Keep on blogging
A recent survey of BCMJ readers indicated that “only about 9% of readers use as their primary reading medium.” The research results presented do not specify what percentage of doctors read the BCMJ blogs—and why or why not.
Much of our recorded history of medicine in British Columbia comes from the diaries and journals handwritten in the past. Since 1994 such commentaries on daily events morphed into the modern online web logs. These logs then expanded beyond the traditional diary or journal and offered brief historical mementoes, social comments, responses to daily print publications, and other topics. When combined with links on the web, the web log appellation was abbreviated to blog.
The BCMJ has included blogs in its online presence since 2011. The potential value of blogs in the context of the BCMJ’s objectives is that thought-promoting, discussion-stimulating, medically related, historical human issues can be highlighted for the reader in a very short presentation. In my mind a good blog is an elaborate mixture of a haiku and a limerick—something that entertains for the moment and leaves an idea, concept, recurrent thought, or new perspective in the reader’s mind for a while.
I must admit to a conflict of interest when I say that I would be a sorry person if the BCMJ were to give up on the blog: something like 30 of my blog posts have been aired on the BCMJ website. But changes are necessary. Had I been one of the 3000 doctors included in the survey, and had I been asked specifically about the blogs, I would have described my views (and desire) for improvements in four areas to popularize the blog site. First, use the print version of the journal to acknowledge and promote interest in the blog. Second, encourage reader habits toward repeat visits to the blog by offering two or more blogs per week. Third, exclude announcements, and fourth, take advantage of emerging and easily usable electronic platforms for blog presentations (which I believe is already under consideration for wider digital presentation of the BCMJ).
—George Szasz, CM, MD