
Clinical Articles / BY: Omair Arshad, MD July/August 2022
... use is increasing at an alarming rate among young people. Hammond and colleagues found that in their ... that e-cigarettes may be a risk factor leading people toward combustible cigarette use. A meta-analysis ... meaning that there are common factors that drive people to use both combustible and e-cigarettes, but the two ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Marshall Dahl, MD, PhD, FRCPC January/February 2022
... to understand an individual’s needs. For example, some people who identify as nonbinary in the transmasculine ... Endocrine treatment of transgender and gender-diverse people ...
Editorials / BY: Cynthia Verchere, MD June 2022
... called FI/RE (Financial Independence/Retiring Early) where people look for ways to not have long careers. What many ... . How even when being careful and vaccinated and masked people could die as a result of their short-term choices. The ... that we studiously looked away so as to keep to our path. People and wonderful moments are truly fleeting, and we may ...
Editorials / BY: Caitlin Dunne, MD, FRCSC November 2022
... and personal morals. In contrast, extrinsically motivated people are driven to behave by external sources such as ...
Clinical Articles, COVID-19 / BY: Rahana Harjee, MD, FRCSC April 2022
... pre- and mid-pandemic. These results are reassuring to people seeking fertility treatment, many of whom might ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Elizabeth Purssell, MD, MSc September 2022
... in a health authority with a catchment area of 1.9 million people or more. Royal Columbian Hospital sees approximately ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Ingrid Cosio, MD, CCFP January/February 2022
Transgender, gender-diverse, and Two-Spirit people who access gender-affirming care have elevated rates ... harassment, and violence.[ 2 , 4 ] Gender-diverse people report barriers to accessing health care, and lower ... to the health and well-being of gender-diverse people. Improving access to care Accessibility to and quality ...
Editorials / BY: Yazdan Mirzanejad, MD, DTM&H, FRCPC, FACP June 2022
... a global health emergency that kills at least 700 000 people per year. If no action is taken, this rate is ...
MDs To Be / BY: Alessandro Cau, BSc (Hons) November 2022
Background Four million people currently live with chronic kidney disease in Canada, ...
Editorials / BY: David R. Richardson, MD April 2022
... Ukraine and we are into year 2 of a global pandemic. People are discouraged and tired. Public patience is being ... they can also be kind, caring, and generous. Focusing on people’s potential for goodness can help us deal with the ... has been an outpouring of well-wishes and support for the people of Ukraine from millions of regular citizens around ...