
Back Page / BY: Conrad Moralis, MD, May 2008
... in Vancouver, at times approach­ing sleeping homeless people, leaving a cup by their side and walking away.  When ... husband wanted to call him Jesus, but the Vital Statistics people told us that Jesus was not a proper name for a child ...
Clinical Articles / BY: David Snadden, MBChB, MCISc, MD, FRCGP, FRCP (Edin) September 2008
... and specialists translate into significant problems for people living in those communities.[ 1 ]  The Northern ... first integrated clerkships in towns of fewer than 10000 people started in the fall of 2007. Expanding the medical ... underserved areas.  Until then, there are thousands of people across the province—from small community groups ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Carolyn Steinberg, MD, FRCPC, May 2007
... by the process of being fed. This involves at least two people, surrounded by the family network, which in turn is ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Paul Ian Steinberg, MD, FRCPC, July/August 2007
... tone of voice. She mentioned having impulses to mutilate people in public places, then showed no awareness of how this ... suspicions regarding the motivations and behavior of many people, including other group members. At these times he ...
Clinical Articles / BY: H. Grant Stiver MD, FRCPC June 2007
... influenza strains to the point where more than 90% of people are resistant and it is no longer recommended for ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Mark Fok, MD, FRCPC September 2007
... hours for work and sleep per week. Research suggests people may overestimate or underestimate self-reported ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Danuta M. Skowronski, MD, FRCPC June 2007
... back   Pandemics, from the Greek pan (all) and demos (people), are caused by the emergence of novel pathogens ... estimates, the influenza pandemic of 1918–19 killed more people worldwide (50 to 100 million) in a matter of months ... as having “felt it most” while “children and old people escaped entirely or were affected in a slighter ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Hin Hin Ko, MD November 2007
... status, level of educational debt, and desire to work with people, were not considered. Lastly, the study sample was ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Réka Gustafson, MD, MSc, MHSc, FRCPC June 2007
... virus causes clinically severe illness. At such a time, people will try to reduce exposure to the pandemic virus by avoiding crowds and improving personal hygiene. People may also expect authorities to impose restrictions to ... symptomatic. Once there is transmission in the community, people will be exposed in multiple settings, and the ...
Back Page / BY: Graham C. Fraser, FRCS, FACS January/February 2007
... formula which means different things to different people—to some, dread, alarm, revulsion, grief, while to ...