
Joint Collaborative Committees / BY: Ahmer A. Karimuddin, MD, FRCSC May 2021
... physician services in rural and remote areas. General Practice Services Committee: Strengthens primary and ... 1 ] JCC funding and support enables divisions of family practice, medical staff associations, and the Rural ... team-based care networks Physicians in divisions of family practice are working with health authority and community ...
Editorials / BY: Kendall Ho, MD, FRCPC April 2020
... of the need for cultural safety and positively changes my practice when I interact with Indigenous patients. My journey ... In search of collaboration between Indigenous traditional practice and Western medicine ...
Editorials, COVID-19 / BY: Jeevyn K. Chahal, MD November 2020
... videoconferencing. Since COVID-19 announced itself to my practice in March 2020, I have “seen” a few thousand ... by the BC College of Family Physicians in their Tools for Practice resource states, “diagnostic accuracy/agreement of ... a quality improvement project with the help of the Practice Support Program through the General Practice ...
Editorials, COVID-19 / BY: David R. Richardson, MD December 2020
... few distant relatives, social contacts, and patients in my practice who are particularly at risk of a mental health ...
Editorials / BY: David R. Richardson, MD January/February 2020
... parents. But on the professional front, is my 2020 general practice so different than it was in 2010? One major change ...
Editorials, COVID-19 / BY: David J. Esler, MD, CCFP(EM) April 2020
24 March 2020 Medical practice is challenging, never more than during a pandemic. ...
Editorials / BY: David J. Esler, MD, CCFP(EM) July/August 2019
... on the enormous changes I have witnessed in the practice of medicine since being licensed in 1986. I was born ... to do a rotating internship and then enter general practice, or use the year to do GP locums and then return, ... regretted my career choice. I had no idea on entering practice in 1986 that seismic shifts in the delivery of ...
Beyond Medicine, Interviews / BY: David R. Richardson, MD July/August 2019
... time—I was the first chair of our division of family practice, then I got involved with Shared Care and helped get ... councils and so on. And then the divisions of family practice started up locally just around about the time the ... finish. It was so different for us. You could go do family practice and then go back and specialize later. That ...
Editorials / BY: David R. Richardson, MD September 2019
... thing for them. I have taken care of some families in my practice for close to 30 years and think of many of them as ...
Editorials / BY: Cynthia Verchere, MD January/February 2019
... My emails live in an institutional account in an academic practice. I really, truly understand and respect limitations ... plans, mistakes, and promises made.  I also run a practice where photographs are important. Patients living in ... safely communicate important questions or concerns. This practice is imperfect and reprimandable, but the proper ...