
Clinical Articles / BY: Samantha Pawer, BSc May 2021
... and youth. Among 10- to 17-year-old Canadians, 2140 young people were hospitalized due to self-poisoning during the ... provide free mental health services for children and young people up to 18 years old in BC, although a 2019 BC Coroners ... administered to a large representative sample of young people age 14 to 21 in Victoria, BC, in 2003 and 2005, 17% of ...
Back Page / BY: George Szasz, CM, MD December 2021
... today, Canada’s MAID law is under revision to include people with mental illness in the future. That will be an ...
Clinical Articles, COVID-19 / BY: Ahmer A. Karimuddin, MD, FRCSC June 2021
... surgery.[ 8 ] While prescreening can identify some people who are at increased risk of harboring COVID-19 ... prevalence rates, without preoperative testing, infected people will undergo elective surgery and have an increased ...
Clinical Articles, COVID-19 / BY: Tonia Tauh, MD, FRCPC March 2021
... A rapid vaccine rollout has many roadblocks, from some people’s initial hesitancy to receive a novel vaccine to ... supply, our society must balance vaccinating as many people as possible in short order with the strict timing ... there was no difference in vaccine efficacy between the people who got their second dose at day 19 and the people who ...
College Library / BY: Karen MacDonell, PhD, MLIS June 2021
... in electronic form. Why not 100%? Several reasons: most people prefer reading physical books[ 1 ] and have deeper ...
Beyond Medicine, Interviews / BY: David R. Richardson, MD January/February 2021
... around for CARMS interviews, so I had to explain that to people. But I think people could see I was genuinely interested in it, so it ... of a problem before it starts. In general psych I’d see people with substance use, psychosis, really intractable ...
College Library / BY: Chris Vriesema-Magnuson September 2021
... This need has been identified especially in the care of people of diverse genders and sexualities. Optimal care for ...
Back Page, COVID-19 / BY: Mandy Ruthnum, MD, FCFP January/February 2021
... 15 minutes. During that time, I spoke with three different people. I was booked in by a clerk, who requested my son’s ... numerous conversation with others, I was amazed how few people are aware of this number, including doctors. I suspect ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Philippa Hawley, FRCPC November 2021
... but the principles of cancer pain management apply to people living with many other serious chronic illnesses.[ 2 ] ... to loss of autonomy and the ability do the things that people used to enjoy, and because of fear of a painful ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Antonia Hyman, MSc April 2020
... (e.g., avoid inappropriate terms such as “our Indigenous people,” which implies ownership). Develop protocols and ...