Author profile

George Szasz, CM, MD

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AI in medicine
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The grandchild of a good friend of mine is about to graduate as a paralegal. Little does she know that, according to predictions by Oxford researchers, it is likely that by 2033 94% of paralegals will lose their jobs... Read More

Physician mother
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On Mother’s Day this year I will lift my glass three times.  My first toast will celebrate Dr Emily Howard Jennings Stowe (1831–1903). Graduate of a US medical school in 1867, she was the first Canadian woman... Read More

Drs Cushing and Osler
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I recently came across a Medscape Medical News item from July 2020 about a medical student’s complaint, on Twitter, about an inappropriate description of Cushing disease in a popular textbook, Dr Pestana’s Surgery Notes... Read More

Patient at a doctor's office for a consult
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Since Sir William Osler’s call for “bedside medicine,” emphasizing compassion for patients, we have been urged to achieve the practice through “evidence-based medicine,” “evolutionary medicine,” and more recently “... Read More

Pixie the pet therapy dog
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In 2017 Pixie was an 8-year-old, well-padded, disciplined, loving therapy dog; a Shih Tzu Cairn Terrier mix who would visit us each week for about an hour. It became a ritual: my wife’s caregivers and I would arrange... Read More

Young nurse and senior patient waiting for a diabetes test result while wearing surgical face masks
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November is diabetes month, and 2021 marks 100 years since the discovery of insulin. At the time of its discovery, it appeared that insulin would solve the problem of diabetes worldwide, but over the 100 years since,... Read More

Near-death experience
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The emergence of intensive-care medicine as well as cardiopulmonary resuscitation has enabled people who had passed the traditional “there is no pulse, the heart has stopped” threshold of biological death to come back,... Read More

Futuristic humanoid robot
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In a recent issue of the Vancouver Sun’s weekend review, concerns were raised about who has access to the data emanating from our robotic gadgets. Specifically, the article focused on robot vacuum cleaners that are able... Read More
