New Doctors of BC podcast has launched

Doctors of BC introduces the first podcast in a new multimedia series called DocTalks. In the series, featuring podcasts and videos, physicians offer presentations and promote dialogue on timely, relevant topics impacting the BC medical community—and the patients and families cared for by physicians.

In the first episode of the DocTalks podcast, we explain and explore the direction for BC’s primary health care system, with a focus on the development of patient medical homes (PMH) and primary care networks (PCNs). Host and Doctors of BC President-Elect, Dr Matthew Chow, interviews Drs Shelley Ross and Brenda Hefford, taking a deep dive into the current primary care landscape.

Topics include:
• How patient medical homes and primary care networks relate to and work with one another.
• What it means to adapt to system-wide change.
• The benefits of a multidisciplinary, team-based model of care.
• The role of the urgent and primary care centres in enhancing PCNs and increasing access.

To listen on Apple Podcasts, click here.
For links to all other podcast platforms, click here.

 —Brenda Hefford, MD

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