
Clinical Articles / BY: Harvey Thommasen, MD, MSc, FCFP May 2002
... British Columbia’s rural communities of fewer than 7000 people are between 60% and 80%. [5]  If a community has 10 ... Typical retention rates for communities with 7000 or more people are higher, between 85% to 90%. A recent decrease in ... of physician services, and ultimately, better care for the people living in under-serviced rural Canada. [20-23] ...
Clinical Articles / BY: J. Ellen Anderson, MD October 2002
... situation is hopeless? Yes No 15. Do you think that most people are better off than you? Yes No Scoring “No” to ... TV.         h. Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed.  Or the opposite; being so ... work, take care of things at home, or get along with other people? Not difficult at all Somewhat difficult Very ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Robert Ferrari, MD, FRCPC June 2002
... and neither being part of a single disease process. People are exposed to injuries during many phases of their ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Erin E. Michalak, PhD October 2002
... a large proportion of their time diagnosing and treating people with emotional or psychiatric problems. [6]   Yet ... been increasingly recognized that a large proportion of people who become depressed will develop either a chronic or ...
Clinical Articles / BY: James R. Taylor, MD, PhD June 2002
... in 138 spines, covering a wide age range, but mainly young people, frequency peaking at 20 to 25 years. The most common ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Paul C. Adams, MD March 2002
... only two cases? The patient sample contained 60% white people, so it would have been expected that three to four ... NIH has begun (the HEIRS study) which will screen 100,000 people (including 20,000 Canadians in London and Toronto). ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Gunter P. Siegmund, PhD, PEng June 2002
... as a site of chronic pain in many whiplash-injured people. Clinical Articles The biomechanics of whiplash injury ...
Clinical Articles / BY: E. Jane Garland, MD, FRCPC November 2002
... in the young and the old.  Detecting depression in young people Prevalence and risk factors While major depressive ... severe episodes. Recurrence rates for depression in young people are even higher than those in adults, with at least ... cheering-up in the presence of peers, and in all young people, mood may be more reactive than in adults with ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Bruce Fleming, MD June 2002
... not indicate a specific diagnosis of whiplash. [2]  Young people in particular can often reverse the lordotic curve ... may also reveal the degenerative changes common to older people. A variety of radiographic features indicate ...
Clinical Articles / BY: H.C. George Wong, MD, FRCPC May 2002
... products—some with a long tradition of use—many people consider them safe and side-effect free. There are ... are frequently used by the general population. Many people consider them to be without side effects. A case of ...