Physicians: Learn about potential billings issues early, check out your mini profile

Your 2019 mini profile is now available exclusively on the Doctors of BC website. The profile provides you with statistics based on the MSP payments made to you for services you provided in the 2019 calendar year, including any settlements or retroactive payments issued as of 31 March 2020. 

This information allows you to monitor your billings in comparison to your peer group and address any potential issues quickly and early. Understanding the flags on your profile, which could put you at higher risk for an audit, can help you determine if you need to make changes to your billings and can alert you to a potential issue that could be avoided.

Also in the data are claims paid by MSP, on behalf of ICBC and WorkSafeBC. The profiles are an accurate reflection of claims submissions and payments made in the claims record that identified you as the physician who provided the service, or in the case of referred services, identified you as the referring practitioner.

Visit the Doctors of BC website for more information.

If you have questions or need help understanding your profile, contact Juanita Grant at or 604 638-2829 (toll-free 1 800 665-2262).
—Tara Hamilton
Advisor, Audit & Billing, Economics, Advocacy & Negotiations

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