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Author List
- No value -
Devon Haag, MSc,
Antivirus software?
Got checked where? Online STI testing now available in BC
Hans Haag, BSc, BSc (Pharm), ACPR
ASA for postoperative venous thromboembolism prevention in patients with extremity or hip fractures: A critical appraisal of the PREVENT CLOT trial
Ronette Haboosheh, MSc, RAUD, RHIP,
Workplace hearing loss
Ruth Habte, MD
AccessBC: The case for no-cost contraception in British Columbia
Reem Habtezion,
Crossing the finish line at the 75-metre mark
Joseph Haegert, MD
Assessing the need for resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) for management of noncompressible hemorrhage at a Canadian urban trauma centre
Catherine A Hagn, MD, CCFP
Satisfaction with work and quality of life among British Columbia’s physicians: A review of the literature
Susan E. Haigh, MD
Overweight and obesity: Radical changes needed
Decline of family medicine
Some stories are heartbreaking, some are heartwarming; this one is both
Book reviews: The Osteoporosis Book
Seven medical office pet peeves
Care of the aging
Not just another committee
BC: the land of substandard diabetes care?
In praise of slow
Back to basics
Five stars
Dr John Hunt: Diabetes care innovator
Changed worlds
Live the dream
Injudicious use of thyroid hormone
Type 2 diabetes in youth
Keeping up with the good old days
TDF (trendy diagnosis fatigue)
Things palpable
Science and art
Chelsea Haines, RN, BScN,
ImmunizeBC: An online resource for health professionals
Jan Hajek, MD
Justice, rights, and unnecessary suffering
Should I choose a plant-based diet?
World Zoonoses Day—calling attention to infectious diseases spread between people and animals
COVID-19, animals, and enlightened self-interest
Carol Haldin, RPN
Bridging with primary care: A shared-care mental health pilot project
Ilona Hale, MD, FCFPC
The era of untruth
Pediatric nutrition—What’s new?
Obesity as chronic disease
Improving care for patients with obesity by recognizing weight bias
Unhealthy, unnatural gas
Practising environmentally sustainable health care every day
The Live 5-2-1-0 Toolkit for family physicians: Mixed methods evaluation of a resource to facilitate health promotion in a primary care setting
The scoop on supplements for disease prevention
Sarah Hales, MD,
Atypical antipsychotics, schizophrenia, and cardiovascular risk: What family physicians need to know
Carolyn Hall, MD,
Re: CAST replies
CAST concerns
John Hall, MD
Re: Rejuvenated image
Judith G. Hall, MD,
Book review: Jack McCreary: Paediatrician, Pedagogue, Pragmatist, Prophet.
Christine Halpert, RN, BSN, MA,
Reducing immunization injection pain in infants
Local reactions to fourth and fifth dose DaPT-containing vaccine: Distinguishing normal from cellulitis
Basia M. Hamata, MD,
When are your patients’ abnormal lipid levels not their fault?
Shahul Hameed, MD,
The role of mitochondria in aging, neurodegenerative disease, and future therapeutic options
S. Morad Hameed, MD, MPH, FRCSC, FACS
UBC Reticulum: A novel website connecting general surgeons in BC during the COVID-19 crisis
General Surgeons of British Columbia launches province-wide peer mentorship program
Vulnerability to pedestrian trauma: Demographic, temporal, societal, geographic, and environmental factors
Judy Hamill,
BC Genome Sciences Centre advances
Andy Hamilton, MD,
Re: Who wants to be a department head?
Re: Wait times for general surgery in BC
Waiting Too Long
Jillian Hamilton, MBChB
Precocious puberty: A red flag for malignancy in childhood
John Hamilton, MD,
The power of collective impact
Lynsey J. Hamilton, MSc
Simple ways to stay up-to-date on antibiotic prescribing guidelines
Physicians are key to reducing unnecessary dental antibiotic prescribing
Are antibiotic courses for common infections simply too long?
Tara Hamilton
Mini profiles for 2020
Learn about potential billing issues early; check out your mini profile
Doctors of BC 2018 Mini-Profiles available online
Mini practice profiles for 2021
Doctors of BC mini profiles for 2020
Physicians: Learn about potential billings issues early, check out your mini profile
Darlene M.S. Hammell, MD
Menopause, HRT, and the heart: A clinical perspective
Judith Hammond,
Re: Gluten elimination diets
Abu A. Hamour, MBBS, MSc, FRCP(Edin), FRCP,
Cryptogenic pyogenic liver abscess due to Fusobacterium nucleatum: A case report
R. John Hancock, MD,
Dr Ronald J. Hancock
T.F. Handley, MD
Solving the medical identity crisis
Heather Hannah, CAPP, CBCP, CIA, CRMA, CPA, CGA
Updated BC Physician Privacy Toolkit: How to meet your PIPA Guidelines
New tools to help achieve compliance with PIPA
Colin Hansen, MLA
A plan for timely, effective health care
Mazhar Haque, MBBS, FRACP,
Liver transplantation: Current status in British Columbia
Daryl Harder
Dr David Harder, 1933–2017
David Harder, MD,
Dr Larry Fenton
Brenda Hardie, MD
Re: The gender pay gap in medicine (1)
Just-in-time assistance and outreach for managing WorkSafeBC patients
David F. Hardwick, MD, FRCPC,
Re: Dr Sydney Friedman
Supporting lifelong learning for physicians: Continuing professional development and knowledge translation
Edward Hardy, MD, FRCPC
Deteriorating wait times for breast cancer patients at a regional hospital in BC, 2013 versus 2023
Kevin Hare, BSN
Eliminating the routine use of examination table paper in outpatient oncology clinics
Rahana Harjee, MD, FRCSC
Are miscarriages more common during the COVID-19 pandemic? An analysis of in vitro fertilization pregnancies in British Columbia
BC to fund in vitro fertilization: For whom and how?
Joel Harnest
A road map to viral hepatitis elimination in BC by 2030
Nisha Nigil Haroon, MD, DipNB, MSc, DM
Physicians tackle COVID-19 on social media
Caryl Harper, MScN*
Can we dance together? The dyadic leadership model in physician quality improvement
C. Harper, BSN,
iCON: Supporting Chinese and South Asian BC citizens for optimal self-management
Jessica Harper, RN, BScN,
ImmunizeBC: An online resource for health professionals
J.R. Harrigan, MD,
Dr H. Barss Dimock, 1922–2015
Dr Craig Rogers Arnold, 1925–2015
Kasandra Harriman, MD, CCFP,
Deprescribing medication for frail elderly patients in nursing homes: A survey of Vancouver family physicians
Doug Harrington,
Magnetic resonance imaging and litigation—Who is driving?
Alison C. Harris, MBBCh, FRCR, FRCPC
VCH Medical Staff Hall of Honour, 2023 inductees
VCH Medical Staff Hall of Honour, 2021 inductees
Improving planetary health in BC: Taking small but important steps
Diagnostic performance of CT colonography in a nonscreening population at an academic centre in British Columbia
Alison Harris, MBBS, FRCPC
Recognizing medical and surgical residents and fellows as valued health care professionals
Colin Harris, MSN, BSc (Crim), RN, AFN-BC, F-ABMDI,
Medical forensics in workplace incident investigations
Devin Harris, MD, MHSc
Can we dance together? The dyadic leadership model in physician quality improvement
Joan Harris, RN, MACP
Dr David Paul Wiseman, 1946–2021
James Harris, MD, FRCPC
Re: Impact of school closures on learning, and child and family well-being
Kate Harris, MPA
Medication wastage in residential care facilities
Paul Harris, BSc, MBBCh, LMCC, CCFP
The BC opioid crisis
Lilie Hartwell,
Dr Leagh Wallace Hartwell, 1928–2015
Haroon Hasan, BSc, MPH,
Canadian endocrinologists’ views on growth hormone replacement therapy in adult survivors of pediatric brain tumors following achievement of final height
Manal Hasan, MBBS, MD,
Clinical features and pathogenetic mechanisms of osteoarthritis of the hip and knee
Rebecca Hasdell, PhD, MPH
Housing: An important determinant of health
Douglas Hassan, MD
Dr Mervin Leslie Hassan, 1934–2018
Muna Hassan
Help identify post-mastectomy research priorities
Paul Hasselback, MD, FRCPC,
BC first to implement new Air Quality Health Index
Philip Hassen, MPH, FCC, HSE,
The Canadian Patient Safety Institute: Building a safer system and stronger culture of safety
David A. Haughton, MD,
BC Coroners Service: Emergency medicine recommendation
Jon Havelock, MD, FRCSC
Re: Why infertility patients deserve our attention. Authors reply
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Linda Hawker, MD
Changes in family medicine—baby boomers look back
J. Hawkeswood, MD,
Evidence-based guidelines for the nonpharmacological treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip and knee
David Hawkins, MD,
Re: Hollow-bore needles and you
Michelle Hawkins, BSc (Hons)
“Health” requires more than health care for people in supportive housing
Philippa Hawley, FRCPC
Management of cancer pain with opioids
Re: Evidence-based opioid sparing approaches to pain management
Methadone for pain in palliative care
Guest editorial: Opioid prescribing: An essential skill for physicians and a collective knowledge we must not lose
Medicinal cannabis: Concern with College standard
John H. Hay, MB
Adjuvant strategies for rectal cancer in BC
Practice patterns and appropriateness of rectal cancer management in British Columbia
Commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth
Anna R. Hayden, BASc, MD,
Cryptococcus gattii: Beyond Vancouver Island
A challenging case of thromboangiitis obliterans
Althea Hayden, MDCM, MPH, FRCPC
COVID-19: Responding to an emerging respiratory pathogen
COVID-19 fatalities among long-term care residents in the Vancouver Coastal Health region
Bonnie J. Hayes, PhD
Diagnostic judgment: Chronic pain syndrome, pain disorder, and malingering
Oona Hayes, MD, CCFP
Assessment by pit appointment as an alternative to full psychiatric consultation
Faith E. Hayman, LLB, BA, BEd
Doctor, I can’t work: Medical-legal issues in disability claims
Elizabeth Haynes
Dr William Sterling Haynes, 1928–2020
Sterling Haynes, MD
Dr John Harford Harland, 1923–2018
Writing funny
Warning: Palindromes ahead
Popping the cork
Environment and health—go green
Dr Masajiro Miyazaki—enemy alien?
Special feature: Tobacco smoke enemas
Praise for December BCMJ
Hammy and Hector
Dr Bill Nelems, 1939–2017
Dr Masajiro Miyazaki—enemy alien?
Helen Hays, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Re: WorkSafeBC’s multimodal approach to chronic noncancer pain management
James Hayward,
Re: A healthy constitution
John C. Heathcote, MD, FRCPC
Prevalence of iron overload in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia
Farsheed Hedayati-Vala, MD,
GI endoscopy in rural communities: Experience of a rural family physician in British Columbia
Donald Hedges, MD,
CAST concerns
Re: CAST replies
Brenda Hefford, MD
New Doctors of BC podcast has launched
Reducing physician burnout: Clinic support for patients’ social issues can help
New GPSC incentive supports family doctors to implement panel management
Your EMR: Why achieve meaningful use level 3?
The patient medical home: Working together to create an integrated system of care
BC seniors receive improved long-term care through GPSC initiative
Read the fall edition of the GPSC Newsletter online
Read the summer edition of the GPSC newsletter online
Team-based care emerges as a widespread strategy for A GP for Me
Re: The patient medical home. Author replies
Brett Heilbron, MB ChB
Guest editorial: Sports cardiology, Part 2: Using scientific data to make informed decisions
Coronary computed tomographic angiography in British Columbia: A review
Pre-participation screening in the young competitive athlete: International recommendations and a Canadian perspective
The Impact of Excessive endurance exercise on the heart
Brett Heilbron, MB ChB,
The health benefits of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness
Cardiovascular pre-participation screening and risk assessment in the masters athlete: International recommendations and a Canadian perspective
Guest editorial: Sports cardiology, Part 1: A discipline whose time has come
Sudden cardiac death in young competitive athletes
Margot Heintz, BA, RN, CGN(C)
BC Colon Screening Program
Elizabeth Heinz,
Prescription for safer roads
Alexander R. Hemy, MD
Diagnosis and management of irritable bowel syndrome in the primary care setting
Bob Henderson, MD,
Financial discrimination
Re: Crime and punishment (Dr Henderson)
Cliff Henderson, MD,
Dr Norman Paul Found
Dr James Hector Moir 1913-2006
Dr James Benson Dukelow
Dr Ronald Douglas Ellis
Dr David A. Clarke 1920-2006
G. Henderson, MB
Making family med attractive
Jim Henderson
Addiction resources
Medical error
Focused, systematic, current awareness: ACP Journal Club
Bioethics on the Internet
Availability of electronic full text
Re: Availability of electronic full text
A tribute to George Szasz, CM, MD
Who offers what to whom: A guide to library services for BC physicians
Janet Henderson, MB, BCh
A review of four recently released medications
Sarah B. Henderson, PhD
Risk of mortality among people with schizophrenia during the 2021 heat dome
Extreme heat events are public health emergencies
Health impacts of wildfires: Improving science and informing timely, effective emergency response
The public health paradox of wildfire smoke
The BC Drug and Poison Information Centre: An essential clinical resource and public health partner
Forest fires: A clinician primer
Khati Hendry, MD,
Private insurance is no answer
Glenda Hendson, MBBCh, FRCP,
Diagnosis and management of patients with mitochondrial disease
Peter Hennecke, RN, BScN, CPN(c), MA,
The Mobile Medical Unit: A unique program in British Columbia
Bonnie Henry, MD, MPH, FRCPC
Prevention of bites is key to summer safety in BC
Infection prevention is everyone's business: PICNet
West Nile virus: What is new for 2005
British Columbia’s COVID-19 experience
Changing epidemiology of Clostridium difficile–associated infections
A new Borrelia species discovered in BC ticks
Treatment and reporting of Lyme disease among physicians in British Columbia
Lyme disease in British Columbia: Are we really missing an epidemic?
Swine-origin influenza virus: What the clinician needs to know
West Nile virus: More severe than initially thought
Management of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections in primary care
Measuring the societal impacts of the COVID-19 response in BC
COVID-19: Responding to an emerging respiratory pathogen
Immunize or mask: A choice to protect patients in BC
Hand hygiene: Two hundred years after Semmelweis we still have work to do
BCCDC responds
Physician awareness of lyme disease in British Columbia
Erin Henthorne, MSW, RSW
Re: Managing vulnerable patients. Authors reply
Management of vulnerable adult patients seeking to leave hospital: Understanding and using relevant legislation
Jay Herath, PhD
Reopening schools safely during the pandemic
Carol P. Herbert, MD,
Dr Roger Sherriff Tonkin, 1936–2015
Arlene Herman, MSW
Medication wastage in residential care facilities
Priscila Hernandez
Re: Medical education during COVID-19
Jillian Herring, MPH
Mental health and well-being among pandemic-era youth in British Columbia: Risk and protective factors
Cecil Hershler, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Medicinal cannabis: Concern with College standard
Gayle Hesse, BSc
Health care access and injury patterns in patients following moose– and deer–vehicle collisions in north-central British Columbia
Tanya Heuchert, BA, LLB,
The future is clear now: Expert evidence under the new civil rules
The future of expert evidence in British Columbia
Rob Hewko, MD,
CAST concerns
Re: CAST replies
Bobby Heydari, MD, FRCPC,
Jeremy Swan and the pulmonary artery catheter: Paving the way for effective hemodynamic monitoring
Kamran Heydarzadeh-Azar, MD, FRCPC
Cutting it close: Five-year retrospective review of melanoma guideline adherence in Northern British Columbia
Sandra Heydon,
Dr Gordon Keith Heydon
Erin Higgins,
Long-term care insurance for an aging population
Lloyd Hikida,
Low-dose CT scan screening available for workers with asbestosis
Lloyd Hildebrand, MD,
Dr Henry Hildebrand 1931–2008
Amanda Hill, MBChB, FRCPC
Preoperative assessment of the frail older adult
Robert Hill, BMBCh
Dr Henry Dunn 1917–2008
Dr J. Michael Rigg
Dr Fereidoun (Fred) Mirhady 1922-2005
W.D. Hill, PhD
Is the integration of hepatitis prevention and care services an effective strategy to combat hepatitis C?
Courtney Hiller
Supporting the stillbirth journey at BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre
Brian Hillhouse, MD
Collaboration opens the door to secure texting communication
Donald R. Hilton, MD, FRCPC
Dr Addie Charles McGregor Ennals, 1937–2019
Dr Alice P. “Teddy” Suiker, 1927–2014
Dr Robert Riley Wilson, 1921–2016
Mary Hinchliffe, MD
Does diet impact mental health?
Overcoming obesity and unhealthy weight in children and youth in BC
The scoop on supplements for disease prevention
The FODMAP diet for irritable bowel syndrome
Greg Hislop, MD
Trends and risk factors for colorectal cancer
T. Gregory Hislop, MDCM
Guest editorial: The health of incarcerated women in BC
Cervical cancer screening in BC Chinese women
The scope of the problem: The health of incarcerated women in BC
Collaborative community-prison programs for incarcerated women in BC
Jean Hlady, MD, FRCPC
A multidisciplinary approach to child maltreatment: Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect (SCAN) teams in BC
View from the witness box: Testifying in court
Child maltreatment, Part 1: Physical abuse and neglect
Child neglect: Evaluation and management
Kendall Ho, MD, FRCPC
eFIT Technology Engagement Forum—Creating a physician community of innovation
Social media to support physician practice and CPD: Opportunities, issues, and an emergency medicine case study
Part 2: Health apps, wearables, and sensors: The advancing frontier of digital health
iCON: Supporting Chinese and South Asian BC citizens for optimal self-management
Proust questionnaire: Kendall Ho, MD
An assessment of British Columbia rural physicians’ continuing professional development needs
Meeting the information needs of family physicians in the complex world of cancer control
Embedding technologies into health practices, Part 2: Decision support on demand—e-health’s killer-app?
COVID arm: Skin reactions at injection site of Moderna vaccine in BC, case reports
The Vanderhoof-Stoney Creek (Saik’uz First Nations) rural-to-rural video network link
Digital storytelling and dialogue to support culturally safe health care for Indigenous patients in British Columbia
Guest editorial: Digital health, Part 1: The promise and practice of telehealth in BC
The BC Emergency Medicine Network: Evaluation approach and early findings
Telemedicine: Where is its rightful place in the medical profession?
Communication tool to describe use of traditional herbal Chinese medicine to Western medicine physicians
Health-e-Apps: A project to encourage effective use of mobile health applications
Emergency management of sepsis: The simple stuff saves lives
Supporting lifelong learning for physicians: Continuing professional development and knowledge translation
Videoconferencing for telehealth: Unexpected challenges and unprecedented opportunities
Embedding technologies into health practices, Part 1: Technology-enabled health applications
Is our health system ready for digital health today? Exploring the way forward
Guest editorial: Digital health, Part 2: The promise and practice of telehealth in BC
Guest Editorial: In search of collaboration between Indigenous traditional practice and Western medicine
Amanzo A. Ho, BSc,
Diagnostic performance of CT colonography in a nonscreening population at an academic centre in British Columbia
B. Ho, RN,
iCON: Supporting Chinese and South Asian BC citizens for optimal self-management
David Ho,
Eligibility and determination of permanent disability awards
Francis Ho, MD,
Honor wishes of patients and their families
Helena H. Ho, MD, FRCPC
Screening for autism and pervasive developmental disorders in very young children
Autistic disorders: What can a physician do?
Stephen G.F. Ho, MD, FRCPC
Minimally invasive treatment of colorectal cancer metastases: Current status and new directions
Vertebroplasty: An effective technique in the treatment of osteoporotic and malignant vertebral collapse
Gordon Hoag, MD
Alternate model of care improves patient access to psychiatric treatment
The Physician Quality Improvement initiative: Improving BC’s health care system one project at a time
Nathan A. Hoag, BSc,
Prostate cancer screening practices and attitudes among primary care physicians in Victoria, British Columbia
Linda M.N. Hoang, MSc, MD, DTM&H, FRCPC
Trends in incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease following introduction of the universal infant immunization program in BC
Lymphogranuloma venereum, a rare disease in Canada and BC
Implementing saline gargle sample collection for COVID-19 testing
Changing epidemiology of Clostridium difficile–associated infections
Lymphogranuloma venereum in British Columbia, 2011 to 2015: Epidemiology and risk factors
Global threat, provincial action: Carbapenemase-producing organisms in British Columbia
Tularemia in British Columbia: A case report and review
Cryptococcus gattii in BC: Update on an emerging disease
Pathogen genomics in the post-COVID-19 era
The battle against resistance: Carbapenemase-producing organisms in BC
Cyclospora infection: A tropical disease in our midst
Diagnostic testing for Legionnaires’ disease: Trends in BC
Infectious diarrhea
Bruce Hobson, MD
Addressing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in BC: Practical approaches
EMR use in BC: The future is now (part 2)
EMR use in BC: The future is now (part 2)
Patients we remember: Using data for better care
PSP small-group learning sessions: A resource for practice improvement
EMR use in BC: The future is now (part 1)
From rags to riches: Information and the electronic medical record
Gillian Hodge, MD
Dr Roger Page, 1933–2023
Frieda Hodgins
Impact of the family physician shortage on BC specialists’ health and well-being
A. Hoens, BScPT, MSc,
Treatment options for tennis elbow
Carolyn Hoffman, RN, MN,
The Canadian Patient Safety Institute: Building a safer system and stronger culture of safety
Robert S. Hogg, PhD
Re: Anal cancer
Anal cancer and human papillomavirus in HIV-positive men who have sex with men: A case report and review of the literature
Janet Holden, MD
Carcinoid tumors in a family with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1
Marcus J. Hollander, PhD,
Supporting family physicians in British Columbia: The experience of the Practice Support Program
Dan Holmes, MD
Revised BC Guideline: Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) and Folate Deficiency
Jacqueline Holmes
Physicians: WorkSafeBC is here for you too
Engaging community physicians on COVID-19 prevention in the workplace
Louise Holmes, RN, BSN
Prevention and control of influenza outbreaks in residential care facilities
Robert G. Holmes, MD
Re: Billing disparity
Re: A chill in the air
Stuart Holtby, MD, FRCPC, FAASM
Who is checking the quality of referrals?
Who is checking the quality of referrals?
Travis Holyk, MA, EdD
Cervical screening in BC—Change inspired by First Nations and Métis communities
The role of telehealth in improving continuity of care: The Carrier Sekani Family Services primary care model
William G. Honer, MD, FRCPC,
Delirium after cardiac surgery: A retrospective case-control study of incidence and risk factors in a Canadian sample
Christopher R. Honey, MD, DPhil, FRCS
Surgery for Parkinson's disease
Daniel Hong, PharmD, BCGP
ASA for postoperative venous thromboembolism prevention in patients with extremity or hip fractures: A critical appraisal of the PREVENT CLOT trial
Alison Hooper, BA
The role of telehealth in improving continuity of care: The Carrier Sekani Family Services primary care model
Michael Horkoff, MD, FRCSC
Dysphagia secondary to esophageal compression by cervical osteophytes: A case report
Deteriorating wait times for breast cancer patients at a regional hospital in BC, 2013 versus 2023
Michelle Horn, BA,
Prescribing second-generation antipsychotic medications: Practice guidelines for general practitioners
Kathryn Hornby, DMD, MLS, CertMinf
The Internet as an evidence-based medicine tool
Colin Horricks, MD,
CAST concerns
Re: CAST replies
Doug Horsman, MD
BC Cancer Agency Hereditary Cancer Program
Lesley Horton, MD, CCFP
Re: Re-embracing physical activity after COVID-19
Re: No kindness
Dan Horvat, MD, MCFP
Evaluation of treatment completion note used by the BC Cancer Agency Centre for the North
Nicola Horwood, MD
Osteoarthritis imaging: A survey of British Columbian doctors and evidence-based recommendations
Karen Hossack, MD,
Risks associated with long-term use of high-dose opioids
Farshad Hosseini, BSc
A 13-year review of elective orthopaedic surgery outcomes in patients with hemophilia A and B
Reza Hosseini, MD, MPH
Respiratory virus surveillance after the height of the COVID-19 pandemic
Travis Hottes, MSc,
New guidelines for management of N. gonorrhoeae in the context of evolving susceptibility patterns
Syphilis and neurosyphilis increase to historic levels in BC
BCCDC responds
Edwina Houlihan, BScN,
Development of a centre for interdisciplinary care of patients with pelvic pain and endometriosis
A. Hoverman, DO, MPH, CCFP
Social prescribing for the loneliness epidemic
A. Fuchsia Howard, RN, PhD,
Canadian endocrinologists’ views on growth hormone replacement therapy in adult survivors of pediatric brain tumors following achievement of final height
Lisa Howard, MD, CCFP,
Deprescribing medication for frail elderly patients in nursing homes: A survey of Vancouver family physicians
York N. Hsiang, MB ChB, MHSc, FRCSC
Physicians need to read and understand the Health Professions and Occupations Act
Angela Hu, MD, FRCPC
Explaining the gender pay gap: Lessons from rheumatology
Housing: An important determinant of health
Ricky Hu, MD, MASc
Artificial intelligence in family medicine: Opportunities, impacts, and challenges
Hana Hua, MSc
Respiratory virus surveillance after the height of the COVID-19 pandemic
James G. Huang, MD, PGDipSurgAnat, FRACS,
PSA and beyond: Biomarkers in prostate cancer
Maria Hubinette, MD
Medical students in your office: Common myths addressed
Monika Hudoba, MD, FRCPC
Toward better utilization of laboratory resources: The impact of a mandatory 4Ts pretest clinical assessment form on the diagnosis of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
Heritable thrombophilia testing in British Columbia: A report on practice patterns and prevalence
The clinical and diagnostic pathway for adults with acute leukemia in BC
Sylvie Hudon, MD, FCFP, MSc(A), ACBOM
What to consider when seeing patients with work-related health concerns
Sarah Huebert, MSW, BSW, RSW
Co-planning for collaborative rural and First Nations health care system transformation: Developing a pattern for partnership and social accountability
Barbara Hughes, MD, FRCPC,
Work hours, sleep deprivation, and fatigue: A British Columbia snapshot
Ken Hughes, MD,
Postcards from Cleveland: Ideas for BC specialists
BC specialists travel to Cleveland Clinic, one of the world’s foremost medical centres
Linda Huh, MD,
Guideline for the management of convulsive status epilepticus in infants and children
Lucy Hui
Artificial intelligence in family medicine: Opportunities, impacts, and challenges
Philip Hui, MD, FRCPC
Climate impact of inhaler therapy in the Fraser Health region, 2016–2021
Mark Hull, MD, FRCPC
A new avenue to explore in STI prevention
Derek Human, MD, FRCPC
Ensuring a successful transition and transfer from pediatric to adult care in patients with congenital heart disease
Michael Humer, MD, FRCSC,
Distant thoracic surgical patient assessment in rural British Columbia 1985-2005
Michael Humphreys, MD, FRCPC
Deteriorating wait times for breast cancer patients at a regional hospital in BC, 2013 versus 2023
Shaun Humphreys, MD, CCFP
Incentive to immunize
Karin H. Humphries, DSc
A new way to evaluate randomized controlled trials? New approach does more harm than good
Harsh Hundal, MD, MPA
Can we dance together? The dyadic leadership model in physician quality improvement
Jeremy Hunka
Neurosurgical supports, from BC to West Africa
Brian M. Hunt, MD
Current concepts in concussion diagnosis and management in sports: A clinical review
Dr G. Barrie Purves, 1942–2016
Giselle Hunt, BSc
Endometriosis: An update on diagnosis and medical management
Harold G. Hunt, MD,
Dr John Egerton Hunt 1933–2008
Megan Hunt, RTC
Co-planning for collaborative rural and First Nations health care system transformation: Developing a pattern for partnership and social accountability
Marlene E. Hunter, MD, FCFPC
Mental health care in rural and isolated areas: Lessons from northern British Columbia
"Northern, rural, isolated..."
Guest editorial--Mental health care in northern, rural, and isolated areas of BC
Degree of dissociativity in the inpatient population of a hospital in northwestern British Columbia
Andrew Hurlburt, MD
Zika virus: A summary
Unplanned hospital readmissions in British Columbia
Kathy J. Hurlburt, MD,
Liver disease in the indigenous populations of the Arctic, sub-Arctic, and Pacific Northwest
Gillian Hurwitz,
Pharmacological interventions for traumatic brain injury
T.A. Hurwitz, MBChB, MRCP, FRCPC
Depression, anxiety, and psychosis in Parkinson's disease
Trana Hussaini, PharmD
Systemic racism and medicine: A commentary
Herbal medicine and liver toxicity
The revolutionary changes in hepatitis C treatment: A concise review
Understanding herbal medicine and liver toxicity. Authors reply
Hamish Hwang, MD, FRCSC, FACS
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography or cholecystectomy first in patients with suspected choledocholithiasis?
UBC Reticulum: A novel website connecting general surgeons in BC during the COVID-19 crisis
Electronic wound monitoring after ambulatory breast cancer surgery: Improving patient care and satisfaction using a smart phone app
Computer randomized scheduling for general surgery: A novel tool for resource sharing at two regional hospitals in British Columbia
Dividing the pie into smaller slices: A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the general surgery workforce in British Columbia, 1992–2012
Emergency presentation of colorectal cancer at a regional hospital: An alarming trend?
Re: EMRs and specialists
Deteriorating wait times for breast cancer patients at a regional hospital in BC, 2013 versus 2023
Disappointed in PITO vendors chosen
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the severity of emergency bowel surgery
General Surgeons of British Columbia launches province-wide peer mentorship program
Quantifying a care gap in BC: Caring for surgical patients with a body mass index higher than 30
Re: Electronic wound monitoring. The author replies.
Wait times for general surgery in BC: Moving beyond measurement
Timing of return to work after hernia repair: Recommendations based on a literature review
Excellent outcomes after establishing laparoscopic colon surgery in a nonacademic regional hospital
Warning: “safety” scalpels are dangerous
Chasing a moving train: The general surgery workforce versus population growth in British Columbia, 2012–2022
Improved patient care and cost savings after rapid access to endoscopy initiated at a community hospital
Robert Hulyk, MHA, ABC,
Antonia Hyman, MSc
Digital storytelling and dialogue to support culturally safe health care for Indigenous patients in British Columbia
Susan Hynes, BA, MBA,
Cancers presumed to be caused by exposures in firefighting
Appealing WorkSafeBC decisions
Vaclav Hyrman, MD, FRCPC
Burnout and job mentality