Author profile

George Szasz, CM, MD

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Mother’s Day is upon us this year on Sunday, 13 May with the flowers, cards, and special breakfasts. It is wonderful to celebrate the person who carried us in her womb, gave birth to us, and nurtured us. Throughout... Read More

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In her April President’s Comment [BCMJ 2018;60:143], Dr Trina Larsen Soles does not express any fear that she will be replaced by a machine, but she feels that our profession needs balance: “science is essential, but... Read More

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On 8 March 2018, International Women’s Day, you would not expect to read a blog post focused on a male caregiver, but please hear me out.  For over 2 years my wife, in her advanced state of dementia, has been... Read More

Burning toast
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I turned on my computer this morning and clicked on the Google webpage to do a search on aphasia, and, in particular, on Pierre Paul Broca, the celebrated neuroanatomist of the 1850s. To my irritation the Google logo... Read More
