
Editorials / BY: Romayne Gallagher, MD, CCFP(PC), FCFP November 2021
... that of failure to provide relief from suffering for people living with severe pain or shortness of breath. Access ...
Editorials, COVID-19 / BY: David R. Richardson, MD June 2021
... highs. Despite pleas from our provincial health officer, people continue to travel and are propagating viral spread ...
Back Page / BY: George Szasz, CM, MD December 2021
... today, Canada’s MAID law is under revision to include people with mental illness in the future. That will be an ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Antonia Hyman, MSc April 2020
... (e.g., avoid inappropriate terms such as “our Indigenous people,” which implies ownership). Develop protocols and ...
Letters / BY: Robert H. Brown, MD, CCFP January/February 2020
... long way behind those in Ontario. So, good luck to all the people who want to improve primary care. Babylon Health, pot ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Sympascho Young, MD December 2020
... of permanent pacemakers in otherwise young and healthy people, which in turn can lead to a lifetime of pulse ...
Premise / BY: Marjorie Dixon, MD, FRCSC, FACOG, REI July/August 2020
... of 2020. We can, and must, change the system so that the people treating patients are actually representative of the ...
Premise / BY: George Szasz, CM, MD May 2020
... auditory, or olfactory stimulation to the point that some people may feel intruded upon and react negatively. Today we ... circumstances, the interpersonal distance chosen by people depends on attitudes toward each other, as well as ... neighborhoods, cities, and even countries. Overall, people are resilient to short-term social distancing, ...
Premise / BY: Mark Elliott, MD, FRCPC April 2020
... mutation and natural selection. However, there are many people now questioning the completeness of these principles. ...
Editorials / BY: David R. Richardson, MD September 2020
... denouncing the often-violent treatment that people of color face when dealing with law enforcement. This ... norm. My parents were, by most accepted standards, good people who taught me to respect and treat everyone the same, ...