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Author profile

George Szasz, CM, MD
My wife died 2 weeks before our 66th wedding anniversary, having spent the previous 9 years in the grips of dementia. On her last evening on Earth she went to sleep as usual, but never woke up. For close to 7... Read More
On 23 January 1849, Elizabeth Blackwell became the first woman to receive a medical degree in the US. Dr Blackwell was born in England in 1821. When she was 11 years old, her parents and the family of four boys and five... Read More
In 2017 Pixie was an 8-year-old, well-padded, disciplined, loving therapy dog; a Shih Tzu Cairn Terrier mix who would visit us each week for about an hour. It became a ritual: my wife’s caregivers and I would arrange... Read More
November is diabetes month, and 2021 marks 100 years since the discovery of insulin. At the time of its discovery, it appeared that insulin would solve the problem of diabetes worldwide, but over the 100 years since,... Read More
The emergence of intensive-care medicine as well as cardiopulmonary resuscitation has enabled people who had passed the traditional “there is no pulse, the heart has stopped” threshold of biological death to come back,... Read More
In a recent issue of the Vancouver Sun’s weekend review, concerns were raised about who has access to the data emanating from our robotic gadgets. Specifically, the article focused on robot vacuum cleaners that are able... Read More
I am going to be 92 years old in a few weeks and am at a crossroad in my life. My wife of 66 years has been in the depths of her dementia for several years, being taken care of by efficient caregivers at home. Just... Read More
It is not often that the BCMJ and the Lancet publish articles in the same time frame about the same topic but with significantly different perspectives. In the July/August issue of the BCMJ, the importance of “... Read More
Recent research into the cause of prematurely graying hair strands is offering a faint hope for two promising outcomes: reversal of unwelcome sudden graying and possible access to our biological history hidden... Read More
An article in a recent issue of the Journal of Women’s Health highlights how sex and gender play an important role in the current pandemic. Using the approach of the US National Academy of Sciences, sex is defined in... Read More