jjablkowski's blog

A BC Parks Foundation Initiative

With people increasingly glued to phones and computers, a walk in the park might be exactly what the doctor ordered, and on 21 July they’ll be doing more than just ordering it: they are going out there and leading it. Doctors want to send a clear message about how important it is to get outside, and the best way to do that is to go out and share the experience, so 100 doctors and health care providers will be leading Outside & Unplugged walks in 100 parks across the province on 21 July.

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Hungarian being my mother tongue, I often wonder about the use of certain words in my adopted English language. With the approach of the summer season, I took interest in the word holiday. In the Hungarian language there is one word for government-ordered and religiously or culturally observed days off, and a different word, equivalent to the word vacation, to describe taking time off from one’s duties.

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If we can get to the moon, how come we cannot lick cancer? I have heard exasperated friends and patients cry out in frustration. Unfortunately, the answer is simple: more or less 500 years ago Newton and Galileo already had the necessary mathematical and physics equations to get us to the moon, but lacked today’s materials and the engineering knowhow for that spectacular accomplishment. In medicine today, we have advanced technology but we do not yet have the fundamental knowledge about disease causality. 

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