
President's Comment / BY: Joshua Greggain, MD July/August 2023
... I do with that power is most important. Do I hold it over people, or do I use it to help empower others? And when it comes to love, I love a few people a lot . I care about many others. And I care for many ...
Back Page / BY: David May, MD, CCFP October 2023
... play in qathet, on the traditional lands of the Tla'amin people. The name “qathet” was gifted to the then Powell ... dominant culture decide whether the harms done to Tla'amin people and our rights outweigh their attachment to ...
President's Comment / BY: Joshua Greggain, MD May 2023
... but it does give me pause to think about how I recognize people in my professional life. Am I someone who takes a lot ...
Letters / BY: Michelle Hawkins, BSc (Hons) September 2023
... Letters “Health” requires more than health care for people in supportive housing ...
President's Comment / BY: Joshua Greggain, MD September 2023
... and implement the health-care rights of Aboriginal people as identified in international law, constitutional ... address the jurisdictional disputes concerning Aboriginal people who do not reside on reserves, we call upon the ...
Editorials / BY: Caitlin Dunne, MD, FRCSC April 2023
According to Statistics Canada, there are over 5.3 million people in British Columbia,[ 1 ] and nearly one-quarter of ... question: for a condition that affects nearly 1.3 million people in our province, why aren’t we talking more about ... diagnosis. It is a normal process in the lives of people with ovaries, wherein egg supplies have been depleted, ...
Editorials / BY: Michael Schwandt, MD, MPH December 2023
Drug poisoning is the leading cause of death among people aged 10 to 59 in BC and takes six lives per day in the ... harms in BC. Due to stigma and risk of legal punishment, people using drugs often avoid contact with the health care ... relative to the need. While approximately 100 000 people in BC have diagnosed opioid use disorder, and as many ...
Editorials / BY: Caitlin Dunne, MD, FRCSC January/February 2023
... with beta-carotene possibly increasing lung cancer risk in people who smoke or are exposed to asbestos. Regarding single ... their conclusions do not apply to children, hospitalized people, or those with a chronic illness or nutritional ... appealing targets for any intervention intended to improve people’s lives. Canadians spend over $4 billion[ 5 ] ...
Premise / BY: Jan Hajek, MD October 2023
... large extent within their jurisdiction.” Our concern for people faced with unjust oppression or systemic violence ... on well-planned plant-based diets.[ 7 ] Yes, there are people in the world who still depend on raising animals like cows for their sustenance. There are also people who currently depend on the trade of endangered wild ...
Premise / BY: R. Eric Demers, BSc, CCPA, CD September 2023
... population is concentrated in 5% of the land mass.[ 1 ] People living in rural and remote communities often have to ... of health in at-risk populations, including Indigenous people, who have a higher rural representation. Policies ... system-wide innovations when there are shortages of people to fill roles; national coordination of professional ...