
Joint Collaborative Committees / BY: Ahmer A. Karimuddin, MD, FRCSC May 2022
... beliefs. As a start, the JCCs, with divisions of family practice and facility-based medical staff associations, are: ... through the JCCs that embed culturally safe care into practice. Here are a few examples. Cultural and community ...
Joint Collaborative Committees / BY: Alan Ruddiman, MBBCh, Dip PEMP, FRRMS November 2022
... artwork is now available to every doctor, medical practice, and medical workplace in BC. Its representation is ... Displaying this artwork prominently in your practice and workplace is one way of demonstrating that you ... patients. To request a free copy of the artwork for your practice or office, please complete this online form: ...
News March 2022
... is provided by the SSC, partnering with the General Practice Services Committee. In the past, free subscriptions ... for family doctors through their local division of family practice. The GPSC and SSC are two of four Joint ...
News / BY: Catherine Clelland, MD October 2022
In 2003, the BC Cancer Agency launched the Family Practice Oncology Network (FPON) to provide oncology ... 2023). Twice-yearly production of the Journal of Family Practice Oncology (spring and fall). The journal brings ... providers about the latest FPON news, educational updates, practice gems, and other BC Cancer primary care ...
News June 2022
... helping members navigate the operational side of running a practice—a one-stop shop to access targeted resources based on practice needs during all stages of a medical career. With ... well, which include support for: Transitioning to medical practice: ...
Clinical Articles, COVID-19 / BY: Tonia Tauh, MD, FRCPC March 2021
... that physicians were concerned about the safety of such a practice, our research group at Royal Columbian Hospital in ... hearing physicians’ concerns about the safety of such a practice, a research group at Royal Columbian Hospital in ...
News May 2021
... The JSC recognizes that COVID-19 has impacted professional practice. To broadly support physicians whose income may have ...
News December 2021
... member and chair of the Chilliwack Division of Family Practice. He was also instrumental in development of the ...
News, COVID-19 March 2021
... with input from BC specialist physicians and family practice leaders. They include encouraging immunization ...
Premise, COVID-19 / BY: Brandon Tang, MD, MSc September 2021
... temporarily granted provisional licences for independent practice without MCCQE certification. This contributed to a ... given their constantly evolving scope and settings of practice. For example, their employment is temporary, lasting ...