Author profile

George Szasz, CM, MD

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Learning by mistakes
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I read the May 2019 BCMJ editorial, “Mistaken,” with great sympathy for DRR. My stomach gave a lurch as I recalled hereto-suppressed memories of some of my mistakes from my practising past.  Literature exists on... Read More

Victorian pharmacy
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In most Canadian provinces the second Monday of May is observed as a statutory holiday. It is a day to honor the memory of Queen Victoria (1819–1901) and her historical era of the mid-to-late 1800s. From a medical... Read More

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“A man’s work is from sun to sun but a mother’s work is never done.” —Anonymous The Physician Moms Group is made up of 71 000 physician mothers from all over the globe. It was founded in 2014 to bring together women... Read More

A doctor stands in front of a Canada flag
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Today, 1 May, I am going to join many of my colleagues to thank and celebrate our medical teachers, our colleagues, and our patients too, on National Physicians’ Day in Canada.  Ever since I can remember, I... Read More

A senior man walks with a cane
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In the past few weeks I have been limping with a painful left hip—secondary to a bit of age-related osteoarthritis. Oh, to be young again! Or at least rejuvenated! Those thoughts crossed my mind twice in the past few... Read More

heart failure
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A recent news release from the Rochester Institute of Technology describes a revolutionary product to monitor patients with congestive heart failure in the comfort of their home. Researchers developed toilet seat–based... Read More

Grace, laughter, and love
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DRR’s March editorial touched me greatly [BCMJ 2019;61:61]. It was about his dementia-touched father’s journey and walking with him on that journey “with grace, love, and laughter.” Walking with my wife, who is being... Read More

sperm concerns
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Recently I came upon a complex article about the alarmingly low sperm counts and sperm concentrations of some of the 43 000 men measured between 1971 and 2013.[1] Using various statistical methods, the data were... Read More
