
Clinical Articles, COVID-19 / BY: O. Maheshwari, MD November 2022
... and targeted information through Divisions of Family Practice. The program has received approximately 22 000 ... Comox Valley, and Rural and Remote Divisions of Family Practice to improve accessibility in anticipation of offering ... homework sheets so patients can print them for written practice. For those who prefer hard copies of the workbook, ...
Clinical Articles, COVID-19 / BY: Anthony W. Chow, MD, FACP, FRCPC May 2022
... also served as an educational tool in the principles and practice of infectious diseases. High standards were expected ... a pediatrician, he treated both adults and children in his practice. Dr Christopher Wong was the first infectious ...
Editorials / BY: Caitlin Dunne, MD, FRCSC November 2022
... concurrently balancing the daily pressures of running a practice while practising medicine. Flow is a means to ...
Editorials / BY: David R. Richardson, MD May 2022
... The idea is that a patient becomes part of a family practice where they can access primary care providers such as ...
Editorials / BY: Jeevyn K. Chahal, MD November 2022
... Physicians within a clinic have different styles of practice, see different volumes of patients, and work a ...
Editorials / BY: David J. Esler, MD, CCFP(EM) May 2022
... you are never going to see a new privately built family practice in Victoria again.” Nonetheless, recruiting ... Dr Velikovsky and her husband is expected to “build a practice panel from the more elderly and complex patients of ... While such patients have always been part of general practice, they require considerable expertise, patience, and ...
Editorials, COVID-19 / BY: David R. Richardson, MD July/August 2021
... just a few minutes earlier. Why are we so tired? In family practice we spend a fair bit of time and effort with minimal ...
News, COVID-19 March 2021
... with input from BC specialist physicians and family practice leaders. They include encouraging immunization ...
Letters, COVID-19 / BY: Tonia Tauh, MD, FRCPC April 2021
... Vigilance will be key in determining whether this practice can continue safely while vaccine supply is limited; ...
Premise, COVID-19 / BY: Brandon Tang, MD, MSc September 2021
... temporarily granted provisional licences for independent practice without MCCQE certification. This contributed to a ... given their constantly evolving scope and settings of practice. For example, their employment is temporary, lasting ...