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Author List
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Patricia Gabriel, MD, MSc, CCFP
A pilot study of telephone-based interpretation in family physician offices in British Columbia
Uptake of a free province-wide telephone interpretation service by family physicians in BC
Telemedicine in primary care: Who are the current users in British Columbia?
Rob Gair, BSc (Pharm),
Chronic digoxin toxicity in elderly British Columbians
Heavy metal poisoning from Ayurvedic medicines
Eleni Galanis, MD, MPH, FRCPC
The authors respond
Climate change and infectious disease in Canada and BC
Putting the “cold back into the chain”: Strengthening capacity in vaccine management through training of physicians
Cyclospora infection: A tropical disease in our midst
Animal bites and rabies management in BC
Diagnostic testing for Lyme disease: Beware of false positives
New food safety and listeriosis resources for pregnant women and health care providers
Rabies in BC: A prophylaxis guidelines update
Listeriosis awareness among pregnant women and their health care providers in British Columbia
Brucellosis and other diseases imported with dogs
Cryptococcus gattii in BC: Update on an emerging disease
Raccoon latrines and risk of Baylisascaris transmission
BC oysters and norovirus: Hundreds of cases in months with an “r”
A new Borrelia species discovered in BC ticks
Infectious diarrhea
Tularemia in British Columbia: A case report and review
Charles S.B. Galasko, ChM, FRCS
Incidence of whiplash-associated disorder
Lauren Galbraith, MD, CCFP (OSS)
Availability of surgical services in rural British Columbia
Lorri Galbraith, MD, MScOH, FCBOM, CIME
Diagnosing and treating contact dermatitis
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)—changing epidemiology and workplace considerations
Romayne Gallagher, MD, CCFP(PC), FCFP
Our patients-our mentors
Palliative care: Learning to fall
An open, online survey of family physicians on the impact of the standard on the Safe Prescribing of Drugs with Potential for Misuse/Diversion issued by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC on managing pain
Doctor, can we get this over with?
Respecting a new right: What are physicians’ responsibilities?
Practical and strategic pain management in residential care
Re: Clearing the confusion about confusion
Guest editorial: Opioid prescribing: An essential skill for physicians and a collective knowledge we must not lose
How to improve our patients’ health literacy
The lived experience of people with dementia
The new meaning of "residential care"
Palliative care: Therapy for the living
Counterpoint: Medical assistance in dying: Living with dignity until life naturally ends
Family caregivers: Essential partners in care
Re: Real doctors treat more than one species. Author replies
Real doctors treat more than one species
How to best treat the patient with multimorbidities
Quality of death
Opioids for pain and shortness of breath in frail older adults: How to choose and use
The resuscitation conversation
Re: Evidence-based opioid sparing approaches to pain management
It's up to us to begin the conversation
Re: Best practices in treating chronic noncancer pain
Richard P. Gallagher, MA, FACE,
Cancer among males in BC and Canada
Predicting interest in genetic counseling and testing for cancer susceptibility: The British Columbia Family Cancer Survey Pilot
Michael A. Gallea, B Arts Sc (Hons)
A brief reflection on the not-so-brief history of the lobotomy
Emma Galloway, MD
Medical students in your office: Common myths addressed
Bruce Gamage, RN, CIC
Infection prevention is everyone's business: PICNet
Prevention and control of infections in your practice: New tools
Norovirus infections in health care settings
Management of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections in primary care
Norovirus (also known as Norwalk-like virus) in British Columbia
S. Ian Gan, MD, FRCPC
An unusual finding from fecal immunochemical testing: A case report
Wen Q. Gan, MD, MSc,
Systemic effects and mortality in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Cori Ann Gabana, MD, FRCPC,
A challenging case of thromboangiitis obliterans
Soma Ganesan, MD, FRCPC
Chinese Canadians in a cross-cultural psychiatry outpatient clinic: Some exploratory findings
Academic and educational role of international medical graduate psychiatrists in British Columbia
Soren Gantt, MD, PhD, MPH,
Acute flaccid paralysis in a child infected with enterovirus D68: A case report
Re: Management of influenza with Tamiflu: Authors reply
Gregory M.F. Ganz, MD, CM, FRCPC
Guidelines for the management of chronic kidney disease: Rationale, development, and implementation
Chloe Gao, BHSc
A call to action: Dermatology’s role in combatting colorism
Incorporating a Health at Every Size approach in Canadian medicine
Donald S. Garbuz, MD, MPH, FRCSC,
Total knee arthroplasty: Techniques and results
Emily Gardiner, PhD
Navigational support for families with children who have special developmental needs
Francis Gardiner,
Cervical cancer web site launch
Ian Gardiner, MD
Breast magnetic resonance imaging
Re: Breast cancer screening and diagnosis
Robin Gardner, C.For, MSc, RPBio, CCP, CMDR (RBLS),
The Mobile Medical Unit: A unique program in British Columbia
William Gardner, MBChB,
Dr David Millar Norwell, 1919–2015
Re: Assisted suicide vs end-of-life care
Arun K. Garg, PhD, MD
Silencing members is not the path for CMA to achieve diversity
Dr Ralph William Spitzer, 1918–2018
Dr Alexander Hugh Pontifex, 1927–2013
Dr Frederick Norman Rigby, 1930–2017
A model of global health engagement
Dr Gur Sharan Singh, 1936–2015
The governance and representation dilemma
E. Jane Garland, MD, FRCPC
Managing adolescent depression in the new reality
Early detection of depression in young and elderly people
Benedict M. Garry, MD, CCFP
Dr John Daniel Garry, 1936–2018
Dennis Garvey
Expanding telehealth at WorkSafeBC
Alex Gatherer, MD,
Future directions for the health of incarcerated women in BC
Catherine A. Gaul, PhD
Incorporating exercise prescriptions into medical education
Nadeen Gavelin, RN,
Dr Mihaly (Mike) Vagyi, 1929–2015
Joseph Gebran, MPH, BComm,
The Canadian Patient Safety Institute: Building a safer system and stronger culture of safety
Mark Gelfer, MD,
Measurement of blood pressure: New developments and challenges
Blood pressure: Authors respond
Karen A. Gelmon, MD, FRCPC
The utilization and impact of core needle biopsy diagnosis on breast cancer outcomes in British Columbia
Re: Breast cancer screening and diagnosis - Authors respond
Breast cancer screening and diagnosis in British Columbia
Hormone therapy and breast cancer
The top issues patients mention when family physicians recommend screening mammography
Re: Breast cancer—Authors respond
New guidelines for treatment of early hormone-positive breast cancer with tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors
Norman Gelpke, MBBS,
Dr Geoffrey Burgess
Paul M. Gelpke, MB, FRCPE, FACC,
Special Feature: A snowy medical adventure
Dr Norman H. Gelpke, 1927–2016
Krista Genoway, MD, FRCSC
Gender-affirming surgical care in British Columbia
Laura Gentile, RD, MHA
Implementation of human papillomavirus primary screening for cervical cancer in BC
BC Colon Screening Program
Quentin IT Genuis, MD CCFP-EM MLitt (St. Andrews)
There are emergencies in a pandemic
Diana George, MSc,
Antibiotic resistance: A global threat to public health
Fikre Germa, MD, CCFP(EM)
Extrapulmonary tuberculosis: Two case reports
Susan Germain, MD,
Go green: 10 steps to an eco-friendly office
Martin Gerretsen, MD,
CAST concerns
Re: CAST replies
Tommy Gerschman, MD, FRCPC, MSc
Returning youth to sports: Guidance and resources during a pandemic
Canada advances concussion education
Increasing physical activity in patients: By asking the questions, we can make a difference
Farhad Ghaseminejad, MSc
Professional interpretation service accessible to all community specialists in BC
Valerie Giang, MD, CCFP
Youth and opioid agonist therapy: We need to collaborate with youth on short- and longer-term plans
Grant Gibbings, MD
Dr Stanley Basil Briggs, 1940–2020
Dr James Alan Pretty, 1945–2018
Samantha Gibbon, BSc
Treating families and victims of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls tragedies: Recommendations for physicians
Erin Gibson, BA,
Increasing access to naloxone in BC to reduce opioid overdose deaths
Hannah Gibson, MBChB
Health care in supportive housing facilities
Jennifer A. Gibson, RN, PhD
Pacemaker and defibrillator management in medical assistance in dying: Review for the primary care provider
Ellen Giesbrecht, MD
The changing epidemiology of syphilis in BC
Syphilis outbreak in BC: Changes to syphilis screening in pregnancy
Mark Gilbert, MD, MHSc, FRCPC
Recent trends in chlamydia and gonorrhea in British Columbia
Recommended use of point-of-care HIV tests
Patient and physician resources for naloxone use in BC
Monkeypox: What primary care providers need to know about testing
Lymphogranuloma venereum in British Columbia, 2011 to 2015: Epidemiology and risk factors
Syphilis and neurosyphilis increase to historic levels in BC
Antivirus software?
Mother, infant, and syphilis: increasing cause for concern in British Columbia
New cases of meningococcal group C infections in gay men in BC
A new avenue to explore in STI prevention
Syphilis outbreak in BC: Changes to syphilis screening in pregnancy
Got checked where? Online STI testing now available in BC
New guidelines for management of N. gonorrhoeae in the context of evolving susceptibility patterns
Sara Gilbert,
Medication reconciliation to improve patient safety
Robert Gilgoff
The only people I pass are going the other way
There’s no one to ask anymore. A poem
Placebo guy
Sarah Gilgoff, BSc,
Ari Giligson, MD,
Re: Alternative medical therapies
Re: BC needs another medical school
Eye exams
Proust questionnaire: Ari Giligson, MD
Re: Classical pathways to western medicine
Anita Gill,
ICBC offers free access to the ODG web site
An opportunity to improve relationships between physicians and ICBC
ICBC - Auto insurance and more
Pavandeep Gill, MD, FRCPC
Umbilical lesion: Granuloma or omphalomesenteric duct?
Sudeep S. Gill, MSc, MD, FRCPC,
Cholinesterase inhibitors
Sharlene Gill, MD, FRCPC
2020 BC Cancer core medical staff work engagement and burnout survey
Sabrina Gill, MD, MPH, FRCPC
New treatments and treatment philosophy for type 1 diabetes
Canadian endocrinologists’ views on growth hormone replacement therapy in adult survivors of pediatric brain tumors following achievement of final height
Vivek Gill, BHSc
Supporting the stillbirth journey at BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre
Alexia Gillespie, BSN, BEd, RN
Ensuring a successful transition and transfer from pediatric to adult care in patients with congenital heart disease
Bruce Gillespie,
Dr Andrew Erroll Gillespie
Ian Gillespie, MD
BCMA leads country with 16 resolutions at CMA
Preparing for an in-flight medical emergency
Silencing members is not the path for CMA to achieve diversity
Reflecting on the past year, a screening tip, and passing on the baton
Noise-induced hearing loss: A preventable condition
The BC Project: What’s that?
Setting the stage for the next several years
All in a day’s work (or perhaps a couple of weeks)
Emergency planning and posttraumatic stress disorder
Closure of the College Library: A proposal
All in 40 years’ work: Differences of opinion
Trouble in paradise: More litigation and the challenges of tribalism
Improving the BCMA election process with e-voting
Dr Andrew Erroll Gillespie
Determining fitness to drive: A troublesome task
Lorraine Gillespie, RN
Beyond imagining: A nursing perspective on the future health-care system
Julie Gillis, RN, BScN, MHST
Point prevalence of asymptomatic COVID-19-positive hospital personnel on high-risk wards in a large urban hospital in British Columbia
Dan Gilmore
Mr James (Jim) Edward Gilmore, 1930–2019
Jim Gilmore
Tasteless photo
Dr Bob Young
Genius cover
Dr Frederick Norman Rigby, 1930–2017
Re: Doctors BC
Dr Bob Young wins award
Ken G. Gin, MD, FRCPC
Alcohol and the heart
Roots of quality improvement in health care
Rodney Glynn-Morris, MD,
Driving assessments
Re: Ethics on trial
Marcos Gobrial, MD, CCFP
Diabetic blood sugar control: An urban/rural comparison
Gwyllyn S. Goddard, BSc, CCFP, MD
Medicinal cannabis: Concern with College standard
Karen Goddard, MB ChB, MA, FRCP (UK), FRCPC,
Breast cancer screening recommendations for women who received mantle radiation for Hodgkin lymphoma
Canadian endocrinologists’ views on growth hormone replacement therapy in adult survivors of pediatric brain tumors following achievement of final height
Alana Godin
PSP supports for quality improvement activities: Refreshed compensation policy, simplified certification process
Supporting team-based care in family practice: Incentive fees, education, and resources
The Patient Experience Tool: Incorporating the patient’s voice into quality improvement activities
The value of data: Identifying patient and community needs to inform primary care networks
New GPSC incentive supports family doctors to implement panel management
Jesse Godwin, MD, FRCPC
Potent sedatives in opioids in BC: Implications for resuscitation, and benzodiazepine and etizolam withdrawal
Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema associated with ultrapotent opioid overdoses
Danny P. Goel, MD, MSc, FRCSC
Immersive virtual reality in medical education
Diagnoses and imaging utilization for common shoulder disorders by referring physicians in British Columbia
Managing type-III acromioclavicular joint injuries
Tom Goetz, MD, FRCSC,
Wanted: Innovative disability-management proposals
A new partnership to benefit BC doctors and WorkSafeBC
Michael Golbey, MD
A day in the life
Dr Philip Anthony White, 1945–2015
The BCMA is a formidable force--don't allow government to weaken it
A look back...
The different faces of your association's councils and committees
Survey results--What family doctors need
The fundamental rights protected by the Master Agreement
Interview with the president: Dr Michael Golbey, BCMA president 2005-2006
Be a mentor--it's good for you
PITO responds
Progress made: Information technology in physician's offices
The conundrum of BCMA governance: Representation vs governance
Providing maximum support to medical students
Michael Goldberger, MD
Quiet resignation
No kindness
Art and science
Orphans of the system
Paula Goldenberg, MD
Dr Zelick Perler, 1935–2017
S. Larry Goldenberg, MD, FRCSC, FACS, FCAHS
Dr Andrew “AJ” Moore, 1942–2023
Guest editorial: Men’s health, Part 2: Connecting the dots
Guest editorial: Men’s health, Part 1: Why we need a comprehensive strategy in British Columbia
Dr Zelick Perler, 1935–2017
PSA and beyond: Biomarkers in prostate cancer
Cancer among males in BC and Canada
Development of a men’s health program: Do we need a new approach in BC?
Eden Luna Goldet, MDes
Supporting the stillbirth journey at BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre
David Goldfarb, MD, FRCPC
Revised BC Guideline: Infectious Diarrhea
Implementing saline gargle sample collection for COVID-19 testing
Lauren Goldman, BScN, RNC
Lymphogranuloma venereum in British Columbia, 2011 to 2015: Epidemiology and risk factors
Gender-affirming primary care
Ran D. Goldman, MD,
The management of febrile seizures
Elliot M. Goldner, MD, FRCPC
The management of depression in primary care: Current state and a new team approach
Burton H. Goldstein, DMD, MS, FRCDC
Whiplash and jaw pain: A multifactorial non-structural relationship
Peter A. Gooch, MB ChB
Medicinal cannabis: Concern with College standard
Erica Gordon
Dr Vivian Frances Paul, 1948–2023
Michael Gordon
Dr Vivian Frances Paul, 1948–2023
Paula B. Gordon, OBC, MD, FRCPC, FSBI
Breast cancer screening in BC: What we should be proud of and how to make it even better
Canadian National Breast Screening Study—flaws
Re: Breast cancer
Re: Influence of breast density on breast cancer diagnosis
Re: Discussing breast cancer screening with patients
Current evaluation of breast health concerns and diagnosis of breast cancer
Rebecca Gordon, BSc,
Bringing health education to rural Kenya
Sarah Gordon
Dr Vivian Frances Paul, 1948–2023
Claire Gordon Pijanowski
Dr Vivian Frances Paul, 1948–2023
Dorothy M. Goresky, MD
Re: Where are we going?
Re: Choosing the right resident
Gerry Goresky, MD,
Dr Michael Foster Smith, 1946 - 2007
Carolyn Gotay, PhD,
A critique of the Breast Cancer Prevention and Risk Assessment Clinic: The authors respond
A model of cancer prevention in British Columbia: The Breast Cancer Prevention and Risk Assessment Clinic
Kurt Gottschling, MD
Dr Alexander Leiper Robertson, 1925–2018
H. Martin Gough, MD
In-hospital post-op visits by surgeons and GPs
Re: Caesar's army
Alan Gow, MBChB
Dr Alexander Letham Black, 1946–2021
G.B. Gowd, FRCSC
Dr Rajindar Pal Joneja, 1934–2017
Jennifer Goy, MD, MSc
The clinical and diagnostic pathway for adults with acute leukemia in BC
Don Graham, MD, CCFP
Personal view
Early intervention by nurse advisors is now available throughout BC
Pop goes the elbow
Recognizing occupational disease
What's Up, Doc? WorkSafeBC/UBC 8th Annual Conference
We're improving our services
Hyperbaric chamber safety
Measuring the success of our rehab programs
WorkSafeBC’s approach to gradual-onset soft tissue disorders
A safe and early return to work can benefit injured workers
Assessment and treatment services for injured workers with head injuries
Updates from the WCB
Mitigating the risk of worker suicide deaths
WorkSafeBC coverage for physicians
Helping your patients with appeals
The prevalence of pressure wounds
Referrals for expedited consultations
Re: Measuring the success of our rehab programs
Preventing occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens and other biohazardous materials
Enhanced services for amputees
Medical advisors—Your WorkSafeBC resource
Updates from the WCB
Updates from WorkSafeBC
Updates from WorkSafeBC
Updates from WorkSafeBC
Updates from the WCB
Physician education research results
Dawn Graham
Future of medicine
John R. Graham, PhD
A critical analysis of BC Pharmacare’s Reference Drug Program
Health care in supportive housing facilities
Jamie Graham,
No safe haven for impaired drivers
Supervised injection sites—a view from law enforcement
Scott Graham, BEd, MA, CE
Co-planning for collaborative rural and First Nations health care system transformation: Developing a pattern for partnership and social accountability
Alison Granger-Brown, MA,
Collaborative community-prison programs for incarcerated women in BC
H. Grant Stiver MD, FRCPC
Use of vaccines and antiviral drugs in the next influenza pandemic
Antiviral agents for the prevention and treatment of influenza
Juanita Grant
Your mini-profile is available
Doctors of BC 2017 mini profiles available online
Jennifer Grant, MD
Are antibiotic courses for common infections simply too long?
Lois Grant,
Dr Douglas Alleyne Grant, 1938–2014
Sarah Grant, MD
A pilot study of telephone-based interpretation in family physician offices in British Columbia
Lind Grant-Oyeye, MD,
Proust questionnaire: Lind Grant-Oyeye, MD
Peter Grantham, MD
Remembering Bill Webber
William L. Grapentine, MD,
Dr Bernard L. Mason
Jonathan Gravel, MSc,
Re: Health Canada licenses homeopathic vaccines
Matthew Graveline, BSc
Evaluation of treatment completion note used by the BC Cancer Agency Centre for the North
George Gray, MD,
Dr Wally Thomas
John E. Gray, MD
Re: CMPA and massage therapy
James R. Gray, MD, FRCPC
Early-onset colorectal cancer
Rosemary Gray, BA, BSc, PMP,
Supporting family physicians in British Columbia: The experience of the Practice Support Program
Marcus Greatheart, BA (Hon), MSW, RSW,
Re: So you want to be a doctor?
Janet Green, MD
Dr John Drummond Fitzpatrick, 1949–2023
S. Green, MD, FCFP
Case review of medically assisted deaths on Vancouver Island
Resident work hours: Examining attitudes toward work-hour limits in general surgery, orthopaedics, and internal medicine
Gerry Greenstone, MD,
The revival of thalidomide: From tragedy to therapy
The history of bloodletting
A commentary on cholera: The scourge that never dies
Special feature: Captain Vancouver and medicine in the Age of Sail
The roots of evidence-based medicine
Am I just a number?
Joshua Greggain, MD
In pursuit of equanimity
The stretch from “either/or” to “both/and”
A culture of recognition, appreciation, and celebration
Trust is the glue of life
Follow my lead; lead me to follow
Truth before reconciliation; humility before truth
Etuaptmumk: Two-Eyed Seeing
We Are All Perfectly Fine
Culture of hope
Gratitude and hope
Sol Gregory, MD,
Provincial clinical practice guidelines for the management of major burn trauma
Leigh E. Greiner, PhD
Assessment by pit appointment as an alternative to full psychiatric consultation
Troy Grennan, MD, DTM&H, MSc, FRCPC
Monkeypox: What primary care providers need to know about testing
STI testing and cervical cancer screening: Need for continued STI screening among young people in the era of new cervical cancer screening guidelines
Lymphogranuloma venereum in British Columbia, 2011 to 2015: Epidemiology and risk factors
A new avenue to explore in STI prevention
The changing epidemiology of syphilis in BC
Syphilis outbreak in BC: Changes to syphilis screening in pregnancy
Incidence of infectious syphilis continues to increase in BC
Got checked where? Online STI testing now available in BC
Syphilis: Overview for BC health care providers and online course
Adrian Gretton, MD, LMCC, CCFP
Re: In-office management of knee osteoarthritis
Jasmine Grewal, MD, FRCPC
Special considerations in the management of adult congenital heart disease
B-type natriuretic peptide: A new marker for congestive heart failure
Congenital heart disease: Complexities and considerations
Karleen Gribble
Re: Supporting the stillbirth journey at BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre
Donald Griesdale, MD, MPH, FRCPC,
Provincial clinical practice guidelines for the management of major burn trauma
Rachel Grimminck, MD, FRCPC
The urgent need to address mental health and substance use structural stigma in BC
Robert Grist, MD
CME costs
Re: Menopause and HRT
Barend Grobbelaar, MD,
Re: A GP for Me
Heidi Grogan
Dr Hans Adalbert Witt, 1934–2020
E. Lyle Gross, MD,
Mild traumatic brain injury
Gershon Growe, MD
Dr Sheldon C. (Shelly) Naiman, 1937–2016
Jerry Growe, MD
Dr George R. Gray, 1932–2021
Dr Wally Thomas
Herbert Grubel, PhD
Whiplash, a moral hazard
Anton Grunfeld, MD,
Book review: Airway Management in Emergencies
S. Grzybowski, MD, CCFP
Community factors associated with long-term physician retention
Xi Yao Gui, MD
The role of Real-Time Virtual Support in improving rural health care delivery
Improving ambulance services for effective rural emergency care
Hal D. Gunn, MD,
Point: InspireHealth: Engaging cancer patients in health
Re: Cash-strapped BC government
S. William A. Gunn, FRCSC,
Dr William C. Gibson
Book review: Brock Chisholm, the World Health Organization, & the Cold War
J.H. Gurmin, LPhil, PhD
Assessing the impact of a nursing model of care on rheumatology practice patterns and patient satisfaction in British Columbia
Sulara Guruge, MD
Outpatient treatment of alcohol use disorder
Larry Gustafson, MD, MHSc,
New food safety and listeriosis resources for pregnant women and health care providers
Réka Gustafson, MD, MSc, MHSc, FRCPC
Pandemic influenza: Public health measures
Impact of school closures on learning, and child and family well-being
COVID-19: Responding to an emerging respiratory pathogen
New HIV testing guidelines in BC
Introduction to pandemic influenza
New cases of meningococcal group C infections in gay men in BC
Measuring the societal impacts of the COVID-19 response in BC
Use of disease dynamic modeling to inform the COVID-19 response in BC
Proust questionnaire: Réka Gustafson, MD
Expanding provider-initiated HIV testing
Andrew Guy,
Mass-gathering medicine: Educational opportunities
P. Guy, MD
Fragility fracture and osteoporosis investigation
Pierre Guy, MDCM, MBA, FRCSC,
Osteoporosis in men: An underrecognized and undertreated problem