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Anthony J. Salvian, MD
I always thought that as doctors became more senior life would become more organized, and that one could settle into a pattern of being relaxed and venerated at work with lots of spare time for things like fishing and... Read More
17 December 2007 Canada and the United States have accepted the UN-sponsored Bali road map on global warming—finally. There is no question that climate changes cyclically between warming and cooling. ... Read More
When you write an editorial you hope that it engenders thought and reaction. Obviously, how crime affects our social fabric fits the bill. I appreciate Dr Williams’s opinion and I wonder if he has been to Vancouver,... Read More
Crime in our city is an unusual topic for a medical journal editorial. However, crime, particularly violent crime, against defenceless and innocent people seems to be becoming rampant, and I think this affects our... Read More
The doctors of British Columbia are presently embroiled in yet another confusing round of arbitration and macro- and micro-allocations of contract monies. This is really too bad, and probably unnecessary. When the... Read More
Last Saturday night I was called to the operating room to help deal with a young man who had been shot through the abdominal aorta. Despite the valiant efforts of three surgeons, a half a dozen nurses, and two... Read More
As Canadians we pride ourselves on our Constitution. We take pride in the fact that it protects the rights of individuals and that these rights are independent of variables such as sex, race, color, religion, and age.... Read More
My mother passed away this summer. She was elderly, 84 actually, and as one of my friends said, she had a “good innings.” But, she was my mother and we are only issued one, and I miss her. She had led a full and... Read More
I just had one of those big birthdays. You know the one, when all of those investment ads say that you should be retiring. (Did any of those retirees have children?) At any rate, to commemorate my birthday Jean Chrétien... Read More
During the dispute between the Vancouver Hospital and the surgeons concerning the lack of surgical resources to take care of even the most urgent patients, the surgeons felt obligated to close the emergency department... Read More