
Letters / BY: Doug McFee, MD May 2008
... their AGM for several years. I personally contacted the people involved for the Law Society and arranged for this ...
Letters / BY: Paul K.B. Dagg, MD, FRCPC, October 2008
... ex­cellent one that highlights the challenges of care for people with concurrent developmental disability and mental ... “there is no acute mental health crisis resource for people with DD outside the usual emergency and inpatient ... Authority (NHA) for the past year.  We do not exclude people from admission on the basis of IQ and do admit clients ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Farsheed Hedayati-Vala, MD, July/August 2008
... central Bri­tish Columbia serves a population of 12 000 people. From September 2002 to December 2004 (2.5 years), 677 ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Lori d’Agincourt-Canning, MSc, MA, PhD, December 2008
... it provided access to genetic consultations for some people whose economic or personal situation would have ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Helen Novak Lauscher, PhD May 2008
For most people in British Columbia, the family physician provides an ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Nupura Krishnadev, MD, October 2008
... an elevated cardiovascular risk.  Studies suggest that people with schizophrenia are two to three times more likely ... frequency of diabetes has been found in the relatives of people with schizophrenia, suggesting a genetic association ... Competing interests None declared. Studies suggest that people with schizophrenia are two to three times more likely ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Catherine L. Weber, MD, FRCPC, July/August 2008
... kidney disease (CKD). In BC, there are at least 145 000 people with an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of less than 60 mL/min, and about 35 000 people whose physicians have actually identified CKD as a ... if you also include those at highest risk for CKD (people with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or both), this ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Borys Flak, MD, FRCPC, May 2008
... in­creases significantly after age 50.  More than 700 people die of CRC annually in BC alone, each losing an ...
Letters / BY: Joan L. Rush, LLB, November 2008
... of a community that recognizes and meets the needs of people with developmental disabilities, including their ...
Letters / BY: Ray Baker, MD January/February 2008
... and a regular family physician to substance-addicted people on Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside is clearly one of ... that homeless, socially unstable, and/or doctorless people are more likely to suffer from addictions (see  ...