
Clinical Articles / BY: Joanna Cheek, MD, FRCPC October 2019
... cause of chronic illness in Canada. In 2016 one in five people were affected by a mental illness, nearly twice the ... psychologist typically falls under the private system for people with mild-to-moderate symptoms, making cost a major ... burden of stigma concerning mental health conditions. Many people with mental health conditions describe this stigma as ...
Premise / BY: James M. Wright, MD, PhD, FRCPC April 2019
... should not be surprising if health care professionals and people with type 2 diabetes are confused or frustrated by the ...
President's Comment / BY: Eric Cadesky, MDCM, CCFP, FCFP March 2019
... doesn’t decry failure—surely we can find ways to allow people to give their time, ideas, and feedback. Sure, there ...
President's Comment / BY: Kathleen Ross, MD June 2019
... generated by the necessary care of other patients. Most people are very understanding, some less so. The 90-year-old ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Erika Ono, MSW, RSW April 2019
... and her parents. She is nonverbal and gets very upset if people talk about her in her presence. Harpreet is only ...
Editorials / BY: David B. Chapman, MBChB September 2019
... work that brought me into contact with many memorable people who were far removed from my way of life—alcoholics, ...
Editorials / BY: David R. Richardson, MD March 2019
... I feel less guilty because I remind myself that making people laugh has been his lifelong mission. Recently friends ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Gordon J.D. Cochrane, Ed. D., R. Psych. June 2019
... partner in a life-enhancing relationship as well. What people in loving primary relationships have in common is an ... their primary relationship comes first. High-performing people in many fields have to deal with the demands, time ... are created by two self-aware, emotionally healthy people. Successful physicians who want such a relationship ...
Premise / BY: Mark Elliott, MD, FRCPC May 2019
... results are positive, negative, or indifferent. Second, people are discussing cognitive biases more openly. There is ...
Back Page / BY: Jim Petzold, MD September 2019
... to share in some of the most meaningful events in so many people’s lives. All in all, it’s been a pretty good ...