jjablkowski's blog

Recently Cam Levins from Black Creek, BC, crossed the finish line of the Toronto Waterfront Marathon in 2 hours, 9 minutes, and 25 seconds. He broke the previous record held by Canadian Jerome Drayton, set 43 years ago in Japan in 1975 at 2:10:09.

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This year the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month marked the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War. It all started on 28 June 1914 with a sniper bullet that killed the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria during his visit to Serbia. Like dominos falling, Austria-Hungary, Germany, Russia, France, Britain along with Canada entered into war within weeks, and the United States entering the fight later. All of this happened well before I was born, but my then 20-year-old father served as a sublieutenant of horse artillery in the Hungarian Army.

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Choosing Wisely Canada is the brand name of a campaign to ensure high quality medical care. One of their current publications lists 13 tests and treatments that family physicians and patients should question. The list may be long on logic but I think it is a bit short on wisdom—encroaching on what we call the art of medicine.  

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As I begin my career as a medical student at the University of British Columbia, I find myself in a unique position. Having already studied, worked, and researched in the field of bioethics, I have had the privilege of being exposed to a wide array of literature and perspectives that have helped me form my ethics toolkit.

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The Vancouver Sun recently reported that the foot-lift, sometimes referred to as “Cinderella surgery,” is becoming a fast-growing and somewhat controversial sector of the cosmetic surgery industry. Surgical procedures include bunion removal, toe shortening or lengthening, separation of webbed toes, varicose foot-vein removal, and foot plumping (fillers introduced to smooth bony feet). Some physicians think that surgery may be indicated to correct painful foot problems but that cosmetic surgery would not be needed if people would just wear sensible, well-fitting shoes.

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