
Letters / BY: Vaclav Hyrman, MD, FRCPC December 2022
... toxic organizational culture, a system-level problem. The practice of medicine is replete with unexpected and ... there must be a way around it. Having seen (in psychiatric practice) people suffering from symptoms of burnout ...
Beyond Medicine / BY: Hamish Hwang, MD, FRCSC, FACS July/August 2022
... costs, accommodation, and weekday time away from clinical practice. Examples of mentorships include one surgeon ...
Letters / BY: Jefferson Terry, MD PhD, FRCPC April 2022
... published in the journal [ BCMJ 2021;63:383-387 ]. The practice at BC Children’s and BC Women’s Hospitals is to ...
President's Comment / BY: Ramneek Dosanjh, MD June 2022
... family doctors who are empowered by divisions of family practice at the grassroots level. Many don’t realize that ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Emily Wiesenthal, BA March 2022
... for 100% of individuals to attain spermatogenesis.[25] In practice, the patient might be advised to perform a routine ... Furthermore, patients should be advised that the current practice is based on expert opinion, small case studies, and ... induce endometrial growth and receptivity. This is common practice for postmenopausal cisgender women who achieve ...
Letters / BY: Joanne Sinai, MD, MEd, FRCPC September 2022
... regarding informed consent for gender dysphoria. Clinical practice and informed consent must acknowledge less invasive, ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Sanya Ranchal, BSc April 2021
... day-3 embryo transfer, are less common in modern clinical practice. As a result, the incidence of ectopic pregnancy ...
Letters / BY: Kostas Panagiotopoulos, MD November 2021
... to order the scans to decrease unnecessary tests. In my practice, at least 75% of the scans I see in referrals did ...
President's Comment / BY: Matthew C. Chow, MD June 2021
... addressing the continually increasing cost of running a practice and the funding and provision of virtual services on ...
President's Comment, COVID-19 / BY: Matthew C. Chow, MD October 2021
... as well. The PHP will be engaging with divisions of family practice to increase the capacity to attach physicians to ...