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Author profile

Gerd A. Asche, MD
Before I could touch the zwieback I was reaching for—as my evening meal—the television interrupted me with news of a plane crash on the Fraser River. BC artist Toni Onley had gone down while practising “touch and go”... Read More
It is 1857, the infancy of anesthesia, and Dr Fifer finds himself the chloroformist during a cesarean section. As he struggles to keep his patient alive, he must contend with a lack of experience, scant scientific... Read More
In which we learn of Dr Fifer’s humble beginnings, San Franciscan medical politics, and the anesthetic choices available to physicians in the 1850s. Dir Fifer’s choices are made somewhat more limited by the surgeon’s... Read More
In which a final plea to spare the life of convicted murderer Robert Wall is made, his last moments on earth accounted, and a daring escape attempted. The murder of Dr Fifer Hope, BC, 26 September... Read More
When we left Dr Fifer's faithful assistant, Ah Chung, he was being questioned in his San Francisco medicine shop by a police officer about the death of a mysterious woman in Dr Fifer's home. The police officer untied... Read More
Please allow me to invite you to share with me the experience of a transatlantic flight of a few months ago. I was privileged to travel business class when called to assist a patient. Entering economy class, I saw that... Read More