
Clinical Articles / BY: Elizabeth Purssell, MD, MSc September 2022
... in a health authority with a catchment area of 1.9 million people or more. Royal Columbian Hospital sees approximately ...
Obituaries / BY: Mary Conley, MD June 2022
... zest for life. She always looked for the good in people, made friends easily, and was full of cheer and good ...
Obituaries / BY: Peter Kokan, MD November 2022
... being the centre of attention wherever he went. He loved people and loved telling stories, making speeches, or singing ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Emily Wiesenthal, BA March 2022
... gender identity. Transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) people express interest in parenthood at similar rates as ... as transgender or gender-diverse, and 40% to 54% of TGD people desire to be parents.[ 1 , 2 ] Overall, a small but ... it is essential that health care providers counsel TGD people about the options for fertility preservation before ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Mira Keyes, MD, FRCPC September 2022
... has become a popular umbrella term for whatever distresses people in their work.[ 26 ] Recently published studies ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Maggie Wong, PharmD, ACPR June 2022
... effort, antimicrobial resistance is predicted to kill more people than cancer by the year 2050.[ 1 ] The human cost is ...
MDs To Be / BY: Alessandro Cau, BSc (Hons) November 2022
Background Four million people currently live with chronic kidney disease in Canada, ...
Clinical Articles, COVID-19 / BY: Rahana Harjee, MD, FRCSC April 2022
... pre- and mid-pandemic. These results are reassuring to people seeking fertility treatment, many of whom might ...
Obituaries / BY: Jack and Ruth Albrecht September 2022
... He didn’t like the name Dealtry as it was difficult for people to pronounce, let alone spell, so he asked to be known ...
Clinical Articles / BY: Marshall Dahl, MD, PhD, FRCPC January/February 2022
... to understand an individual’s needs. For example, some people who identify as nonbinary in the transmasculine ... Endocrine treatment of transgender and gender-diverse people ...