
President's Comment / BY: Matthew C. Chow, MD November 2021
... colleagues on the front lines, people working in public health, politicians, government employees, health care researchers, and teachers … the list goes on. ... to contribute to it. I’m going to keep sending thank-you notes to people. I’m going to keep encouraging people who ...
Letters / BY: Shelley Ross, MD January/February 2020
... the foundation for efficient, effective, and sustainable health care is well supported by evidence and is now being acknowledged broadly by government policymakers, health care administrators, and our medical associations as ... for change, however, goes beyond compensation. As Dr Brown notes, physicians need to be supported by a network that ...
News, COVID-19 October 2020
A team from Lawson Health Research Institute and Western University has made ... blood samples from critically ill patients at London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC). They build on a growing body ... statistical methods and artificial intelligence. The team notes that predicting a patient’s disease severity can help ...
Premise, COVID-19 / BY: Brandon Tang, MD, MSc September 2020
Since COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, each day has come with new announcements ... our Canadian borders have closed in the spirit of public health and safety. In the midst of these changes, the ... employers to abandon the practice of asking for sick notes,[ 18 ] public health offices are offering a general ...
Editorials / BY: Yvonne Sin, MD November 2019
... to her GP, they only discussed them in their consultation notes. Third, for various reasons, she often had her CT scans ... allowed to do so. The responsibility for knowing your own health history should be shared between you as the patient and your health care provider. Steps are being taken to allow patients ...
President's Comment / BY: Kathleen Ross, MD June 2019
... office day in my community family practice. Periodic health/preventive exams, and geriatric and counseling visits ... 8:30 a.m. patients arrive seeking advice from the trusted health care professional that has looked after them for 26 ... their care. I am “the best doctor ever.” Several chart notes, care planning reviews, diagnostic forms, referrals, a ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Charuka Maheswaran, MD May 2018
... to lack running water than other Canadians.[ 3 ] Boyd notes that the “disparity between water quality on and off ... as they see fit.[ 4 ] Because of the Canada Labour Code, Health Canada has installed water treatment systems for their employees (sent to provide health care for local peoples) so that they can have access ...
Editorials / BY: Rona E. Cheifetz, MD, MEd, FRCSC, FACS March 2018
... for breast cancer of 88%,[ 1 ] while an American source notes that patients with stage I disease are currently felt ... Brenda Lau, and Alan Nichol use their experience in Fraser Health and the Provincial Health Services Authority to address some of the physical ...
Editorials / BY: Ehud Ur, MBBS, FRCPC November 2018
... or obese.[ 1 ] DC estimates that the cost to the BC health care system of diabetes-related hospitalizations, ... doing about the present danger and anticipated tsunami of health care costs? The Diabetes Charter for Canada[ 7 ] has ... conflicting recommendations for diabetes management and notes that Therapeutics Initiative messages disseminated to ...
President's Comment / BY: Eric Cadesky, MDCM, CCFP, FCFP June 2018
... I’m at work so late. If I leave before dictating all my notes and returning all my calls, then I feel guilty about ... right. That practising medicine should be good for our health too. That we need to channel our frustrations. That ... and advanced access and 24-7 imaging and digital health, all begging to be scaled. We have a new governance ...