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Author profile

Julie Kwan, BBA, CFP, CLU, GBA
Doctors of BC offers the Health Benefits Trust Fund (HBTF), an extended health and dental plan, to members and their families. HBTF offers high reimbursement levels and generous maximums. However, likely not all of... Read More
Technology has revolutionized the world for medical clinics and individual physicians alike, and during the past 20 years in particular, there have been monumental shifts in human behavior directly linked to... Read More
Westland Insurance Group Ltd., Doctors of BC’s home- and office-insurance partner, provides advice to members on risk considerations for their home and office. Home-insurance policies are issued on several different... Read More
Many members have entrusted Doctors of BC with their insurance needs over their careers. If you are nearing retirement, there are some things to know about your Doctors of BC insurance. Physicians’ Disability... Read More
When did you last review your disability and professional expense insurance needs? It’s recommended that you review your coverage with a Doctors of BC insurance advisor 1 year after starting a practice and 2 years... Read More
Insurance legislation under the Income Tax Act allows you to make payments (premium deposits) into tax-exempt life insurance policies in excess of the actual cost of insurance, up to a certain limit. The investments... Read More
You are probably familiar with term life insurance, which provides coverage for a specified period such as 10 or 20 years. Odds are that you’ll cancel or outlive your term-life policy and a benefit will never be paid.... Read More
When members call asking for a life insurance quote, they usually fall into one of two categories: they either have a particular amount of life insurance in mind, or they have no idea how much life insurance is suitable... Read More
I remember as a child being fascinated with a brochure the school gave us to bring home to our parents—it was an Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) brochure. I was shocked and amused at how much my body... Read More
As tax season looms upon us yet again, I encourage you to verify with your accountant that your insurance premiums are being paid tax efficiently while optimizing the benefits you would receive if you made a claim. Most... Read More