
President's Comment / BY: Ramneek Dosanjh, MD July/August 2022
... a harmonious way. While there will always be conflict and people who disagree, imagine a world with more awareness, ...
Obituaries / BY: Lorne David Porayko, MD, FRCPC, CIM December 2022
... and this, along with his stocky build, often intimidated people. His gruff facade belied a gentle, generous heart and ...
President's Comment / BY: Ramneek Dosanjh, MD October 2022
... immigrants, displaced persons, aging populations, and people with underlying chronic health issues. On top of this, ...
President's Comment / BY: Ramneek Dosanjh, MD December 2022
... does now. It is in times of uncertainty and scarcity that people look to us for guidance and reassurance, and I do ...
President's Comment / BY: Ramneek Dosanjh, MD March 2022
... We spend our working lives taking care of other people’s health and well-being. But have we ever really ...
Obituaries / BY: Peter Kokan, MD November 2022
... being the centre of attention wherever he went. He loved people and loved telling stories, making speeches, or singing ...
Obituaries / BY: Jack and Ruth Albrecht September 2022
... He didn’t like the name Dealtry as it was difficult for people to pronounce, let alone spell, so he asked to be known ...
Obituaries / BY: Patrick Fay, MD September 2021
... feeling being that in order to understand a country or a people you had to understand the language. While she was a ...
Obituaries / BY: Paul Wright, MD September 2021
... Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver. Legacies are about people, and Pat created legacies. He was a leader and an ...
President's Comment / BY: Matthew C. Chow, MD September 2021
... What you want. We need to consider, ask, and learn how people want to be treated. In the same way that I cannot tell ... to describe as it can mean different things to different people, cultures, and generations. I describe it as a pattern of certain behaviors: honorable people keep their word, maintain confidences, tell the truth, ...