
Letters / BY: John Dale, MD, April 2014
... conclusion that assisted suicide legislation will pressure people to choose suicide, but it will give many the ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Kasandra Harriman, MD, CCFP, November 2014
... morbidity and mortality,[ 1 ] especially among elderly people, who are more likely to have comorbid conditions and ... of medication effects in older patients. Elderly people living in residential care facilities are at ...
Letters / BY: Allan Donkin, MD, June 2014
... the influence that assisted suicide would have on people who consider themselves a burden on others. In an ... and it is an attempt to play on the loyalties of people who feel strongly about a different issue in order to ... comparison. What is unique about terminal illness is that people frequently find themselves increasingly dependent and ...
Letters / BY: Sonya Kashyap, MD, November 2014
... and the mother. As physicians we know this, and we counsel people about this, but in general we don’t always do our ...
Letters / BY: Bill Cavers, MD July/August 2014
... the public, we found we had low name recognition. Many people didn’t know who we were or what we did. We also ...
Letters / BY: Jerry Nussbaum, May 2013
... rights, and pediatrician, has not ceased to inspire people who become acquainted with his work and philosophy.  ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Jean-François Kozak, PhD, March 2013
Prior to the Second World War, highly dependent elderly people unable to live on their own received care through a ...
Letters / BY: Robert Shepherd, MD December 2013
... an additional 35 individuals were injured.” Many older people have no insight into their cognitive decline. I have ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Paul J. Yong, MD, PhD, FRCSC June 2013
... poor function may be refer­red to community resources for people living with disabilities, chronic pain, or both. A ... of Victoria, and patient-led organizations such as the People in Pain Network. Work also began in September 2012 on ...
Letters / BY: Shahzad Anwar, March 2013
... health-related information on the Internet.[ 1 ] These people tend to focus on the worst-case scenario and often ...