jjablkowski's blog

One of my friends died 2 weeks ago. It was a scheduled, doctor-assisted death, with family present. He wanted to die on the Wednesday of that week, but the doctor was not available on that day. My friend laughingly told his family that the doctor asked, “Would Thursday be okay with you?”

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This year, with the recent fiery words from politicians about the threat of a nuclear war, remembering the First World War (1914–1918) at 11 a.m. on the 11th day of the 11th month will take on an added significance. 

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My cerebrum doesn’t process what it is upon first blush, but my enteric nervous system doesn’t miss a beat. I already feel the ice-cold ball in the pit of my stomach slowly penetrating outward. The characteristic numbness that accompanies the sight you wish you didn’t see, that thought you wish you didn’t have.

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