Updates to BC Cancer Cervix Screening affecting primary care

BC Cancer Cervix Screening is implementing significant updates on 7 December 2020 that have an impact on primary care.

New facilitated referral process

The Cervix Screening program is implementing a facilitated referral process for cervix screening participants with cytology results that recommend colposcopy follow-up. The new process will reduce wait times for cytology follow-up and improve adherence to follow-up by ensuring patients are referred for colposcopy quickly. When the program receives a cervix screening result that recommends colposcopy follow-up, it will send a referral to a colposcopy clinic based on the patient’s postal code. Primary care providers will receive a Notice of Referral indicating that a patient has been referred for colposcopy by the program on the physician’s behalf.

For more information, please refer to this fact sheet or visit www.screeningbc.ca/health-professionals.

Direct patient recall

BC Cancer Cervix Screening will begin recalling patients directly with mailed reminder letters when they are due for rescreening. Patients will receive reminder letters 8 weeks before their due date and on their due date. If the Cervix Screening program does not receive a Pap test result by 12 weeks after the patient’s due date, a notice will be sent to the primary care provider.

This recall protocol is based on the recommendation of a BC Cancer Screening Primary Care Provider Working Group. If you have any questions, please contact the BC Cancer Cervix Screening program at screening@bccancer.bc.ca or 604 877-6000 (ext. 675365).
—Javis Lui
Leader, Screening Promotions

This post has not been peer reviewed by the BCMJ Editorial Board.

Bonnie Bagdan says: reply

This new protocol is a great safety net to ensure patients receive the follow up necessary for their best health. Even if the family physician (FP) is extremely diligent, sometimes abnormal results get “missed” for several reasons out of the FP’s control. Programs such as this reduce that burden from being fully on the family physician.

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