jjablkowski's blog

Those of us in the health care profession are collectively following the news on the latest SARS-CoV-2 updates, bracing for the potential wave of infections that may fill our hospitals and clinics. We’ve seen personally or heard anecdotally the terrifying impact this virus has on people. For many of us, our professional roles in the pandemic response have been to treat those individuals exhibiting or suffering from symptoms of this novel virus.

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In altered times we live
Each day seeming the same
Structure and routine lessened
Their passing marked only by fading daylight and another sunrise
Each day longer than the last

It is not easy, feeling the rush and pause of tumultuousness
All the while anticipating the worst
We hear the stories of our comrades across the globe
And we wait, with bated breath
Nothing more to do than wait
And pray we have been doing all the right things to lessen the potential devastation

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Staying away from each other has become crucial to slowing the spread of the coronavirus. Public health officials have instructed us to practise social distancing, stay home, avoid crowds, and refraining from touching one another.

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Doctors urge patients to call them first if they need care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

BC’s doctors are now available to provide care to patients using telephone or video during the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to providing in-person care when necessary.

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