
Letters / BY: Tim McDowell, MD, November 2007
... of Skeptic Magazine, has published a book called Why People Believe Weird Things, and had to have a chapter in it titled, “Why Smart People Believe Weird Things.” In a nutshell, the answer is ...
Letters / BY: Anthony J. Salvian, MD November 2007
... and given permanent brain damage by hooligans, even the people of Willowdale might want to see jail time measured in ...
Letters / BY: Bob Henderson, MD, November 2007
... and treatment. By keeping these young, vulnerable people healthy we will promote community wellness by reducing ...
Letters / BY: Bruce Williams, MD, November 2007
... time. Certainly crime needs to be taken seriously and most people clearly are to be held responsible for their actions. ... us as medical professionals. Piling on penalties, throwing people into jail, and removing youth from their communities ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Jason Andrade, MD, FRCPC, December 2007
... and, even more remarkably, the attitudes of millions of people. Dr Paffenbarger’s influence will be felt for years ...
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