
Editorials / BY: Jeevyn K. Chahal, MD November 2022
... Physicians within a clinic have different styles of practice, see different volumes of patients, and work a ...
Editorials / BY: David B. Chapman, MBChB June 2022
... there is no incentive for family physicians to work in a practice that provides full-service longitudinal care. First, ... family physicians for the work they did outside of their practice—for example, committee work for the association. ... compensating us for the added costs of running an office practice, over and above what family physicians who don’t ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Veronic Clair, MD, PhD, CCFP, FRCPC May 2022
... demanding action, or joining the CYMHSU Community of Practice voices. Physicians can also identify and refer ...
Letters / BY: Suzanne Montemuro, MD, CCFP April 2022
... as fast as they can. Other family physicians are leaving practice to become surgical assistants or to practise virtual ...
Beyond Medicine / BY: Delilah Topic, MD, FRCPC November 2022
... that it is a concept rarely addressed in clinical practice. Throughout my years as a patient, I have often felt ...
President's Comment / BY: Ramneek Dosanjh, MD June 2022
... family doctors who are empowered by divisions of family practice at the grassroots level. Many don’t realize that ...
Letters / BY: Joanne Sinai, MD, MEd, FRCPC October 2022
... regarding informed consent for gender dysphoria. Clinical practice and informed consent must acknowledge less invasive, ...
Letters / BY: Joanne Sinai, MD, MEd, FRCPC April 2022
... approach. In addition, a systematic review of its clinical practice guidelines states that SOC7 “contains no list of ... could not be used by individuals or services to benchmark practice.”[ 2 ] Finland, Sweden, Norway, and the UK are ...
Letters / BY: Vaclav Hyrman, MD, FRCPC December 2022
... toxic organizational culture, a system-level problem. The practice of medicine is replete with unexpected and ... there must be a way around it. Having seen (in psychiatric practice) people suffering from symptoms of burnout ...
Premise, COVID-19 / BY: Brandon Tang, MD, MSc September 2021
... temporarily granted provisional licences for independent practice without MCCQE certification. This contributed to a ... given their constantly evolving scope and settings of practice. For example, their employment is temporary, lasting ...