
Post-traumatic stress disorder and pain following motor vehicle collisions
M. Koehle, MD
Exertional dyspnea in athletes
Barry Koehler, MD, FRCPC
Closure of the CPSBC medical library (2)
Re: Innovation is everywhere. Why isn’t it here?
“Me too” drugs, neutraceutical, and herbal therapies
The drug review process in BC: A critique
Re: myoActivation for the treatment of pain and disability
Rheumatologist demographics in British Columbia: A looming crisis
Coxibs vs NSAIDs
Mieke Koehoorn, PhD,
A comparison of diabetic complications and health care utilization in diabetic patients with and without comorbid depression
Peter Kokan, MD
Dr Petar Kokan, 1930–2022
Ken Kolkind, MD
Dr Frank Thornton Murdoch, 1934–2017
Suman Kollipara, MS
A model of global health engagement
Cynthia Kong,
The price of living rurally
Clare Kong, BSc,
Emergence of norovirus strain GII.4 Sydney (2012) in BC
David E. Konkin, MD, FRCSC, FACS
Early surgical management of acute cholecystitis: A quality improvement initiative
Avoid the routine use of ultrasound in evaluating clinically apparent inguinal and umbilical hernias
Harvey Koochin, MD
Perspectives on the value of the clinical exam for your patients with work-related medical conditions
Alanna Koopmans, BHSc
Building awareness of barriers to exercise in rural and remote areas
Teresa Marie Kope, MD, FRCPC
Attachment disorders
Attachment: Clinical perspectives
Screening for autism and pervasive developmental disorders in very young children
Closure of the CPSBC medical library (1)
Infant mental health, Part 2: Interventions for some clinical disorders
Infant mental health, Part 1: Clinical concerns
Paul Korn, MD, FRCPC,
Guideline for the management of convulsive status epilepticus in infants and children
Jude Kornelsen, PhD
The provincial privileging process in British Columbia through a rural lens
Brenda Kosaka, MD
Neuropsychological assessment in mild traumatic brain injury: A clinical overview
Dr Juhn Atsushi Wada, 1924–2023
Tom Kosatsky, MD, MPH
Health impacts of sea level rise on BC’s coastal communities
Radon: Informing your patients about home screening and exposure reduction as cancer prevention
Toxic lead exposure via an unusual source: New BC reporting regulations may prevent similar cases
Hot day deaths, summer 2009: What happened and how to prevent a recurrence
Has kratom come to BC?
BC oysters and norovirus: Hundreds of cases in months with an “r”
Developmental toxicant exposure in pregnant and reproductive-age women new to BC
Calls to BC Poison Control on 4/20: A case-only analysis
Food insecurity: A public health issue for BC
From the horse’s mouth: Calls to the British Columbia Drug and Poison Information Centre about ivermectin exposures during the COVID-19 pandemic
Vaping-associated lung illness in BC
Health impacts of wildfires: Improving science and informing timely, effective emergency response
Human health implications following detection of oxycodone in mussels collected in Washington State
Smoky air and respiratory health in the 2010 forest fire season, British Columbia
Forest fires: A clinician primer
Outdoor air quality: A primer for BC physicians
Carbon monoxide detectors: A powerful, underused way to protect lives
Oil spills: Treating patients, counselling communities
Administrative claim records inform community health status assessments
Extreme heat events are public health emergencies
Shellfish poisonings in British Columbia: Commercial product as source
Xanthoula Kostaras, BSc
The use of psychotropic medications in pregnancy and lactation
Nonpharmacological treatments during pregnancy and the postpartum period
Psychiatric disorders in pregnancy
The use of antidepressants in pregnancy and lactation
Psychiatric disorders in the postpartum period
Andrew Kotaska, MD
Re: Two-for-one private health care: A Canadian compromise. Author replies
Re: The value of ancillary testing in amniotic fluid infection/inflammation-related early pregnancy loss and perinatal death in British Columbia
Two-for-one private health care: A Canadian compromise?
M. Kotler
Effectiveness and accessibility of virtual Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Skills Group medical visits during COVID-19
Charlene Kotze, MD,
Proust questionnaire: Charlene Kotze
Guidelines for diagnostic imaging of the spine
Frederick K. Kozak, MD, FRCSC
Forehead swelling in a 10-year-old male: A case report
Jean-François Kozak, PhD,
“First do no harm”: Reflections on the application of consensus guidelines for diabetes and other chronic conditions in residential care
Guest editorial: Clinical challenges in residential care
Kelsey D.M. Kozoriz, MSc, MD, CCFP
Impacts of food security on nutrition
Andrew D. Krahn, MD, FRCPC, FCCS
Postmortem genetic diagnosis of long QT syndrome in a case of sudden unexplained death of a young child: A case report and overview of regional guidelines for genetic testing
The Impact of Excessive endurance exercise on the heart
Pacemaker and defibrillator management in medical assistance in dying: Review for the primary care provider
Sudden cardiac death in young competitive athletes
Re: The Impact of Excessive Endurance Exercise. Authors Reply
The health benefits of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness
Mel Krajden, OBC, MD, FRCPC
Advances in HIV serology: Implications for clinical care
Monkeypox: What primary care providers need to know about testing
Using population-level integrated health data to monitor and assess patients’ progression across care and treatment continuums
Education and resources for people affected by hepatitis C
The curability of hepatitis C: Implications for a public health response
Pandemic influenza: Laboratory diagnosis
Increased mumps activity in BC and across North America
Addressing inequities in care on the path to eliminating hepatitis C in BC
A new Borrelia species discovered in BC ticks
Herpes zoster eruption associated with vaccine-strain varicella-zoster virus: A case report
The latest on hepatitis C infection in BC
Is the integration of hepatitis prevention and care services an effective strategy to combat hepatitis C?
Andrei Krassioukov, MD, PhD,
Early interventions for mild traumatic brain injury: Reflections on experience
Christina Krause, MSc,
Emergency management of sepsis: The simple stuff saves lives
Michael Krausz, MD,
CAST replies
Reinhard M. Krausz, MD, PhD, FRCPC
An inside look at BC’s illicit drug market during the COVID-19 pandemic
Re: An inside look at BC’s illicit drug market. Authors reply
Don Krawciw, MD
Improving the care of injured workers
Mercury in your workplace
Sara Kreim, BSc
Supporting the stillbirth journey at BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre
Stuart Kreisman, MD
Toward smoke-free multi-unit dwellings
Re: “The smells of summer”
Gena Krikler,
Pre-participation screening in the young competitive athlete: International recommendations and a Canadian perspective
Samuel H. Krikler, MB, ChB, FRCPC
Prevalence of iron overload in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia
Nupura Krishnadev, MD,
Atypical antipsychotics, schizophrenia, and cardiovascular risk: What family physicians need to know
A. Krisman, MD
Mentoring, gatekeepers
Re: The crisis facing family practice
Caesar's army
Re: Breech deliveries
Breech deliveries
No skilled practitioners
Cream skimmers
Re: Medical education
Medical education
Re: Rejuvenated image
Hans Krueger, PhD,
What is the most appropriate age to start screening women for cervical cancer?
JoyAnne Krupa, MD
Exercising in pollution: How to counsel patients
Annie J. Kuan, BA
Nonpharmacological treatments during pregnancy and the postpartum period
Hasan Kular, MD
BC Society of Allergy and Immunology statement on the climate crisis
Sahil Kumar, MSc
Gender-affirming surgical care in British Columbia
Margot Kuo, MPH
The physician’s role in supporting people who use substances in a dual public health emergency
Agranulocytosis (neutropenia) associated with levamisole in cocaine in British Columbia
Jason Kur, MD, FRCPC, ABIM
Rheumatologist demographics in British Columbia: A looming crisis
Assessing the impact of a nursing model of care on rheumatology practice patterns and patient satisfaction in British Columbia
Melanie Kurrein, MA, RD
Beyond the plate: Canada’s food guide and health equity
Struggling to put food on the table
Matt Kurrek, MD, FRCPC
The emerging role of capnographic monitoring of ventilation during deeper levels of sedation
Donna L.M. Kurtz, RN, PhD
Two-Eyed Seeing: Current approaches, and discussion of medical applications
Janet Kushner Kow, MD, MEd, FRCPC,
Diagnosis and management of urinary incontinence in residential care
Andre Kushniruk, PhD
Young adult patients with diabetes presenting to a university health clinic with depression and anxiety
Assessment by pit appointment as an alternative to full psychiatric consultation
Urve Kuusk, MD, FRCSC, FACS
Breast cancer risk management for moderate-risk and high-risk women
Coordination of radiological and clinical care for breast cancer diagnosis in BC
Breast magnetic resonance imaging
Dr Patricia Rebbeck, 1934–2017
Jennifer Kuznetsov
Supporting the stillbirth journey at BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre
Julie Kwan, BBA, CFP, CLU, GBA
Cybercrime in the medical landscape
Considerations for insurance at retirement
Tax changes to Canadian life insurance policies
How much life insurance do I really need?
Taxation of insurance premiums and benefits 101
Extended health and dental tax savings from Cost-Plus
Perils of wisdom—covering risk to your home and office
Optimizing your disability and professional expense insurance
Permanent life insurance 101
Understanding accidental death and dismemberment insurance
Kaitlyn Kwok
Pediatric sepsis during the COVID-19 pandemic
Matthew Mo Kin Kwok, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP
Drug-induced psychosis and neurological effects following nitrous oxide misuse: A case report
Winnie Kwok, MD,
Dr Man Kim Li
Janice Kwon, MD, MPH,
What is the most appropriate age to start screening women for cervical cancer?
Georgia Kyba, BSc, ND,
Re: New HIV testing guidelines in BC