Author profile

George Szasz, CM, MD

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Woman on a swing with blue sky above her
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While visiting the Canadian Museum of Flight in Langley, I saw extensive displays of aircraft, some from the First World War, some from the Second World War, and even more from recent times, including modern fighter... Read More

Young woman experiencing menstrual pain
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Worldwide at any one time, some 300 million women experience menstrual periods and some vexation about related hygiene management. What brought this to my attention was a report in a recent issue of the Economist... Read More

Cell structure, cross section of a cell
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I recently finished reading a book by Dr Siddhartha Mukherjee, The Song of the Cell. Actually, it is not quite true that I’ve finished reading it, I find myself going back and back to reread how cells in the body “... Read More

Doctor speaking with patient and patient's partner in hospital room
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In 2021, the Canadian government brought in Bill C-7: An Act to Amend the Criminal Code (Medical Assistance in Dying), expanding the right to seek medical assistance in dying (MAID) to Canadians who aren’t near death... Read More

Group of cyclists
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The BC Lung Foundation’s Bicycle Trek 2022, exploring the beautiful and fresh-air-filled Fraser Valley, was supposed to take place 10–11 September 2022. It was planned as a 200 km ride—part fundraiser, part weekend... Read More

Pathologist holding a cross section of the brain
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A recent CTV news story revealed that the UBC Faculty of Medicine is running low on a precious resource—cadavers. Over 20 years ago, my wife and I signed up to donate our bodies to UBC Medical School. In November of... Read More
