Refreshed BCMA logo
You may have noticed the BCMA recently adopted a new look. It has been a decade since the BCMA logo was last refreshed, and for the most part the previous logo worked well and was a dramatic improvement over the one it replaced. However, the older version had its share of challenges, such as readability when reproduced in a smaller format and using the logo in less than full-color applications, as well as some other issues.
As you can see, the new logo includes the BCMA initialism along with the official title of the Association. The term “BCMA” is how the Association is most often referred, and is now a dominant feature. The snake/map icon (or Asclepius interwoven with the BC flag) has been simplified once again to make for clearer reproduction. The green has been dropped, the waves have disappeared, and the sun’s rays aren’t as many. Overall, the new logo works as one unit, is clear and balanced, keeps the traditional icon, and is not a significant departure from the old one.
—Sharon Shore, APR, Senior Manager, Communications and Media Relations