
Obituaries / BY: Ruth Elwood Martin, MD, FCFP, MPH June 2008
... medicine in downtown Toronto and adopted Toronto as her home. She was a Fellow of the College of Family Physicians of ... Mimi’s bibliography onto its searchable database web page.  Mimi also prepared narrative medicine content ...
Back Page / BY: Graham C. Fraser, FRCS, FACS January/February 2007
... in summer takes me to the back garden of the family home in Inverness, Scotland. These transatlantic journeys ... and throat, but rather of HNG: hear, nose, and gloat! Back Page Led by the nose ...
Back Page / BY: Graham C. Fraser, FRCS, FACS November 2007
... stuff I have resides in various parts and cupboards in our home, awaiting intermittent attempts at its disposal. Take ... bankers’ boxes, and a small van. Or a big one. Back Page Having piles ...
Back Page / BY: Graham C. Fraser, FRCS, FACS May 2006
... The subtle expectation of similar attention at home is not appreciated. Yet, invariably, they are called ... his coat someone has neatly penciled in my initials. Back Page Off keys ...
Back Page / BY: Gerd A. Asche, MD April 2006
... for his Monte Christo. Like Odysseus on his journey home from the Trojan War, faced with the choice of drowning ... Dr Fifer, now practising in New Caledonia, was plodding home after attending to the confinement of Mrs Yorke of Yale. ... Dr Fifer fell to his cot and was soon fast asleep. Back Page The cesarean section on Mary Hodges, Part 2 ...
Interviews / BY: Jay Draper September 2006
... much less clinical work than usual. I’m trying to go home for Thursday afternoon and Friday as often as I can, but ... Board and Executive meetings, those weeks I won’t go home, and the airport in Castlegar is often closed by fog in ... and as a result, when the  Trail Times  runs a front page story about me being president, everyone knows about it. ...
Back Page / BY: Gerd A. Asche, MD March 2006
... infant. After the night of intent care, he made his way home along the riverbank, half-asleep. The fresh morning fog ... will appear in the April 2006 issue of the BCMJ. Back Page The cesarean section of Mary Hodges, Part 1 ...
Back Page / BY: Jonathan Down, MBBS, MHSc, DCH, FRCPC June 2005
... in regular camp programs. They are often sent home for disruptive behavior. On other occasions, the ... change their behavioral direction or trajectory. The take-home message for me was: don’t push the on button, and if ... of fun and a need to know more about this disorder. Back Page Whitecrow Camp for Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum ...
Back Page / BY: Gerd A. Asche, MD January/February 2005
... about the death of a mysterious woman in Dr Fifer's home. The police officer untied a small package, unwrapping a ... about to cross into the United States, the country of his home and family. It was a moving occasion, as he walked past ... place and enhance the town’s historic significance. Back Page The vessel, Part 2 ...
Premise / BY: David Snadden, MBChB, MCISc, MD, FRCGP, FRCP (Edin) June 2005
... a hospital outpatient clinic, 14 received health care at home, 13 visited an emergency department, 8 were admitted to ... with the manuscript. I would also like to thank Dr Gordon Page, director of the Division of Educational Support and ...