jjablkowski's blog

Color can sway our mood, alter our emotional perception, and affect our productivity. Colors can also elicit specific responses—red can provoke sexual drive or create a feeling of intimidation; blue can stoke intellectual abilities and mental faculties and affect sleep urge patterns.[1] Colors have other perceptual properties too; for example, certain colors give a false sense of increased space, a phenomenon often exploited in architecture and design.[2,3]

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Over the millennia of human existence, epidemics and pandemics have shaped the history of all cultures. An epidemic is the spread of a contagious illness that affects a large number of people in a community, region, or defined population. A pandemic is an epidemic occurring worldwide, crossing boundaries, and affecting a large number of people. We are now in the grasp of a pandemic caused by a hitherto unknown virus.

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On 11 November we recall the end of World War I and honor the veterans of both world wars. This year I will also lift my glass to honor Lt. Col. Joan Kennedy, Canada’s first female soldier. 

She was born Joan Barbara Fensham in 1908 in Middlesex, England. When she was a teenager her father moved the family to Victoria, BC, where she finished high school, became a telephone switchboard operator, and then an accountant. In 1929 she married Norman R. Kennedy, an engineer, and settled into the social scene in Victoria.

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