
Obituaries / BY: Sheila Pride, MD, May 2010
... he was nominated as one of Canada’s 50 most influential people and that same year he served as president of the ... appreciative of the attributes of each place and the people they visited.  After returning home from every trip, ...
Obituaries / BY: Carolyn van Schagen, MD, June 2010
... residency.  While there, she fell in love with the people, the bars, and the accents. Kerry then began her work ... always felt that she received as much as she gave to the people of Santa Clotilde.  Between times, she would raise ... Maurice Schroeder stated, “She chose to see the best in people and reflect it back to them.” Kerry lived as Mother ...
Letters / BY: Jim Busser, MD, FRCPC, MHSc, October 2010
... proposed that given the many opportunities for input that people now have (phone, e-mail, regular surveys, elections), ...
Obituaries / BY: Mark Schonfeld, MD, January/February 2010
... in BC and elsewhere in Canada. Don really cared about people. He was always there, ready to help individuals, ...
Obituaries / BY: Patricia O'Meara, December 2010
... with the Trillium Gift of Life. He enjoyed working with people from all over the world, from different backgrounds, ...
Letters / BY: Alexander Boggie, MD March 2010
... health care workers of the special role they have in people’s lives. Thank you for bringing this problem to ...
Letters / BY: John Dale, MD, May 2010
... her conclusion, “Worst of all, legalized euthanasia puts people who are suffering and vulnerable at risk, and no legal ...
Obituaries / BY: Barry Turchen, MD January/February 2009
... who asked. He was the voice of wisdom and compassion that people came to when they had a problem, and he took the time ...
Letters / BY: Albert W. Chan, MD, FRCPC, November 2009
... other among average surgical-risk patients.  While few people ever challenge the wisdom of treating asymptomatic ... in the CEA literature.  Similarly, in the past, few people ever challenged the surgeons to do combined cardiac ...
Obituaries / BY: Basil Ho Yuen, MBChB, June 2009
... Fred related well to a wide range of very different people. He appointed faculty from strikingly different ...