
Editorials / BY: Caitlin Dunne, MD, FRCSC October 2023
... made the decision to work part-time in my clinical practice. The change allows me more space for my nonclinical ...
MDs To Be / BY: Madeline McKenzie, BA May 2023
... you have the scar. There is a hollowness to resilience in practice, at least for me. I have profound sadness when ...
Letters / BY: Marko Yurkovich, MD, CCFP December 2023
... based on my experience as a family physician with years of practice in primary care, gaining access to a ...
Editorials / BY: David B. Chapman, MBChB October 2023
... answer is in the negative. Our local division of family practice has successfully attached thousands of patients over ...
Editorials / BY: Jeevyn K. Chahal, MD June 2023
... it is a “bizarre love triangle”—the physician, the practice, the partner. A triangle perched precariously, ... emotions when off duty. Western society reinforces this practice by warning us all against connecting too much with ...
Letters / BY: Robert H. Brown, MD, CCFP November 2023
As a family physician in practice in BC for 35 years, it is nice to see that our ... 24/7 access to the patients registered in a particular practice. They need to have enough members that there is no ...
MDs To Be / BY: Nicola Horwood, MD June 2023
... Choosing Wisely guidelines? Yes/No. What is your field of practice? Family medicine/Orthopaedic surgery. These ... to family physicians through local divisions of family practice and directly from local doctors. It was distributed ... that weight-bearing knee X-rays are likely a standard of practice for many practitioners, the following are possible ...
Letters / BY: Douglas J. Courtemanche, MD, MS, CRCSC January/February 2023
... that year! Later, when the two of us were both in practice at VGH, he gave anesthetics for my patients. He was ...
Letters / BY: Alister F. Frayne, MB ChB, MBA, CCFP, FCFP November 2023
... nurses, and other providers best suited to that practice, location, and population. Patient volume and ...
Letters / BY: Colette Davis, MD July/August 2023
... where this service can be accessed. Breast MRI, in my practice experience, is a resource so scarce that it is ...