
BC Centre for Disease Control / BY: Kate Smolina, DPhil, CHE June 2024
... costs to the health care system.[ 1 ] In BC, the number of people living with chronic disease is increasing. Among ... incidence (new cases) and prevalence (the total number of people living with a condition) are sourced from the BC ... and Métis Peoples in BC, see other reports.[ 4,5 ] People living with chronic conditions were disproportionately ...
Letters / BY: Derryck H. Smith, MD, FRCPC March 2024
... that we are setting a very poor example for young people by normalizing drug use. Contrary to the editorial, I ...
Premise / BY: Clara MacDonald, MSc, MD April 2024
... that second victim syndrome often goes unrecognized.[ 15 ] People may also be unwilling to discuss their experiences ...
Editorials / BY: Jeevyn K. Chahal, MD January/February 2024
... physicians to do the work at hand. An estimated 1 million people in BC do not have a family physician. An article in ...
Clinical Articles, Review Articles / BY: Daniel Shirvani, BSc June 2024
... care services pose a serious challenge for Indigenous people who reside in remote and rural areas. In some cases, ... and large, unfamiliar hospitals would be difficult for all people, not just those from Takla. Current policies and ...
Beyond Medicine / BY: Eiko Waida, MD, FRCPC, FAAP* March 2024
... and the organization. The IHA PQI dyadic model activates people’s agency on an interpersonal level with the hope and ...
Editorials / BY: Michael Schwandt, MD, MPH June 2024
... still. For every road death, there are severalfold more people requiring hospitalization or other health care due to ...
Letters / BY: Mark Mallet, MD, CCFP March 2024
... [ BCMJ 2023;65:365-366]: “as many as 225 000 [people] are at risk of poisoning from unregulated drugs, [but] only 4476 people were prescribed safe supply medications in July ... The impression these numbers give is that fewer than 5000 people out of 225 000 are receiving treatment. In both Dr ...
Premise / BY: Warren Bell, MD, CM, CCFP, FCFP(LM) January/February 2024
... there is a crisis in primary care. Almost one-third of people who want a family doctor can’t find one, and even people who have a family physician generally find them quite ... and emotionally. We believe greater availability to the people who count on us for care is the critical, needed ...
Clinical Articles, Original Research / BY: Caroline Mariano, MD July/August 2024
... Context British Columbia has a population of 5 million people, and more than 30 000 new cancer diagnoses are made ...