
Obituaries / BY: David Harder, MD, July/August 2012
... Rondeau—also his best friend, enjoyed the culture and people of Chemainus, where Larry worked with two family ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Andrew J. Juren, MD, May 2012
... also shows im­provement with smoking cessation, even in people who have already developed symptoms. The forced ... them toward complete abstinence. Summary   Millions of people die prematurely each year as a result of smoking. ... health risks of smoking are well known, yet millions of people die prematurely each year due to the damaging effects ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Lloyd Oppel, MD, MHSc, FCFP(Em) December 2012
... in our charge. The 1918 flu epidemic killed 50 million people worldwide—more than the number of deaths in the ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Nadia A. Khan, MSc, MD October 2012
... (HOT) trial, which involved randomly assigning 18790 people to a DBP of 90 mm Hg or less, 85 mm Hg or less, and 80 ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Bill Mackie, MD May 2012
... biochem­­ist T. Colin Campbell, concludes that people whose diet consists of high con­sumption of ... likely.  Campbell examined the diet and lifestyle of 6500 people and discovered that those people who ate less than 20% animal protein failed to develop ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Hamish Hwang, MD, FRCSC, FACS March 2012
... future over the next 25 to 30 years as the number of people in this age group is projected to increase to 24% by ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Simon W. Rabkin, MD, FRCPC, FACC October 2012
... practising today in our multicultural society must treat people from many different backgrounds. The beliefs and past ...
Point Counterpoint / BY: Lloyd Oppel, MD, MHSc, FCFP(Em) June 2012
... care” can all mean different things to different people.  All of the foregoing labels can be used to describe ... we live in a libertarian society where, within limits, people have the freedom to make choices other than the most ... who will note that the Samueli Institute is headed by people trained in “mind/body methods, spiritual healing, ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Hamish Hwang, MD, FRCSC, FACS January/February 2012
... number of general surgeons in Canada is 5.0 per 100 000 people.[ 1 ] In BC we currently have 4.0 general surgeons for every 100 000 people and the number has been as low as 3.3 in 2002.[ 1 ] The United States has 7.1 general surgeons per 100 000 people, which is much closer to the ideal number needed to ...
Council on Health Promotion / BY: Kathleen Cadenhead, MD October 2011
... Do we need supplements? If so, which ones, and when? Most people do not need supplements. The majority of individuals ...