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Sarah B. Henderson, PhD
When the BCCDC presents on the public health impacts of wildfire smoke, we often ask audiences to consider the following question: If there are 10 asthma-related physician visits on a slightly smoky day, how many occur... Read More
The 2021 heat dome was one of the deadliest weather events in Canadian history,[1] and during that period schizophrenia was associated with a higher risk of death than any other chronic disease.[2] There were 134 deaths... Read More
Poisonings have a significant impact on the health of people in BC. In 2022, there were more than 2000 poisoning deaths due to the toxic illicit drug supply alone.[1] All age groups are at risk of poisoning, but the... Read More
The average number of deaths per day in British Columbia is 110, ranging from 90 to 130 most days. On 29 June 2021, 380 people died across the province [Figure]. There were 1630 deaths in the 8 days from 25 June to 2... Read More
Wildfire smoke poses public health risks for populations both near to and far from the direct threat of fire. Here we offer evidence-based responses to clinicians’ questions on the health effects of smoke, and highlight... Read More
Three of the worst wildfire seasons on record in BC occurred over the past decade, with tens of thousands of people evacuated from communities at risk of fire or hazardous levels of smoke.[1] BCCDC... Read More